Best Thread Capital Spreads

I have to say, I am delighted with the 1 pip spread on the CS FTSE rolling daily contract! What amuses me though were the postings earlier on in this very thread where Simon and Marvin from Worldspreads were having a little banter, with Simon claiming that Marvin could not possibly hedge positions with a one-point spread.

Market forces or improved technology? Either way, I'm chuffed it's in place! 😎

The FTSE future trades on 0.5 pip wide and (compared to the dax, dow and currency markets) is reasonably stable. My dealers rekoned they could handle one pip on the FTSE so I have let them loose on it. (although, truth be told, we did not expect a 40 point gap on the open and a 90 point rally on the first day!!)

Hi Simon

Just wondering if you knew there was a dedicated Capital Spreads binaries thread in the Fixed Odds secion of this site.
I noticed you hadn't responded to any points on that thread so might not have been aware of it.
All the best

no, not aware of the comments on the fixed odds site... unfortunately I do (in my spare time) have a company to run and will therefore restrict myself to this thread. On a quick perusal I see that the general feed back is poor so I will be talking to the binary desk to see what we can do to improve things.

capitalspreads said:

The FTSE future trades on 0.5 pip wide and (compared to the dax, dow and currency markets) is reasonably stable. My dealers rekoned they could handle one pip on the FTSE so I have let them loose on it. (although, truth be told, we did not expect a 40 point gap on the open and a 90 point rally on the first day!!)

Simon, as I understand it, you are saying that the underlying instrument for your FTSE Rolling daily is the FTSE future. Could you please give me the name of the future which your quote on the FTSE Rolling daily is based upon. The live feed that I am using is FUT Z_F207-03 LIFFE. Your feed on FTSE Rolling daily is not synchronized at all with this future. The reason for this could be that you are not licensed to exactly follow this live feed.

Also you mentioned earlier that 87% of your clients are on autotrade. What is the difference between autotrade and instant execution? On instant execution you get instant confirmation, I have not experienced this with CS. I always have to wait a few seconds before getting a confirmation on the trade, what is the reason for that?
gle 101

as with all SB companies the underlying price is always the front month futures contract . I am not sure what you are looking at which could indicate that we do not do this as otherwise we would just be mauled. The rolling daily market attempts (in price terms) to mirror the FTSE 100 index not the future but its price action is dictated by the future. The front month future is the March Contract.

You may be on auto trade but even on auto trade the confirm will take a few secs to come through. Not knowing who you are makes it difficult for me to confirm whether you are on auto or on dealer confirm. I actually said that 87% of trades were on auto (not clients). This reflects the percentage of trades which are above our auto trade thresh-hold (i.e bigger than our limit).

capitalspreads said:
gle 101

as with all SB companies the underlying price is always the front month futures contract . I am not sure what you are looking at which could indicate that we do not do this as otherwise we would just be mauled. The rolling daily market attempts (in price terms) to mirror the FTSE 100 index not the future but its price action is dictated by the future. The front month future is the March Contract.

You may be on auto trade but even on auto trade the confirm will take a few secs to come through. Not knowing who you are makes it difficult for me to confirm whether you are on auto or on dealer confirm. I actually said that 87% of trades were on auto (not clients). This reflects the percentage of trades which are above our auto trade thresh-hold (i.e bigger than our limit).


Yes the CS feed on the FTSE 100 correctly follows the FTSE 100 index. Thanks a lot.
Simon - a small ask - could you please ask someone to have a look at this chart?

I sure wouldn't have wanted to be short this contract on 22nd November!


  • gilt.JPG
    88.6 KB · Views: 189
Simon, a technical question. Why do I get timed out from the dealer quote window after a few minutes? This is a real problem I face while trading, if this is server side time out it should be removed. No time out please.

there is a time out after 10 minutes (i think) on deal tickets. Nearly all the SB companies have a time out on some part of their platform on no client activity because of the loading factors involved. We used to have a much shorter time out but have steadily increased it. At the moment it is at 10 mins i will ask the techy guys about it.


mmmm nice spot that, incorrect price must have been there since then. Looking at the chart I am quite amazed that I had not read that the long Gilt market has had such a bear trend for the last two months. I see it actually managed 11 straight losing days in december (and this was before the 'surprise' rate hike).

I will get it corrected asap
capitalspreads said:

there is a time out after 10 minutes (i think) on deal tickets. Nearly all the SB companies have a time out on some part of their platform on no client activity because of the loading factors involved. We used to have a much shorter time out but have steadily increased it. At the moment it is at 10 mins i will ask the techy guys about it.

Thanks Simon, actually I timed the time out to see how your server settings were on this. It took exactly 4 minutes for you to get timed out from the deal ticket window. Please look into it.
capitalspreads said:

mmmm nice spot that, incorrect price must have been there since then. Looking at the chart I am quite amazed that I had not read that the long Gilt market has had such a bear trend for the last two months. I see it actually managed 11 straight losing days in december (and this was before the 'surprise' rate hike).

I will get it corrected asap

Many thanks Simon. I assume nobody was short that contract overnight on the 22/11/06? Can you imagine, you go short hoping for maybe a few points decline and guarding against a few points rally, and you wake up the following morning, switch on and find that you're deep underwater to the tune of about 10,000 points!

** MARGIN CALL! ** 😱 :cheesy:
I have tried CAPITAL'S platform but still prefer, by long way, Worldtrade for speed. They also offers 1 point spread in dax and dow futures, during market time.
top trader said:
I have tried CAPITAL'S platform but still prefer, by long way, Worldtrade for speed. They also offers 1 point spread in dax and dow futures, during market time.

You can certainly get a one point spread on the FTSE with Capital Spreads, and unless you're betting hundreds of pounds per point, will be filled by the autodealer almost immediately.

Now if I could just work out how to bet the right way on the damned thing, I'd be in business......... 😈
Jbat001 said:
You can certainly get a one point spread on the FTSE with Capital Spreads, and unless you're betting hundreds of pounds per point, will be filled by the autodealer almost immediately.

Now if I could just work out how to bet the right way on the damned thing, I'd be in business......... 😈
Yes, I have been doing some test trades on the FTSE Rolling daily, only 1 unit. For the most part it is working satisfactorily. However, it is not Autotrade as Simon calls it. I made a perfect entry without a delayed quote, but the same old story that I have encountered with other SB platforms ensued, the dealer waited to feel where the wind was blowing and the trade was rejected when it quickly went a couple of points in my direction. I do hope this is a one timer.
gle101 said:
Yes, I have been doing some test trades on the FTSE Rolling daily, only 1 unit. For the most part it is working satisfactorily. However, it is not Autotrade as Simon calls it. I made a perfect entry without a delayed quote, but the same old story that I have encountered with other SB platforms ensued, the dealer waited to feel where the wind was blowing and the trade was rejected when it quickly went a couple of points in my direction. I do hope this is a one timer.

Finspreads is the same. The only bets you can open are the ones that have already gone against you!
Phil Mibbutz said:
Another point worth noting is that CS's share spreads are tighter, as Simon has so often reminded us.

the share spreads are tighter. It is a pity that they offer such a limited range of stocks compared to IG Index, especially US stocks, which I deal in.
Phil Mibbutz said:
Finspreads is the same. The only bets you can open are the ones that have already gone against you!

I know we jest about spreadbetting outfits being shonky sometimes, but Finspreads really are the pits - It's not just the unexpected gapping, site down time and poor customer service, but the poor execution and flagrant selectiveness of quote acceptance that did it for me!