Quoting Simon: "..........but if you have the trade ticket open the delay should only be a second or two.:
Please confirm that the open ticket price is quicker than the web page.
Thanks for the response, though I still cannot understand why your price always lags the price on my chart when my trade is moving in positive direction (from my point of view). This is always every trade, when I am up.
Though when the market is moving against me, suddenly your price is always, at least, as few ticks ahead. This is always, every trade, when I am down
This morning (Friday 20th May) at around 10am on Cable: The pound fell to approx 1.7635 with FXCM and CMC, though your price never went approx below 1.7657. 22 ticks behind. I cannot imagine that if the price goes against the client, that your price will lag by this amount. Very worrying, since I have to also compete against the market and the spread. How can I be profitable ?
Even if I am looking at the traded price with FXCM and the bid/ ask with you, does this account for 22 ticks ? I doubt it.