Cable 2010

you got stopped out then i take it. I wish i could stick to the rules i set myself, you seem to have that pegged. Stop moved to break even, off for a short while to make a start on this essay
Yeah - when catching tops and bottoms I put very tight stops. Didn't know about that report at 15:00, otherwise would have waited for the entry afterwards
out at 226 for +63.5 Wanted to let it run but i couldnt concentrate on my essay with open positions lol. Going to kick myself when it goes much higher.
out at 226 for +63.5 Wanted to let it run but i couldnt concentrate on my essay with open positions lol. Going to kick myself when it goes much higher.

That's a good trade. I should think there is a trend change and may go further.
long 216 stop 193

out +25

too late now, but I wouldn't be surprised if it hits pivot at least
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limit long 258 stop 230

out -28

still up trend, without me thoough:(
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long 225 stop193

out +15

now I closed it, it's going to shoot up

PS just had a look at daily - it looks like a nice doji. At the end of the day may open long with tiny stakes and stop below the low of the doji
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experiment - tiny £3 per pip long 246 stop 141 (based on today's candle - I'll leave it till Mon)

PS Called it an experiment because according to the rules long should be entered only when price goes above doji's high. In that case would have to put stop twice as big.
Otherwise there is bullish divergence on MACD and Stochastic (daily chart), which is only a warning of future up move - not a signal.
Open and close are close enough for the candle to qualify as a doji IMO.
It also comes after a down trend.
Altogether a promising and not so perfect trade.
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failed experiment
out -105
I'll stick to intra day.

Now I'll see if that gap gets filled.
be interesting to see if it reches 1.5000 will it bounce or drop below to take out some really big stops.
Previous 1 hour candle is the biggest I could see for a month or so. Is it a technical move or is there something else?
Just hearing round here that the GBP is getting smashed on the back of this AIG deal. Not sure how accurate that is but thought it was worth a post anyways.

thats whats doing the round on the news wires anyway.
Just hearing round here that the GBP is getting smashed on the back of this AIG deal. Not sure how accurate that is but thought it was worth a post anyways.

thats whats doing the round on the news wires anyway.

hmmm....also a hung parliament would be an unmitigated disaster from the perspective of other the G20 global if it wasn't (the economy) in a fookin mess already...did ya catch any of this cable dive with your signals Vaco?
nah missed it, the move up pre news was a tad too strong and it flipped me to longs, caught a couple of small clippings on the way up but nothing on the way down.
nah missed it, the move up pre news was a tad too strong and it flipped me to longs, caught a couple of small clippings on the way up but nothing on the way down.

I've done OK across a few pairs this morning...EU, the aussie, loonie and the swissie have been the sweetest/simplest trades so far...stopped out on cable long, then went short...went short UJ at midday, looking sick already...:rolleyes: