Best Thread Capital Spreads


we are just (v soon) upgrading our demo site to include rolling bets

the nasdaq 100 rolling cash will be included when that happens

S'okay Simon,
I know what it's like to try to keep things coordinated, especially website stuff.... keeping the docs updated can be a chore.
Summa sumarum...

Greeting, Simon - et al!

Having just spend the best of two days reading through this loooong thread, I feel like I have earned the right to add my two pips to the conversation.

I have been trying out CS demo for a while (as have a few of my friends) and have found it consistant, mostly userfriendly ... and then there are the spreads which are really good. I now have an account with CS.
Any problems that I have encountered have been found to be down to the demo and would not occur on the live platform.
The latest change of looks on the platform, although purely cosmetic, are a welcome improvement too. Well done!

I do, however - and you knew it was coming - have a few things I would like to mention. I am not the first to point these out as I have gleened from this extensive thread, and feel it wouldn't hurt to sumarise them:

1. Stopp loss - Although I understand fully the need to enforce clients to have a S/L, making one up for us is not helpful. It can be changed after the order has been placed (or triggered), but I will stipulate that most - if not all - will opt to change your suggested one immidiately (you might prove me wrong on this one, though I can't imagine so). I - and I hope I speak for others too - would find it much more usefull if I could dictate the the S/L at the time I made the bet, as opposed to afterwards. If you still like your suggested S/L, nothing to hinder you from prefilling the box with it. This would also take care of part of the contingency orders suggested.

2. Limits - Same as above, really. I would presonallyl prefer that I could just specify the limit on the opening bet (be it market or limit in itself) up front. I don't mind it being separate tickets/orders when filled/executed. It would just make it so much friendlier to be able to specify all aspects of a bet in one place (as per above too).

Note that points one and two would actually give you most of the contingency order functionality in an elegant and userfriendly way.

3. Opening hours - Yes, I hear you sigh and think 'not again'. I just wanted to say that, from reading this thread, it is, contrary to your own assesment, something on people's collective mind. You might again prove me wrong as you have a larger customer base to compare too.. To treat electronic trading as an overnight gab when most people trade with you via an electronic platform is almost an oxymoron. You did inform us that all bets are manual executed, thus demanding staffing overnight which is probably the explanation. Still, it would probably get you more customers. Also, I think I can speak for a few when I say that it is not the actually trading during the night, but rather the knowledge that if the market goes against me, my S/L will be executed. I think I would sleep better without the fear of waking up to a margin call at 7 in the morning (even if you say that, statistically, it is often just a spike so it works to my advantage.)

4. S/L visibility - Minor point, really, but it would be ideal if I were able to see active S/L on any given bet in the Open Positions area. Posibly any limit too, if space allows.

5. Stake visibility - When placing a bet, it is important to me to see what the stake is. I cannot do that, short of refering to your PDF file prior to opening any bet. A good example is the New S&P. A mistake here would cost me tenfold. (Maybe this is academic as I don't know how often this changes, but that is the point exactly: I don't know). If that information could somehow be fitted into the Open Bet box, it would really be helpful. Makes sense too, as this is where you OK the contract and it is always good to know what you are OK'ing. (Alternatively, stating the exposure in cash could do as it would give pretty much the same info.)

For the reasons above, I find myself still having to use my 'older' (IG) broker for many bets. They do - my apologies - have a slight up on you regarding platform and hours as per the above points - but I certainly pay for it too! Getting just some of the above in would really be a incentive to stick with CS only.

Simon, let me - please - stress that the above is critisism and negative in nature, but for each of the points, I can find two or more good things to say about you. They are meant as suggestions, and by reading this thread, I don't think it would be unreasonable to say that many would like to see them.
All in good spirit, naturally.

I have one last question - either for Simon or someone else who have understood and don't mind setting me straight:
Our bid offer should at all times reflect the relevant real futures bid and offer but it must be realised that sometimes our price will be out of line with the futures because our price only updates every 1-2 seconds (which can be a long time in financial markets).
I am only trading futures (S&P, Dow, Crude, Gold, FTSE, USDEUR, USDGBP). If I understand you right, as long as I find your markets with a months attached (mainly quaterly), I should be able to take it as read that your numbers are exaclty that of the underlying future?
I did get some doubt as you did state that the FX was derived from the spot prices. Was this with reference to daily rolling (cash) only or does that go for the quaterly contracts too?

