Best Thread Capital Spreads

not sure if the forex price feeds have technically improved since the start of the new year but I've noticed a big reduction in general wobbliness ('wrong prices' and 'delays') ... good stuff indeed, this improved robustness is most welcome !
1 point spread on Ftse Rolling Daily. Hehehe

Now, the same for Dax, CAC and DJI Rolling Daily please...🙂
abobtrader said:
not sure if the forex price feeds have technically improved since the start of the new year but I've noticed a big reduction in general wobbliness ('wrong prices' and 'delays') ... good stuff indeed, this improved robustness is most welcome !

I have used Capital Spread on and off for roughly two years and have found their offering & service to be absolutely horrendous

Dealing interface: an antiquated and ridiculous way to trade, why on earth do they not let you trade directly through the dealing window? They have clearly just copied Finspreads or bought their software.. If the assumption is that they are guaranteeing a price by giving you a pop up window to trade, then that is also a fallacy since every trade pends before it is rejected if the price moves in your favour or accepted if the price mores against you.

Binaries: A total waste of time, I am surprised that they still offer the product. If their rejection rates have not turned away most of their client base then the amount of time that they can keep clients pending must surely have accomplished the task.
Their excuse is that you are doing well and that they want to keep an eye on your trades... The whole idea of a fast moving market is completely beyond them. If they are unable to price the market properly then they shouldn't be pricing it at all

This is only the beginning... They have even been known to cancel a whole days worth of trades because they weren't happy with the realised P&L..
Persian said:
With all respect, if it was such a crap, why did you use it for 2 years?

I have always used multiple platforms in order to find the best value. Unfortunately finding value does not always mean using your preferred provider...
Funny everyone always says .... we copied Fins

curious .....we were very upset when Fins launched their old 'new' platform as we thought it was almost a straight copy of ours !! ce la vie

Not sure what your point about trade tickets is as all the SB platforms (except one) pretty much do the same thing. Click on a market to trade/ fill the stake box/ and trade. Some dress it up but essentially that just about sums it up.

The whole point about our platform is that it is easier to use than others whilst retaining many 'professional' trading tools if you wish to use them.
If you want a massive trading platform that requires downloading/takes up heavy cpu usage/etc etc and want to trade on massive spreads then please go to a competitor.
Whilst our quote in major markets like FX have pretty much the same spread as our competitors (as there is really a limit beyond which a market maker finds it difficult to go) the spreads on markets like UK equities (which is a major part of our business and you will note never gets any complaints on these threads) are so far inside most of the other major SB companies that you wonder how they get any trades at all.

FX remains a problem when scalpers are hunting for mispricing. But you notice that for Gold, Oil, Indices Equities etc etc there are very seldom any problems even though we generally quote well inside the other major players. Over 99% of our clients are on autotrade and never get dealer intervention. Only clients who we identify as scalpers/arbers get put on manual intervention. (and before anyone asks scalper/arber does not mean 'winner' )

capitalspreads said:
Over 99% of our clients are on autotrade and never get dealer intervention. Only clients who we identify as scalpers/arbers get put on manual intervention. (and before anyone asks scalper/arber does not mean 'winner' )



Are you referring to FX traders. I don't think my trades are autotrades but I trade indices and shares only.


CS offer oncredible spreads on equities.

Their binaries are a complete waste of time though.

sorry .. my comment was open to some slight misunderstanding .. I apologise.... there is (of course) a limit to autotrade. If you trade in large size then you go to a dealer. Mainly because we need to know if there is enuf size in individual shares for us to hedge at least a reasonable amount of the bet.

If you are who I think you are then you definately trade over this auto trade size.

I am not telling any secrets when i say that our average trade size is just £4.75. When you take out the fact that many clients trade in £20 £50 and £100 a point you can see that the vast number of trades are of the £1 to £2 variety .

