Best Thread Capital Spreads

sorry, our spreads on equities outside of the forward interest rate calculation are .3% FTSE100 and .5% for FTSE 250 in general US equities are .3% as are German.

hopefully that is always the case .. FX is calculated from the forward interest rate differential (sometimes this may differ slightly from the futures price) so the futures are not used ( they are too illiquid) but all indices and commodities are priced using the front month futures contract . Equities use a formula similar to the FX but including the BID/OFFER in the real market.

So at the moment, for instance, our May Dow is 5 higher than our June (the front futures contract) dow and unless something changes in dividend expectations or the FED changes the interest rate this will remain in place until the May Dow expires.

of course for those markets we quote out of hours this does not apply during those times!

there is of course a caveat to this in that this is only true in normal market conditions.

a0 0b

as I said we are working on a charting system based upon our quotes but it is taking longer than we expected.

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capitalspreads said:
as I said we are working on a charting system based upon our quotes but it is taking longer than we expected.
Thanks for the info. When it comes to charting though i'd rather use some established package of my choice than the java versions ofered by most online companies.

another note (i'm feeling creatine today):

Is there anyway i can enter a trade with limit and stop all in one go? i.e. i'll put on a limit to but @ 300 with a stop at 290 and a limit sell at 350 for some market. You can check my trade (stop placement, etc) and enter the limit, when it gets executed you automatically place my stop and exit for me? This way i can check my stops before placing an order (which i can't do at the moment).

a0 0b

we have had many requests for this and are also working on this. It should be part of a major upgrade later this year.

(crossed fingers)

If anyone want's to double check the claim that the SB co's do not 'bias' their spread in anyway, load up lycos charts and put in YM4M as the symbol. This is the e-mini dow future, now compare this to CapitalSpreads dow quote. I don't have an account with them but I bet their price moves exactly in line with the futures, they won't be the same price but the differential will be exactly the same all the time. You'll be able to see how the futures move ahead of the cash index.

Spreadbet bias is a myth!
I think what a0-06 is asking of Capitalspreads - and judging by the reply from them - is whether it is possible to enter an "If Done" order, i.e. to place an entry stop order to enter long at say 10,000 on the Dow and if (and only if) that order is triggered, to automatically then enter a linked order (the stop loss possibly) to exit (sell) at a stop of 9950. This has been discussed on t2w in recent weeks.

I have long argued that "If Done" orders should be a normal facility offered by the SB companies but for some reason they have been not been accommodating, despite the fact that such orders are available for CFDs, by d4f for example.

Should Capitalspreads take the lead in this respect and be the first to provide an "If Done" facility then I for one will switch my accounts to them. But it would undoubtedly help our joint cause in bringing pressure to bear on the SB firms if other t2w members eager to use an "If Done" order facility would post on this thread to express their views.
the reason we did not have an 'if done' facility is very prosaic.

when we asked our developers to design our dealing ststem we forgot about it. And it was only after delivery that we realised the module was missing. We have been working on other , less visible upgrades over the last few months but hopefully we will be able to concentrate on more dealer functionality in the near future.

Capital Spreads - API

Hi folks,

Capital Spreads have said that they do no bias the quotes but simply use the underlying markets. Given this stance I offer the challenge to become the first UK spreadbet company that offers an API.

Were you to offer an API then I'm pretty sure you would get many people moving over to you to trade Forex 😉

Nevertheless, better late than never. Capitalspreads: please make an announcement when you are about to introduce the "If Done" facility.
.......and i will endorse the positive comments regarding Capital Spreads

Been trading with them a few months now and no let downs on their site, unlike Finspreads who very often switch to phone trading only when the the price soars or plummets and therefore not able to get out of a position without the price going against you.

JonnyT said:
Hi folks,

Capital Spreads have said that they do no bias the quotes but simply use the underlying markets. Given this stance I offer the challenge to become the first UK spreadbet company that offers an API.

Were you to offer an API then I'm pretty sure you would get many people moving over to you to trade Forex 😉


I think Capital Spreads are part of a Forex trading Company ?

The If Done facility will be a very useful addition to many traders.

CS, I'm suprised by two things in your 'marketing strategy' which of course feeds into your development priorities etc for your platfrom

1.) You did not launch with realtime charts for your instruments as e.g. D4F and
2.) Its taking you a long time to implement a change request that's high on your client's request list. Yet you are working on less visible enhancements etc?

Do you realise what you would have done to the SB market had you got BOTH 1 & 2 from day one? I always note with amusement how quickly D4F respond to their competitors narrowing their spreads in competing instruments - VERY very quickly!


I do not mean to have a go at all, but I want to ask you some honest open questions.

1.) Do you have a process for 'listening' to the competition?
2.) Do you have any ambition to take market share from other SBs?
3.) How much do you value the feedback you get from your clients and the interested public?
4.) What method do you have to capture feedback and implement suggestions and requests your clients make?

Thank you for your contributions.

I am surprised at all this knocking of Capital Spreads.......they are Newbies and therefore you cannot expect a platform or marketing strategy to better some of the established S B firms who have been around for years - I am sure they will make continual improvements. Why anyone who is serious about trading,would rely on a S B platform to provide them with the tools for trading I cannot understand. One needs a live feed and suitable charting programme, be it from one or more sources. I currently use eSignal with a live feed into Metastock which provides me with a profitable outcome using Capital Spreads for trading.

Uncle John

'Knocking'? What knocking? 😎

There's a clear difference between constructive engagement and valuable feedback. We do not have to polarise our views so quickly.

best regards
General Comments

as with all things, 'if only' is a waste of time.

Yes it would have been great to have the best of everything from day 1 but when you are launching a new business in any market you must wiegh everything up against time scale and cost.

We constantly listen to client questions/wish lists and do our best to accomodate them into our future development plans. Why else would I spend so much time here?

I am afraid our marketting plans are just that 'ours' so I will not comment on future plans re. client aquisition.

Unfortunately the API will probably remain on the wish list all the other points are being worked on at the moment.

We do take note of what our competitors are doing and we try to keep up to date on current spreads etc. In general we do not try to match 'special offers' on markets as we feel they are a bit of a con.

And of course I wish everyone said nice things about our company all the time but, like you all, I live in the real world and things sometimes go wrong or unfairly.

Seguna is right in that if all I ever got asked were 'nice' questions what would be the point.


Well done SImon.

The quality of the information you have shared has helped keep this thread going this long.
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