Sorry if I am being slow on this one. I would really appreciate it if someone would set me straight. I find it hard enough to read the market without having to add further calculations on top of the futures curves. 😕

Lastly, thank you for always taking the time. It has been this thread that made me even consider CS in the first place! Apparently, I am far from being the only one, so it is paying off.

All the best...
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Hi simon....

I've been testing your demo account for just over a week mainly helping a family member get more comfortable with trading ....Nothing spectacular just a pound here & there for intra day day scalping.... 😱

Anyway I keep noticing the price "flicking" here's an example I captured a few Min's ago... Is this normal not to have a consistent 5 tick spread??

I trade the ES direct so this is all relatively new to me... 😱

Is the feed the for your prices the SP H5 contract or am I looking at the wrong one :?:


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You have to flicker your eyes in synch to get the real price. LOL. Welcome to the 'real world'. 🙂
I gotta trade that - my AMZN trade moved 8c between hitting the 'close trade' button and getting the darn thing signed, sealed and delivered! I've nailed turns in AMZN about 3 times on the trot today, (and one trade I'll gloss over) and the darn price has bounced like a kangaroo all over the place - I WOULD be kind of interested to know why there's such a delay involved, the quoted price on AMZN touched 9c away from the ASK when I closed the last one, albeit for less than 30 secs... surely the CS price is set at 'our datafeed plus x cents' and ought to move as quickly as the actual share price on the market? I know there's a touch of sour grapes in this, but when the 1 minute bar has a range of 20c it's a bit annoying to find CS price moving 10c in the same period. I guess I'm just wondering why most of this isn't automated - why does a human being apparently process orders, instead of the computer matching/processing them with some human oversight instead?

It's your game - these aren't huge issues, they're just things I think are inclined to work against the punter - I can see no advantage to the customer from having bets processed manually, or from having the price apparently lag realtime prices so that the small moves don't appear on the SB site despite featuring on the actual share prices on the market.
I also vote for (1) and (3) from Jyde - (3) really hits me, as my trading 'window' is quite limited, and the worry of an opening gap etc is very offputting.
DaveJB said:
(3) really hits me, as my trading 'window' is quite limited, and the worry of an opening gap etc is very offputting. Dave
Yup ... I'm with Jyde, and Dave, on this one. I have very little cause for complaint about Capital Spreads and many nice things to say about them (some of which you can find dotted about these boards) but longer opening hours would make a dramatic difference, Simon. I feel sure that in the long run you'd gain far more than you might lose in the short-term.

thanks for your questions

1 we are addressing many of your points re order placing before trading BUT the problem is many people find it difficult to calculate, quickly, how far way they can place stops etc and this will lead to deals being rejected because the requested stop level is not available due to margin limit requirements ...and if the dealing ticket starts to get too complicated this will put a great number of client off as they will start to think that it is becoming too difficult. We still get alot of new clients who think that the 'order' button is the 'trade' button and cannot understand why they are not getting their deals done (!!) or then wonder why a deal suddenly appears on the account two weeks later when the order that they accidently placed is filled.

2. we are building a more versatile order functionality ..with contingent orders etc...
we are also looking at linking the order book to the new deal done ticket so that when a deal has been done you will also be asked 'do you want to amend your stop/create a limit' and you can then be taken to the amend order ticket. It is unlikely that we will include this in the initial dealing 'pop up' as this would then make the popup too unwieldy.

3. we are commisioning an automated after hours dealing funtionality (in FX mainly) which will allow clients to trade in limited size after 21.15 and before 07.00. This system will only allow limited deal size and will not allow large position building. (Sorry! but we will have to protect ourselves against incorrect price inputs occuring at 2 in the morning !)

4. this one is definately a little further down the line... it is not expected to be ready until autumn or even later... but it has been raised by several people .

5. mmmmm... an interesting point and not one that has been raised before...I will look into it to see the cost of this kind of upgrade but (again) I must emphasize that we want to try to keep the dealing ticket as 'clean' as possible to avoid confusion. I think that you will find that all of our products are pretty much industry standard on tick size (which was why we changed the S&P tick size)

our bid/offer price in futures equvalent bets should always be around the futures price (otherwise we will be offering an arbitrage situation. As I continually state "we never bias our prices" no matter what the position we hold. (that does not mean that we occasionally dont make a mistake with fair values as we are only human but the difference between the 'cash' or 'rolling' price and the futures price should remain constant all day.

our FX prices are all priced off the spot price... the futures prices are calculated on interest rate differentials between the two currencies. We do not use the FX futures markets as these are far too illiquid.


