Best Thread Capital Spreads

talkingcents said:
I use a voda 3g and usually have no problems accessing and using cap spreads so long as signal is strong However it can lose the link at a critical point just like a voice call so always be ready to call on phone if this happens so you can get in or out of your trade
I have not experienced the problem you mention so far as I can recall.

Thanks - reassuring to know that you can get in. Mine is a 3g card supplied by work so I suspect there could be some restriction other than download limits.I will have to check my set-up before I contact the capital spreads IT guys.
You are aware that the capital spreads frontend seems to be flash rather than Java based.
eek said:
You are aware that the capital spreads frontend seems to be flash rather than Java based.

That's the best thing about it. Because of this display method, the CS platform works without any security or firewall issues from my work PC. I have tried Cityindex, TDWaterhouse and Finspreads from here too, and none of them work - they all display but fail to connect to their data sources. Like most companies with a standard desktop and security approach, none of the internet settings on my firms PCs can be changed.

I just hope CS doesn't ever get rid of this interface. If I can't connect, I can't trade. Simple. No good it working only from my home PC, at night, when my UK markets are closed.

Most brokers seem to be blind to this issue - they must think we're all sitting at home with PC's we can configure according to their FAQ / Help pages - don't they realise we have to work for a living because we're not good enough traders to go full-time yet?. 😱 :cheesy: 🙄 They must miss out on a lot of customers...

Hi Simon I sent you PM regarding my CS accnt.

would be grateful for your reply.

I have a Capital Spreads account which I am very pleased with.

I am holding a fairly (for me) large sum in the account now and was wondering whether it was practical to transfer funds in and out of interest bearing accounts (Capital Spreads pay no interest on the uncommitted balance).

Does anyone have any experience of doing this? If so I wonder if they would mind sharing it here?




no ......leave it in the account....!!

I believe that if you open an account with someone like ING and specify capital spreads bank account as the nominated transfer account you should be able to transfer in and out quite simply. (but I may be wrong)

I remember reading that IG-Index earn a considerable amount of interest from clients capital - I am sure Simon will be coy if asked why Capital Spreads pay no interest on clients money

no... I have replied to this question several times on this thread. Basically we are a betting company NOT a bank. If we pay interest it would involve us in reporting to the inland revenue on interest rate payments to our clients and we would have to take 25% tax off etc etc and pay this to the IR. If you want interest on your unused funds then transfer them out to your bank!

In reality (for instant access money) banks will generally pay you b****r all interest anyway.

But, yes, we do make money out of the funds on deposit (we would be a pretty poorly run company if we did not) It is a reasonable slice of our profitability.

RunTheNumbers said:
I have a Capital Spreads account which I am very pleased with.

I am holding a fairly (for me) large sum in the account now and was wondering whether it was practical to transfer funds in and out of interest bearing accounts (Capital Spreads pay no interest on the uncommitted balance).

Does anyone have any experience of doing this? If so I wonder if they would mind sharing it here?




Ben - depends if you are going to use the cash you have in the account. No point constantly moving it in and out (especially if you go on margin call)but bear in mind it is not working for you. There will, undoubtedly, come a time when these companies will offer interest on unused funds.

I have just received an email from CS outlining the trading hours over the forthcoming US Thanksgiving holiday.

I am "on the books" of several spreadbetting companies. Yours is the only one that bothers to do this. Thanks for some decent customer service
Pippppin said:

I have just received an email from CS outlining the trading hours over the forthcoming US Thanksgiving holiday.

I am "on the books" of several spreadbetting companies. Yours is the only one that bothers to do this. Thanks for some decent customer service
Not totally true as I had one from CMC 😉

don't trade with CS yet so can't comment
yes we generally send out holiday e-mails. Unfortunately the one last night was sent out in error and will have to be resent as there are a couple of errors/ommissions. !!! very annoying
capitalspreads said:

you are aware that td waterhouse, finspreads and city index are all the same company?


Thanks, I knew about TDW and City, but didn't realise Finspreads was yet another rebranding! 🙄

On the subject of CS not paying interest on balances - I agree you are not a bank.

Anyone concerned about this should do what I do - I've started to transfer out my whole balance after a period of trading, then only putting something back in to cover when I decide on a new trade. This way my balance is usually zero.

However, for some reason I actually feel a bit guilty for troubling CS Customer Services all the time with my transfers! I've always worried that you'd take a dim view of all this in and out activity - however I get the impression now that it's ok.

But - I suppose if all your customers did this, the drop in income, and rise in admin costs would be bad for you, but like most financial things, such as old direct debits, customer apathy and forgetfulness work in your favour!

Simon et al

Been noticing more from yeterday and More today that the SPX prices are going "skewed" eg:
18.20 hrs UK ---Ig index SP cash now :1401.55 Caps at 1403.6
Usually the difference in cash beteween the two is some 0.5 or 0.6.

Can you shed some light

capitalspreads said:

no ......leave it in the account....!!

I believe that if you open an account with someone like ING and specify capital spreads bank account as the nominated transfer account you should be able to transfer in and out quite simply. (but I may be wrong)



I have thought about this. There is the hassle factor to consider, and the fact that I may still be waiting for funds in the interest bearing account and then find I need them in the spread betting account.

However, I have found in the past that there is a threshold above which banks won't transfer money without lots of layers of checking. Do you have an upper limit on account transfers?


It may seem like an obvious point, but if you're making a decent wedge from your spreadbetting activities, why bother with interest when the money's on deposit with the SB firm? If you're a fairly active trader, the interest amounts to peanuts compared to the annual return on your real trades.

Even the major banks pay jack sh!t on instant access accounts :cheesy: