Best Thread Capital Spreads

bracke said:
Simon has replied to this query in the past. He said that it is the quote that counts and that the graph may be slightly out of kilter with the qupte.



quotes were also totally scrambled or stuck in EUR/USD, didn't get a fill on S&P order, though they have placed it on manually after a 8 point drop (can't argue with that).
romik said:
Does anyone else experience quote/chart inconsistencies, I am not even talking about other source data, today it's all screwed up.

Me too.
If you check the times the charts often suffer from serious lag.
Today it's been out more than 10 minutes and then takes a while to catch up.
bharat said:
abosolutely useless when needed most today.... better stick with ig for quickness


IG does also get stuck from time to time. I use both IG & Capital graphs at the same time and check they are both saying the same time. I do feel happier with IG's candlestick display (for some reason). I find you can open multiple graphs with Capital (e.g for different timeframes) where as you can only seem to open one graph at a time with IG.

When I look at the info on GBPUSD on your platform, it says the IMR is 40. That is not really accurate, is it? The Initial Margin Requirement is much more than that, although it comes sharpely down once a tight stop is put in. WS have the same facility but they do say the IMR is 150 which is accurate.

This is important because one cannot open a £10/pip position on GBPUSD, for example, with £500 in the account, which should be possible if the IMR was really 40.
Hi FXScalper. I think that may have been an error on their system. The IMR is currently 60 for cable (this is what is has always been as far as I know.) It's still 40 on other major currency pairs like EUR/USD and USD/JPY.

Any chance of a 1 point spread during trading hours on the most popular currencies like WS?

some SB have their own systems which generally require dealer intervention. At 1 pip wide a quote would be inside the real market quote on many markets which must lead to clients being rejected on many occassions (as the SB company could not hedge within the price requested by the client)

FX scalper

we do not call it IMR we call it "Min IMR" .. the definition in our terms is 'Minimum Initial Margin Required' to open a position. So our terminology is exactly correct. The margin that is taken when you open a position is dependent upon the funds on your account. If you have more funds than the Min IMR then the computers will take more... up to a maximum of the 'Max CGSL' and will place stops accordingly. If you wish to commit the Min IMR to a position then your stop must be much closer. This is hardly unfair .. if a client is only willing to commit the Minimum IMR to a position then we will insist on a very tight stop.

As mentioned the Min IMR on cable is 60 not 40

capitalspreads said:

some SB have their own systems which generally require dealer intervention. At 1 pip wide a quote would be inside the real market quote on many markets which must lead to clients being rejected on many occassions (as the SB company could not hedge within the price requested by the client)

FX scalper

we do not call it IMR we call it "Min IMR" .. the definition in our terms is 'Minimum Initial Margin Required' to open a position. So our terminology is exactly correct. The margin that is taken when you open a position is dependent upon the funds on your account. If you have more funds than the Min IMR then the computers will take more... up to a maximum of the 'Max CGSL' and will place stops accordingly. If you wish to commit the Min IMR to a position then your stop must be much closer. This is hardly unfair .. if a client is only willing to commit the Minimum IMR to a position then we will insist on a very tight stop.

As mentioned the Min IMR on cable is 60 not 40


So, does it mean I can open a £50/pip GBP/USD position if I have £3,000 in my account?

you could if you wanted to. Our computers would place a stop 48 pips away. But, to be honest, if you are trading spot currencies your stops should be much tighter than this anyway, unless you were trading a 'dead hand' system in which case you would presumably have more leeway (cash) available. 48 pips loss implies that you are looking for 150 pips on the up side (using the 3 to 1 rule) and how many spot traders are looking for that?

Margin is there to be used if you want it. It is up to the client to limit his own exposure as in all trading situations. We give clients the opportunity to trade on reasonable prices, we dont force anyone to deal and if anyone cares to come to our seminars we are absolutely up front about the risks and pitfalls of Spread Betting (and of trading in general).

One of my favorite examples is that if you were a hedge fund and returned 30% in a year to your investors you would be considered 'brilliant' a 'genius' and invited to dinner parties and be talked about in newspapers etc... but too many 'punters' try to turn £5,000 into £10,000 in one day! We continually stress that you should be looking for profits of £60 on each trade whilst risking just £20 with that kind of capital.

Thanks Simon.

capitalspreads said:

you could if you wanted to. Our computers would place a stop 48 pips away. But, to be honest, if you are trading spot currencies your stops should be much tighter than this anyway, unless you were trading a 'dead hand' system in which case you would presumably have more leeway (cash) available. 48 pips loss implies that you are looking for 150 pips on the up side (using the 3 to 1 rule) and how many spot traders are looking for that?

Margin is there to be used if you want it. It is up to the client to limit his own exposure as in all trading situations. We give clients the opportunity to trade on reasonable prices, we dont force anyone to deal and if anyone cares to come to our seminars we are absolutely up front about the risks and pitfalls of Spread Betting (and of trading in general).

One of my favorite examples is that if you were a hedge fund and returned 30% in a year to your investors you would be considered 'brilliant' a 'genius' and invited to dinner parties and be talked about in newspapers etc... but too many 'punters' try to turn £5,000 into £10,000 in one day! We continually stress that you should be looking for profits of £60 on each trade whilst risking just £20 with that kind of capital.

Some seriously bad lag on the FTSE rolling and March contract charts today - it's 15:03 and my chart still says 14:58!

Meanwhile, the DOW is getting hammered by the release of a Consumer Sentiment report, but I can't 'see' the effect on the FTSE as the chart is not keeping up : 😡
Jbat001 said:
Some seriously bad lag on the FTSE rolling and March contract charts today - it's 15:03 and my chart still says 14:58!

Meanwhile, the DOW is getting hammered by the release of a Consumer Sentiment report, but I can't 'see' the effect on the FTSE as the chart is not keeping up : 😡

You can not rely on their intraday charts, they are pretty useless, have external feed/soft.
Opinions on this please - make your own judgements

trades short for nfp with 7 brokers - cap spreads being one of them

all The trades had a stoploss at 1.9646 and all were significantly large trades - one alone was 50 lots in the market (no, not mini's) - all these results are verifiable

Here are the results of stop hits

Mig Investments - 4 lots 1.9646

Interbank FX - 25 lots in 3 accounts 1.9646

CFG Smart Trader (bank feed) - 52 lots 1 account 1.9646

IG Index - £384 per pip 4 accounts 1.9646

Oanda 9 lots 2 accounts 1.9646

CMC Markets (deal 4 free) £50 p pip 2 accounts 1.9646

FXLQ Multibank Feed - 17.5 lots 1 account 1.9646

Capital Spreads £155 per pip 1.9659

according to Simon 59 was the first price they could get - opinions please, and it would be good if any bank traders or trading desk people could add to this discussion.
Hi fxwinner,

CS have aweful feed as well as execution. Simon says most of the time it is instant, which is b'ollocks. I did trade during NFP and it is amazing if only CS could fill you at your stop (I have an ECN feed and I am sure that was a terrible fill). CMC are sooooo good at filling stops it is unbelievable. I remember they filled me during the London bombing. I don't think they ever slipped me. They are not very friendly, but who cares? I don't think you should bother with CS for FX trading. They are rubbish. Simon is a good PR man though, i will give him that.
fxwinner22 said:
Opinions on this please - make your own judgements

trades short for nfp with 7 brokers - cap spreads being one of them

all The trades had a stoploss at 1.9646 and all were significantly large trades - one alone was 50 lots in the market (no, not mini's) - all these results are verifiable

Here are the results of stop hits

Mig Investments - 4 lots 1.9646

Interbank FX - 25 lots in 3 accounts 1.9646

CFG Smart Trader (bank feed) - 52 lots 1 account 1.9646

IG Index - £384 per pip 4 accounts 1.9646

Oanda 9 lots 2 accounts 1.9646

CMC Markets (deal 4 free) £50 p pip 2 accounts 1.9646

FXLQ Multibank Feed - 17.5 lots 1 account 1.9646

Capital Spreads £155 per pip 1.9659

according to Simon 59 was the first price they could get - opinions please, and it would be good if any bank traders or trading desk people could add to this discussion.
Hi fxwinner,

CS have aweful feed as well as execution. Simon says most of the time it is instant, which is b'ollocks. I did trade during NFP and it is amazing if only CS could fill you at your stop (I have an ECN feed and I am sure that was a terrible fill). CMC are sooooo good at filling stops it is unbelievable. I remember they filled me during the London bombing. I don't think they ever slipped me. They are not very friendly, but who cares? I don't think you should bother with CS for FX trading. They are rubbish. Simon is a good PR man though, i will give him that.

A wee bit harsh!

My experience of stops getting filled at CMC is just about average, so maybe you've had a particularly good experience? There is also the fact that CMC offer guaranteed stops if you so wish! 😎

On most markets, the filltime on CS is good, and with 'John', the automated dealer, fills are lightning fast. I don't feel you're giving CS due credit, but that's just my opinion. I like to bitch when the service falls short, but I'll give them due credit when they do a great job (which they do 98% of the time). Can't really say fairer than that, can I?
You got to be continuously on guard when spreadbetting with any of the outfits
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Premature Stop Execution

I've never had a reason to complain about the service I've had from CS before but his morning I am annoyed to have been stopped out of a position despite the price not hitting my SL point.

I was stopped out of a short of Liberty International Rolling Daily at 1335.0 at 08:19 but my chart shows the price maxing at 1326.3. The maximum for the day is 1329.3 so far.
It's possible that my chart could be inaccurate so I would be grateful if someone could confirm it with theirs.

The spread on Liberty International is only around 2.5pts so either;

A: The top end of the spread would have to be skewed more than double the range away from the average price to hit my stop, or

B: The range would have to triple in size during this period to hit it.

I normally double the spread and add that to my logical Stop level for safety but that was'nt sufficient on this occasion and it seems I may now have to quadruple it.

Has anybody else had a problem with Stops being triggered prematurely?
I am happy to report that my problem has now been resolved. 🙂

After getting through to CS on the phone, they explained that my position was stopped out on an unusually wide spread and they have now re-instated it.

Complaint withdrawn.
Vorbis said:
I've never had a reason to complain about the service I've had from CS before but his morning I am annoyed to have been stopped out of a position despite the price not hitting my SL point.

I was stopped out of a short of Liberty International Rolling Daily at 1335.0 at 08:19 but my chart shows the price maxing at 1326.3. The maximum for the day is 1329.3 so far.
It's possible that my chart could be inaccurate so I would be grateful if someone could confirm it with theirs.

The spread on Liberty International is only around 2.5pts so either;

A: The top end of the spread would have to be skewed more than double the range away from the average price to hit my stop, or

B: The range would have to triple in size during this period to hit it.

I normally double the spread and add that to my logical Stop level for safety but that was'nt sufficient on this occasion and it seems I may now have to quadruple it.

Has anybody else had a problem with Stops being triggered prematurely?

Hi Vorbis - iI think there was a cross at 1338 on the open which would have skewed your price on the open ( I assume tme was 8.00.19 secs) and looks like dealer error. Trouble with many stocks (including Sets) is that opening prices can be wide and automated triggers by th SB systems will flag stops which can lead to bad fills.

Beware charts - they should only be used for general market information. trading off SB charts has inherent problems in that they do not necessarily reflect the underlying market.