No !! this is not normal (and is a new one on me) I dont think it happens on the live site (or if it does nobody has told us!!)... if it continues please call our customer service desk and they will get the technical bods onto it. 0207 600 0122.

dave jb

A bit difficult to comment on this as our systems are automated to the extent of giving out quotes. You must remember that our quote are based upon the Bid/Offer NOT the last trade. and you must also remember that in the US you cannot 'sell' shares (i.e.'hit a bid') all you can do is 'offer' them at a price and hope that someone buys them off you. (obviously this means that occasionally people offer through the market to ensure that they get taken.) This has the effect that frequently although the shares may be trading at 44.05 the actual bid/offer may be 44.05 - 44.20 (because someone offered at a low price and all the bids took him out leaving a gap in the bid/offer) instead of the normal 2 or 3 cents. 'Our quote' will then be based around this price NOT around the trading price of 44.05.

I hope that last one was clear

If I have missed anything please tell me

Firstly, I apologise if this issue has been put to CS previously on this massive thread – I don’t have time to read through the whole thing right now. And please bear with me – I need to set the scene first!

A friend of mine who subscribes to a professional horse race tipping service has been through a particularly successful period recently, and although he’s not placing very large bets (£100 e/w in most cases on fairly low priced horses i.e. below 5-1), he has found that the bookmakers he uses have begun to limit his betting. For example, when placing an account telephone bet recently, he was limited to a £50 e/w bet from his requested £150 e/w bet. On this occasion he asked for an explanation and was told that due to the timing and horse selections he was making, they were aware that he was using a well known (to them) successful tipping service and that they were obliged to limit his betting in light of his recent success. On that occasion the horse lost anyway, so the tactic backfired on the bookie, but nevertheless the idea that punters who consistently win are blocked in this kind of way is not a new topic to those interested in SB’ing.

Now, to my question, which should be fairly obvious by now! I’ve read a number of posts on various threads re:SB’ing where people claim to have had this type of experience with some SB companies (and I’m not suggesting CS is on of them). This usually sparks off a discussion about whether a) the SB companies hedge some or all positions, and/or whether b) the SB companies effectively “discourage” consistently successful clients by methods such as limiting maximum stakes, poor (delayed) trade execution and in some cases I’ve read, flat refusal to quote altogether! This then inevitably leads to a discussion regarding the advantages/disadvantages of DA trading over SB etc.

Seeing as CS has a good reputation for treating customers in an honest manner, I just wondered if I might get a frank and honest answer from you, Simon, on this subject please? I’m unfortunately not in a position to start worrying about being a consistent winner (yet!), but I really would like to know if this is something any of us need to worry about, and your comments in general on this subject would be interesting to, say the least.

capitalspreads said:

No !! this is not normal (and is a new one on me) I dont think it happens on the live site (or if it does nobody has told us!!)... if it continues please call our customer service desk and they will get the technical bods onto it. 0207 600 0122.

Thank you Simon for taking the time to respond....

It does flick quite often...I watch the SP H5 & the ES H5 & compaired your prices...your daily Dow future is more stable when compairing the YM...

I have to say though I've been teaching some intraday scalping techniques this last week & we've still managed to take over £300 just playing with £ 1 stakes even with the iffy prices... 😱 :cheesy: So people carn't say its imposable to make £'s through scalping with Spread betters ...but you'll make alot more Direct 😉



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Simon, thank you for your answers, most gratifying.

1 & 2: I can - if my arm is twisted - understand that you do not want to make the Trade window too loaded with info, though would you still consider it through the Oder window? After all, when you put a limit on, usually you have time to ponder the whole aspect of the bet (I hate to say this, but other SBs seem to be able to do so).
Surely a box called Stop Loss (possibly pre-filled with your suggested S&L) should confuse noone? I hope not, at least, but I will of course accept your greater experience in this matter.
I think the smarter thing for me to do would be to wait and see what you contingency functionality will be like. Glad that it is in the cards!

3: Opening hours, that is really, REALLY good news. I thank thee kindly, well done. I completely understand your position, and will selfishly be happy that I am only a small fish in the pond. As long as my stop losses and limits are acted upon, I am happy! I am sure Roberto and DaveJB will be too! 😛

4: Again, good news on the issue of a visible S/L on the Positions screen. I am sure it is not a rush matter as such, just glad to hear that you have it on the list somewhere.

