Evening Simon – I wasn’t having a ‘dig’ at any particular company and least of all you personally who, out of all the companies, I respect most mainly for actually having the balls to post on an internet BB.
For what its worth it doesn’t matter one jot if you lay it off or not, the customer has a position directly against you and you get to choose your level of risk on the said position by deciding how much of the exposure to hedge. The point I was making was that hedging costs you money; it’s not a zero sum game. You offer accounts in different currencies which presents further needs to hedge if the customers bet is made in a market where the underlying is out of their base currency (an example for those following the thread – A punter places a £5 per point up bet on the June Dow, as I write this equates a $9.15c long position in the Dow Futures, the value of this required position will of course change as the exchange rates move). There is also the fact that due to exchange rates being rather odd numbers there is never a direct method of hedging a customers position ie in my example you couldn’t hedge $9.15c, you either need to hedge $10 or $5 and stand the shortfall / overrun yourselves. All these factors present extra costs which cut into that bottom line.
In actual fact I do run a business myself and also work to develop other business both for other people and for myself. With that background (don’t want to sound like I’m blowing my own trumpet here) one does develop a feel for businesses which will quickly become profitable and ones which might take rather longer to become profitable. I’m glad to see that you are making money. The big question is, does the amount you make outweigh your overheads and therefore present you with a profit ? I would have to suggest that if you are making a ‘profit’ then it is very impressive indeed based on the length of time you have been running.
I’d be interested in your business policy if you want to discuss it.
You also obviously have offices in Central London which must present you with extremely high overheads both for the offices themselves and the premium that you have to pay staff to man them. Did you ever consider premises outside of London ? Maybe you considered that your image was more important and hence the need to be seen to be where the action is. I would imagine that it would be quite possible to run such an operation from a converted hay barn in the middle of Somerset (lovely part of the country by the way) which would cost practically nothing when compared to that location in the capital.