i am actually on holiday and have been for the last 2 weeks so this (and the last post are my first return). Discussions about profits are a little odd as we are a quoted company (as are a couple of other SB companies, and maybe some more soon if the rumours are true) all trading information is there for those who wish to dig. For the record we make money not because of rejecting trades but because people do not follow the basic rules of trading (cut losses/run profits/do not trade over major figures/do not move stops further away etc etc). The big investment banks make billions of pounds a year, how do you suppose they make it. A good proportion is from running Bad Client positions and covering Good Client positions. To think that an SB company is going to act any differently is frankly naive.
We put some traders to dealer intervention and they are aware of it. From looking at other threads they seem to be put on dealer intervention with other SB companies as well. They presumably have an inkling of why this happens. Frankly some dealers only ever trade on pip slippage... why should we give them the time of day...they are not trying to deal on a flat playing field but attempting to 'pre-empt' our feed. Mifid is quite clear on execution policy and I would advice those (always the same people) who complain about the fill policy to read it and read our one as well.
i was alerted to your problems and immediately contacted the developers to get it fixed . I think it has now been done. Sounds good but in reality they were about to load it anyway.