5: As for the stake size, it has actually been raised before - by me. I included it in mail to your admin a week or two ago. Just put it here for completion.
Maybe it would be possible (easier) to include it in the Market Info window (the one you can get from the little i-symbol button)? It wouldn't interfere with the actual trade functionality, and would do the job?

Thanks for clarifying the position reg. the FX. If I understand you correctly, even if the prices themselves deviate from the actual futures, the change diff should always (?) be the same, i.e. if the futures go up with 50, so will yours exactly - bar human error, etc.?
(Simon, I know that you do not bias, I take your word for it! I am just trying to get the angle right.)

Once again, I am amazed how far AI has gotten! Well, I am sure that Simon must be a very well executed AI program, how else would someone endure so much hassle and keep coming back here with good news and kind words?
Kudos for taking the time with us, SImon!
capitalspreads said:
we are commisioning an automated after hours dealing funtionality (in FX mainly) which will allow clients to trade in limited size after 21.15 and before 07.00. This system will only allow limited deal size and will not allow large position building. (Sorry! but we will have to protect ourselves against incorrect price inputs occuring at 2 in the morning !)
Jyde said:
Opening hours, that is really, REALLY good news. I thank thee kindly, well done. I completely understand your position, and will selfishly be happy that I am only a small fish in the pond. As long as my stop losses and limits are acted upon, I am happy! I am sure Roberto and DaveJB will be too
Absolutely. Delighted. FX in limited deal size will suit me very nicely. We understand that you don't want people taking the p**s if there are mistaken price-quotes in the small hours, of course. As Jyde implied, all we need to bring our business back to CS at night is the knowledge that our stops and limits will be effective. If you'll excuse a "pushy question": when can we expect this to happen? 🙂

no we do not limit winners in any way (in fact we encourage them) once we identify big winners..they become obvious quite quickly...we then overhedge them.
I realise that as we quote over 1600 markets the chances of any of my dealers actually doing any real valuable analysis in any one markets is nil... whereas our clients, generally, stick to two or three products (shares, FX, indices, commodities, whatever) and do their own in-depth technical analysis and then trade on that basis. If we identify a good trader we back him up so that if he , for instance, makes a £50 bet in Glaxo we may hedge him with the equivalent of £100. In the long run, although we may lose on individual bets, we will win overall and win more than our client has won.

We have only closed one account in 15 months and that was because the client was very abusive to my staff which is something that I will never tolerate.

The out of hours FX upgrade will be started after the new order module so hopefully will be alive in a couple of months. (of course it will mean actual computer stops etc which will stop any friendly let offs!!)

i was thinking along your lines of placing the unit stake risk in the info box... that should not be too difficult...I can see my developers pulling their hair out already !?!


sorry I did not answer your S&P feed question.. we use the mini s&p (ESH5 at the moment)
I have to say that we quote this on 0.5 pip wide and we dont get much in the way of scalping.....well actually we dont get any! ....but if you can manage it ..Good Luck.


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my stupid mouse erased my first chapter (what IDIOT put a small 'go back' button top centre - cretin!) CS have been good, I do not want the criticisms to be seen as bad PR, CS have always been a good company to deal with in my experience... I am arguing 'extras' so to speak....

Now, being nice has been dealt with, so.... <g> I hate holding overnight, check my bets recently - I've done it when I've left it a miilisecond too late to get the bet through or I'm ***** confident, I am extremely cagey about holding overnight as the risk is unlimited - I shorted AMZN 3 times in succession yesterday, had a guaranteed stop been available you would now owe me £730. Other rolling bets would have had wider limits, I'm still making *** stupid errors but at least a few of my recent bets have been doozies.... I can afford the daytrader limits, I'm SBing to learn the daytrading game so if this gets too difficult I'll be off (I'm sure you've spotted I'm betting peanuts) BUT the problems/hurdles I encounter affect all SB traders, and whilst I don't count the truth is that if you get your act together you really will be in a position to clean up. CS has a really good rep for honesty andf square dealing, which I'm happy to back up here and now - there are areas of your operation that act against the punter, and I feel they do so needlessly, and I'm not the only one saying this.

