Best Thread Capital Spreads

wasp said:
No sorry Zuke but thanks... can you (or anyone) just confirm on your chart the low at 9:40 ish was 530 (on CS chart) and I'll never question CS again!

hope this helps


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Spot on coolTrader thanks.

Seeing an exact same chart from someone else shows that it wasn't bias to my stoploss and CS are not to blame whatsoever.
getting an unhandled exception saying server is busy.... When is this going to be fixed. Cannot log in. Finally logged in and it is very slow. It seems your system is not built to handle huge traffic.

Can anyone else log in?

This really doesn't help when you have open positions 😱


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Automatic Order Fills

capitalspreads said:
Posted 06-06-2006, 10:34 AM

We are going to switch some markets to automatic order fills (FX and Indices are market that springs to mind) but we need to ensure that this does not create problems with outprints activating rogue trades.

Would welcome the move to automatic fills. Any idea when this is likely to go ahead Simon?
sorry guys

i was out at meetings all day and only heard about the problems late on. The reason was becus a small upgrade was conflicting with sql servers (sorry i dont know what that means either!). The volume was fortunately v low this morning.

Auto trading is still in development per my earlier missives there will be a good deal of filtering on the auto trades (so not a license to print money , sorry)


What kind of filters you plan to use.

I got an account with you,in fact I got an account with all the SB firms, who ever offers me the best deal , I will use.

you do not really expect me to answer that do you?

filters will be based upon market, bet size, time of day, client etc etc

I can tell you now that there will be no automatic trade acceptance over US figures!


capitalspreads said:
sorry guys

Auto trading is still in development per my earlier missives there will be a good deal of filtering on the auto trades (so not a license to print money , sorry)


Not looking for a "license to print money", just quick fills without dealer mistakes...
capitalspreads said:

you do not really expect me to answer that do you?

filters will be based upon market, bet size, time of day, client etc etc

I can tell you now that there will be no automatic trade acceptance over US figures!



Are you referring to US interest rate figures only, or just significant US data generally?
capitalspreads said:

you do not really expect me to answer that do you?

filters will be based upon market, bet size, time of day, client etc etc

I can tell you now that there will be no automatic trade acceptance over US figures!


Yes actually I do, you should be transparent in what you do and be clear, fair and not misleading.

capitalspreads said:

you do not really expect me to answer that do you?

filters will be based upon market, bet size, time of day, client etc etc

I can tell you now that there will be no automatic trade acceptance over US figures!



Filters based upon:
Market - fair enough, different volumes etc
Bet size - fair enough, in case someone fat fingers an order maybe
time of day - fair enough, volume etc
client - errm, you'd filter based on the client? That sounds interesting, would you advise a client that you'd decided not to auto-fill them?

capitalspreads said:
You do not really expect me to answer that do you?

Filters will be based upon market, bet size, time of day, client etc etc

I can tell you now that there will be no automatic trade acceptance over US figures!

Not being very transparent in what Capital Spreads will be doing, are we Simon?
You need to come completely clean on all of this if you want play the truth game on this thread.
The most troubling part of that post is the suggestion that clients may be referred for dealer rather than automatic order fills. What aspect of a client's behaviour (not bet size - already mentioned) would require revocation of autofill to dealer fills (unless it was because they were winning?)
Seems to me that if clients are consistently winning because they're good at reading the markets, surely a SB company would want to keep them on board because they could just follow the same positions and make even more money than they do from losers. It follows, M'lud, that if SB companies want to get rid of 'winners' that's because these people are really profiting from deficiencies (bias, delays, etc) in the platform.
they don't want winners.

if you win on a spreadbet platform you dont win anything from the market - you win from the bookmakers pocket.

They dont enter trades along with winners -

firstly they WOULD have to pay tax and they WOULD have to pay commissions.

secondly they are not in the trading business - they are in the bookmaking business - they want to make money from suckers like any bookmaker. - nothing wrong with that as that's the business they are in but don't make the mistake that they want to find winners and copy them - they want people to lose so they get their money.

If they wanted to trade then they would be traders or hedge fund managers - they arent they are bookmakers and they like serial losers and hate winners. - it's the nature of the beast.
Sorry to have to say this BUT prices really skewed and all over the place on BRENT SEPT.
When Ig price is 74.18 Caps at 74.50 - now is that skewed or not? Usually a difference of only say 8max

every one.

I mention filters in all good faith... please can a client come forward who feels he is currently watched / as opposed to just rejected on bad prices. I see that we seldom have any complaints about trade filling these days on this thread which should give comfort to clients using our platform.

As always we trade in all good faith with our clients but occassionally problems occur. I can assure everyone that we currently do not have a single client set up for filtering. We are currently happy with the pricing model on our platform but that does not mean that this is a constant position of course (as we are a market maker NOT an exchange) deals will be rejected. On exchanges if you miss the price (as frequently happens...just ask an arcade or prop dealer) this is the equivalent of an SB company rejecting a price. Do direct access dealers then complain to the exchange? Of course not! They then try to trade at the next price etc etc.

Frankly I could have not mentioned anything about filtering at all (!!) that would be unclear. But as always I have attempted to be honest about things and as ever am pinned over the detail. Filtering will be a movable feast (different for different scenarios).


we are likely to go to dealer acceptance on most US data releases. This means that we will have the system switched to dealer acceptance at 13.29 and 14.59 on relevant days (same at 09.29 on UK data numbers).

This is not others have kindly pointed out on this thread other trading platforms widen spreads (many FX platforms) over major releases or go to dealer acceptance.

I would like, just this once, to ask commentators on this thread to ask themselves what they would do if they were us or any of the other SB companies. When it is just one person trying to make a bet which ends in rejection it is seen as personal but we along, with our competitors, will have 30 or 40 trades in a couple of seconds all wanting to trade in a total of many thousands of pounds a pip at prices not representative of current levels. We rely on data which gets to us at the same time as you. Data releases occur virtually every day of the year. We cannot hedge in fast moving markets at levels a few seconds ago (the famed 'direct access' is even worse than us in times of volatility as no trades at all can be put through unless there is a counterparty on the other side) so why would we allow client trades to go through at unrealistic prices. If we did, then clients would only ever trade at these times and there would be one less SB company in a matter of weeks. (no loss I hear you say) ...but do you think that 2 pips on Eur/Usd 3 on Cable 2 on FTSE, Dax etc etc would be available now if Capital Spreads had not come in and shaken the tree?

anyway ... when the autotrade system is in place please then give your comments...dont slag us off before it is even put up!

ooohh...... its been a long day today.


capitalspreads said:
every one.

I mention filters in all good faith... please can a client come forward who feels he is currently watched / as opposed to just rejected on bad prices. I see that we seldom have any complaints about trade filling these days on this thread which should give comfort to clients using our platform.
Of course we know you monitor clients as you have mentioned that you have some "nightmare clients" 😱
Anyway when I put trades through it usually disappears with no message and then sometimes after a while appears on the screen 😱 . But you know all that. And then there is the busy server when you are in a trade and cannot see what is happening

...but do you think that 2 pips on Eur/Usd 3 on Cable 2 on FTSE, Dax etc etc would be available now if Capital Spreads had not come in and shaken the tree?

Yes 😉

anyway ... when the autotrade system is in place please then give your comments...dont slag us off before it is even put up!

ooohh...... its been a long day today.



Let us know when it is in so we can see if there is any difference.