When I said that 99% of clients are on autotrade that does not mean that 99% of trades are auto. In fact some 85% of trades are autofilled.


mmmm unlikely at this time... the Dow futures, in reasonable size, are actually quite wide. We tend to look at the S&P mini futures for our hedging (because of liquidity) these trade on a spread of 2.5 points. When you add commission etc this widens to 3 pips. We quote the S&P and Dow at 4 points (1 wider than this spread)

capitalspreads said:
FX remains a problem when scalpers are hunting for mispricing. But you notice that for Gold, Oil, Indices Equities etc etc there are very seldom any problems even though we generally quote well inside the other major players. Over 99% of our clients are on autotrade and never get dealer intervention. Only clients who we identify as scalpers/arbers get put on manual intervention. (and before anyone asks scalper/arber does not mean 'winner' )

Hi Simon,

What is CS definition of a scalper? Apart from one who takes advantage of "mispricing? What is the time frame for a trade?

Currently I am trading with IG on many times at £50/point in FT. The fill is extremly fast even when market is volatile. Convience me/others would that be same with your system?
top trader

eerrrr... why not give us a go. Nothing I say here will give you the confidence unless you actually make the trades.

IG are a very good SB company with (it must be said) probably a greater capability for risk than us (they are much bigger than us). I cannot say that we will be better or worse. If you match bets on both systems, making the the same trades at the same time and then at the end of a week see which platform gave you the greater profit/smaller loss then go with that one. At £50 a point you will go to a dealer here but even so we are pretty quick on confirms.


we have no absolute definition of a scalper. Not sure what you mean by 'timeframe' but our average deal confirm time is under 2 seconds

capitalspreads said:
top trader

eerrrr... why not give us a go. Nothing I say here will give you the confidence unless you actually make the trades.

IG are a very good SB company with (it must be said) probably a greater capability for risk than us (they are much bigger than us). I cannot say that we will be better or worse. If you match bets on both systems, making the the same trades at the same time and then at the end of a week see which platform gave you the greater profit/smaller loss then go with that one. At £50 a point you will go to a dealer here but even so we are pretty quick on confirms.


we have no absolute definition of a scalper. Not sure what you mean by 'timeframe' but our average deal confirm time is under 2 seconds

Thanks Simon,

By time frame I mean the time gap between the opening and closing a trade. For short term trading, lets say an average time frame is about 5 min per trade. If CS classes some traders as being scalpers, there must be some criteria for this selection. If such a 'selection' exists, it is good to know in advance, so one can adjust one's trading accordingly.
capitalspreads said:
top trader

eerrrr... why not give us a go. Nothing I say here will give you the confidence unless you actually make the trades.

IG are a very good SB company with (it must be said) probably a greater capability for risk than us (they are much bigger than us). I cannot say that we will be better or worse. If you match bets on both systems, making the the same trades at the same time and then at the end of a week see which platform gave you the greater profit/smaller loss then go with that one. At £50 a point you will go to a dealer here but even so we are pretty quick on confirms.


we have no absolute definition of a scalper. Not sure what you mean by 'timeframe' but our average deal confirm time is under 2 seconds


thanks simon for a early reply.
i tried your system on £2/point. even that one takes nearly 5 seconds to confirm
top trader said:
thanks simon for a early reply.
i tried your system on £2/point. even that one takes nearly 5 seconds to confirm

That is exactly what I did with FX! CS has by far the worst feed for FX and their speed of execution is abysmal. There are so many better firms out there for FX, including Fins, and that is saying something.
top trader

but the point is you get the trades not that it takes some secs for the confirm to reach u. If you had done the same trades with the company you mentioned you would be 1 pip worse off.


not sure about that. One of my dealers just logged in and the spread is 5. Maybe in hours it narrows. (?)

I think that my comments above are being taken out of context a little. I was trying to say (amongst other things) that there is more to the markets than just the Sterling/Dollar, the FTSE and the Dow. We quote over 3000 markets.
It is no secret that our most succesful clients are NOT the guys who trade 20 times a day in the headline markets and are looking for every last pip. Although, of course, some who do that are very good at it. The point is that, in the long run, given a good fill percentage (which we definately give) coupled with good tight prices (which we also definately give) you have a better chance of making money via our platform.

Of course some traders do not like our site. It would be strange if they all did! In the same way that, if you read other threads, some clients do not like our competitors.