Sometimes I have repeatedly traded a share in succession, several long or short bets in a short period of time, and had to 'quit' at 20:58, because I was unwilling to accept unlimited risk over 18 hours! (It's a rolling daily for crying out loud, and you want me to stand back and ignore 18 hrs of price activity because you don't want to employ someone to sit there??? This post should be all it takes to realise that to ignore the fact that markets trade 24/7, and to also realise that no sane individual leaves a rolling daily overnight willingly. I should, at least, be able to limit my risk on an open bet.)

'although Capital Spreads has a policy of attempting to limit client losses on bets by applying an automatic stop–loss to each bet you make, these stops are not guaranteed.' This is from your FAQ - if I had a guaranteed stop I would bet overnight. I MIGHT win, most would not, you will increase turnover markedly, and it is simply amateurish to effectively refuse to limit client risk because you don't want to man the desks out of hours. You could always set a low limit on what you guaranteed - provide low risk to the small punters who would be ridiculously grateful, whilst refusing to give big players carte blanche... you cna set a policy AND a limit on the amount that policy applies to. That freedom is your license to print a bit more money.

Your auto stop on daily rolling bets is set at a level so horrendously far from the price that an auto stop probably just avoids the loser selling their house. More to the point, if I open a position (short) at $26.17 and decide I want to place a stop at say $26.50 (which in my view is so far away as to count as another country) why does your platform tell me 'sorry, your stop has to be at $26.57 or more' or whatever the prices quoted were - if I want a tight stop why do you refuse to let me place it? We're not looking at a price the share is bouncing through, I'm not looking to put a stop 2c from the ASK or anything, your platform is refusing to let me place an automatic stop 30-40c from the current BID/ASK, which is way further away than it needs to be... it seems to me that you are imposing an 'end of day limit' on daytrades of perhaps an hour or two - go read a book on daytrading, I'm supposed to be placing stops 6c above the last high etc! Your minimum stop limit on daily trades is too far away by an order of magnitude!
Your daily trade stops are HUGELY out of whack on the auto side, hence the criticism... if you applied a more sensible percentage to daily rolling bets you'd find (a) we all changed them less, and (b) we all stopped bitching ... err, bitched less <g>

I know I've said this twice, but three times never hurt - I have been extremely happy with Capital Spreads, who will hopefully now find MSFT finally going down incidentally, (double bottom, double top - crikey, make your mind up <g>) and their staff have always been extremely good at pointing out the error in my view of reality that explains why my £150 win is really only £50. I'm also pretty sure that whilst I wish their 'trigger speed' matched the market, there is no corporate policy to do over people called Dave, their system is (as far as I can tell) faster and tighter than many - I think I'll be moving to D/A when I get this hacked, sooner rather than later, but that is no reflection on CS who are a joy to work with while I learn the ropes.

I am pleased to see Simon still checking in here and making an effort, it sin't as easy as it looks from the outside, so I'll just say 'thanks' and reiterate the main points -

(1) As CS do not trade outside a small period, they should offer a guaranteed stop facility to allow overnight trades with limited risk. This could be limited wrt bet size, apologies to bigger players but allowing bewts up to £5 a pt (for example) to guarantee losses will let a large percentage of customers breathe at night, which will rapidly be seen as icnreased turnover... as most players lose this will also increase profits whilst the "CS approval rating" goes up - I can see little downside to that as a business model paragraph.

(2) Stop insisting on stupid stops - at least remove the 'too near' limit, or change it to a value closer to normal daytrading stop limits.

3) When I short something, ensure the Nasdaq promptly drops the price - I'm a busy guy, I hav things to do.

4) Automate things at the bottom end a bit more - I swear some of my trades had to wait while your staff finished the Times Crossword.... about 10-15% (estimated, but a genuine estimate not an exaggeration) of my attempts to close pull up a 'the dealer didn't respond, please try again' message... this is worrying, as you try to exit a trade and see it tank while CS are apparently too busy to take the call! Invariably the trade is closed, it's a spurious message - I will send you the bill for bypass surgery! A computerised system would not do this - I can understand reluctance to automate all of it, but the majority of trades will fit into neat little preset boxes... you need humans to process the unusual ones, I would encourage CS to automate as much as they can, skim the spreads, and most of the small stufdd should go through in 1 second or less... again a PR coup.


You may have noticed I am holding a thread comparing the prices quoted and dealt in (UK stocks, far quarter generally) by three different SB Co's.

