capitalspreads said:minx
although I would like to disagree I cannot. We provide charts as a free service but quite a bit of trading psycology is 'confidence' . Our charting package is very good (or has been up to the last couple of week) but there will always be the nagging feeling (because we quote and chart) that somehow we 'adjust' the prices.
to give that full sense that you are getting the full story a complimentary chart package may provide the confidence that you need.
Jbat001 said:Hmmmm.
I don't mean to moan, but after the surprise hike in the BoE base rate, the charts for USD/SEK, USD/NOK and cable are ten minutes behind the market, and a couple of minutes ago, USD/SEK chart was over 200 pips away from the market.
Crazy! 🙄
Jbat001 said:It's 13:42 - the USD/SEK chart shows 7.0336 and the ticker says 7.0523.......
Hoggums said:Surely if you can trade this then it's a wonderful chance for arbitrage is it not? I'm sure CS would soon sort out the feed if they lost money this way.
Ripcord said:I see that once again the Capital Spreads site goes down at and is still down at the busy time of the day.
Will these guys ever get it sorted, what a joke!
Jbat001 said:I just phoned them - they're working their arses off to get the problem sorted, but it's still outrageous for the entire site to go down at the busiest point in the whole day, and on the most announcement-laden day this week!
karmit said:THIS IS BL**DY RIDICULOUS!!!
I've seen this far too many times now
Guys - please let me know your experience with others like Worldspreads etc?
Considering a switch now
karmit said:Its back! Its back! and I love Simon - for the time being anyway 🙂
karmit said:spoke too soon.... its back - but many instruments are "Tel: " only... yuk..
Jbat001 said:Most of the FX Markets are closed too - should be reinstated 'in the next few minutes' I've just been told, and they're still tradeable, just not over the internet.
karmit said:all looks well now... dread to think of life without internet!!!