The data is proving flattering to CS. However, though 80% of the stocks I trade would be FTSE250, on many occasions I find I cannot find a quote on the CS platform.

Why should this be?

Dave JB

i will look at the minimum stop distances on the US shares as (as you say ) they appear a bit out of line with the other products.

Guranteed stops on US shares

uummm I am sorry but the chances of us doing this is almost nil.

Let me explain...our competitors do allow guaranteed stops on shares but in such limited criteria as to be almost useless, for instance the big nono is that they will allow a guaranteed stop on US shares but you cannot place it closer than a certain distance away.

i.e ** Index (you know who) state that you cannot place the stop closer than half their initial margin requirement away. Amazons' (AMZN) initial margin is 16% (half is 8%) so on the shares trading at $34.50 this would mean the closest you could place a stop would be $2.76 away for which you would pay 0.3% (10 pips) for each and every trade that you make (remember that charge is made every time whether the stop is used or not) All the SB companies have similar rules on Guaranteed stops in Non UK equities.

And if you think about it it is not surprising.
If you were trading the real US shares the idea that you could ring up your broker out of US trading hours and ask him to sell your position at a guaranteed level would be laughable.
US shares are incredibly volatile and if we offered close guaranteed stops all our clients would just wait for iminent company announcements (which always happen outside trading hours) buy in the March contract and sell in the Rolling Daily contract just before the market close at 21.00 .... then place as near as possible guaranteed stop in both and wait to see what the figure/trading statement was.

Many US shares move 10% or more on data releases so on big move we 'as a bookie' would be giving 10 - 1 against us. We would be giving away money as soon as clients realised the 'free' shot we were offering !! As a company we must run our own risk levels in as prudent a fashion as possible.

Even if we were quoting 24 hrs the liquidity in out of hours US stock is just not good enough to give a suitable price. The quotes are very wide overnite on the few exchanges that quote what are only a limited number of US stocks, they are also generally quoted in a different currency (i.e.Yen or Euros) and this would cause problems with stop losses being hit because of the bid/offer spread width or caused by fluctuations in FX etc. The arguments this would generate from aggrieved stopped out clients make it not worth the candle.

So unfortunately the short answer is NO sorry

We are working on automating most of our SB trading BUT unfortunately I am pretty sure that we always require human input to US share dealing as the volatility is too great to ignore.

the blades

can you tell me which 250 shares are missing and we will put them up...(i thought we had them all but obviously not!)


we have been monitoring our feeds over the last few weeks and my dealers are now happy with them so we will be putting it to 3 (but our market information will still state 4 should we need to widen it again which may happen over volatile periods)

Live charts are still difficult as we are having problems with the exchanges ... so my answer is I dont know.

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(if you don't ask you don't get <g>).... an alternative would of course to offer a limit whereby the punter could specify how much they were willing to risk, or it was said at $1 move either way, and your own downside was limited to the same amount. Holding a bet overnight is hugely dangerous in my view, I did it in the early days through not thinking, and I've been caught out a couple of times since (my data is still ticking over at 20:58, my esignal time alarm has failed to go off twice at 20:55 while I've been too wrapped up to notice.) I've been lucky so far.... I can see the problems, but even using your example of being $2.76 away that's still better than getting AMZN wrong the other day would have been - $7.30 or thereabouts!

I still think the risk is too great for small players holding overnight, and a sensible method of reducing it would be attractive - the market is closed to trading for 18 hrs, that's a long time to have to hold a position you can see tanking in after hours trading. I'm actually quite surprised that anyone would deliberately hold overnight.... for all the comments about daytrading being risky it seems to me that the risk is curiously shifted to the EoD trader in SB!

Min stops - good, thanks... it struck me as just a sort of oversight when you introduced the daily rolling bets. I will now try very hard to stick to not holding overnight and exiting when £15 down - both of which are things I really ought to have managed by now.

Automation - yup, but surely 'filtering' orders would help here? I would suggest that somebody trading a share priced $50 or less at £1 a point is unlikely to break the bank whatever happens... anyone subsequently found to be remarkably good at finding gaps in $50 shares would go into the filter table and have bets dealt with manually... a speedy process as all of us losers would be efficiently handled by nothing more complex than a BBC micro pre-programmed to just take our money and say 'thankyou'.

If you genuinely think all bets need human oversight I think your paranoia setting is a little high <g> This will probably make you rich over time, but you can attend to too much detail you know!

Thanks for the reply and info.
