Bush or Kerry?

Who would you vote for on November 2?

  • Bush

    Votes: 48 27.9%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 94 54.7%
  • Nader

    Votes: 8 4.7%
  • None of the above!

    Votes: 22 12.8%

  • Total voters
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zambuck said:
.....if you regard 9/11 as tregedy then perhaps you may consider following as a tregedy as well...

Do you know how many children have died in Iraq because of sanctions?

Do you know how many people died in Iraq and Afghanistan after illegal war that was NOT sanctioned by UN...?

Do you know how many people die of just not getting fresh water in the world today. If you put them all in Jumbo Jets then do you know how many Jumbo jets that will fill...??

Get facts and you will be surprised....perhaps you may consider the facts above as a tregedy as well, as the numbers of 9/11 will pale into insignifance..If you want to show you true colours then state the fact that above few points are also a tregedy....

Yes, Zambuck . I am aware of all the points you have mentioned ... and many more. I regard it as a tragedy whenever innocent people are killed.

But , even so, for me the 911 atrocity has not "paled into insignificance". I am sorry that it seems to have for you.
Perrington said:
You may utter the words 911 as an example, well Iam afraid 911 was completely orchestrated from within the US, 911 created a problem that needed attention.... without 911 we have no war on terror, thats why they done it too themselves, to create something so dramatic in the eyes of the media, that the civilians of the USA and outer world, would be so shocked, that they could then conduct an otherwise barbaric and inhumane war on terror without too many questions (which is now backfiring BTW). The war on terror is conducted by the terrorists themselves, Iam afraid we have some real evil people in charge at the present time, and they the terrorists are masquerading behind the very symbol they choose to target.

Wow. And you think I've been brainwashed. What are you on !!
ivorm said:
Yes, Zambuck . I am aware of all the points you have mentioned ... and many more. I regard it as a tragedy whenever innocent people are killed.

But , even so, for me the 911 atrocity has not "paled into insignificance". I am sorry that it seems to have for you.

the atrocitty happened in technicolour - it is repeated on tv - there is a visceral reaction.

the media doesnt show you every night, thousands of people dying, so you cannot FEEL the gut-reaction of it. Thats why 3,000 people dying on 911 SEEMS more immediate than 3,000 dying EVERY DAY.

please put aside the visual memory, and consider similar tragedies are NO LESS REAL because there is no VIDEO to watch.

again, the "pale into insignificance" remark was used to put the event into "context".

In the US, at least 3,000 people die every year from gunshot wounds inflicted by other americans.
Is this tragedy any less important because CNN doesnt spoon-feed you pictures ??

Reminds me of Jerry Brookheimers "Rescue of Jessica" that never was !!
( I forget her surname ) Americans still think this was a real event, when it was stage-managed.

If it isnt on TV, it isnt seen as "real".
Thats precisely the response I would expect from you...

Because I truely think, I therefore dare to speak the truth of reality as it is !

There are many people like you, who are so brainwashed that they immediately run a million miles from the statement I made 🙂 (I understand, it is rather extreme, but that does not change reality) Thats precisely where Dubya and the boys want you. Your pre-occupied with the notion of a world of islam beheading everyone, when infact, we are moving towards a one world state, where your alarm clock will be automated from a central computer ! Just ask yourself, which one of those senarios is the more likely...
This site is always one to take note off....



A quote form the influential Rebuilding America defences publication...

Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century
policy goals and would trouble American
Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is
likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a
new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and
industrial policy will shape the pace and
content of transformation as much as the
requirements of current missions.


Perhaps 'pale into insignifance' was not correct use of what I was trying to say....

But when one compares the death of 3000 people, and I am considering that as a tregedy, and I want to see all who did that not only bought to justice, but locked away for ever.....to number of people dying just from lack of fresh water - which will fill 15 jumbo jets, then I must say that statistics do not compare...

It seems that 9/11 has become a trgedy landmark, and everything else has 'paled into insignificance'...that is what I am trying to say...

If US and allied used the money they have spent on this war to address the real issues, then there will not be trgedies like this anymore..!!!

But voters when their mental mind is conditioned enough will be easily led to any action immediately, whatever the legalities....
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Perrington said:
. Your pre-occupied with the notion of a world of islam beheading everyone, when infact, we are moving towards a one world state, where your alarm clock will be automated from a central computer ! Just ask yourself, which one of those senarios is the more likely...

Ummmm...... the first ?

Keep taking the tablets !!
trendie said:
the atrocitty happened in technicolour - it is repeated on tv - there is a visceral reaction.

the media doesnt show you every night, thousands of people dying, so you cannot FEEL the gut-reaction of it. Thats why 3,000 people dying on 911 SEEMS more immediate than 3,000 dying EVERY DAY.

please put aside the visual memory, and consider similar tragedies are NO LESS REAL because there is no VIDEO to watch.

again, the "pale into insignificance" remark was used to put the event into "context".

In the US, at least 3,000 people die every year from gunshot wounds inflicted by other americans.
Is this tragedy any less important because CNN doesnt spoon-feed you pictures ??

Reminds me of Jerry Brookheimers "Rescue of Jessica" that never was !!
( I forget her surname ) Americans still think this was a real event, when it was stage-managed.

If it isnt on TV, it isnt seen as "real".

But I agree with you. I regard the untimely deaths of all innocent people as tragedies.

And I do not put them in an order of "significance". I regard them as equally tragic. Zambuck and Thirteen, however, think it insignificant when Americans die.

And don't think that their remarks were to put events into context. See Thrteen's second post wher he says

anyway - no i dont care about 911 deaths. not saying its right - i just dont have any sympathy for them.
Ivorm hehee

You know, if you want some truth, go out and listen to all the people who have been dismissed as lunatics and heretics... you will get more truth from them, than you ever will from the pirates Bush and Kerry.

Can u remember the film Flash Gordon ? remember Dr Zharkov was put under a brainwashing machine so he would be compliant with TPTB ? We have a brainwashing machine right here and now in the 21st century, and it aint a big ugly piece of techno phobic description like that in the movie, its called a television!! Keep off BBC News 24 mate, there's a good start for ya 🙂
No probs...no need to apologise...

posts are coming fast and furious so there seems to be time lag to posts....
You know, there is not a secret government quango sending subliminal messages encrypted in the tv programs.... its quite simply brainwashing by choice of stories to broadcast, simple as that. 911 & the tragic ken bigley etc are classic examples. But why did the prison Abu Gharib hardly get any airtime, thats been well and truely brushed under the carpet already.... and there are many more examples that could be broadcast to provide a more comprehensive picture as to the reality of iraq, but its nots getting airtime here, anyone with even the slightest bit of thought would have to ask the most simple question ever, WHY ? And this leads to more logical questions and ulitmately a quite nasty truth. No disrepect to anyone intended.
The first casualty of war has always been truth, although in this particular so-called 'war on terror' the neocons' pernicious lies, greed, sanctimony and public manipulation have imo set a new benchmark low.
LION63 said:
As if we do not have enough liberals as it is, a vote for Kerry might well be popular but it is a giant step backwards. Tolerance I hear, sure, when it suits the audience. I have heard many say that George Bush lacks intellect is uneducated and lacks persona...umm. I wonder how many of those that criticise him have an equal or better education. Do people really want and expect us to believe that the Republican Party would choose an inept and uneducated fool to lead their Party?

Whenever we disagree with a view, those that advocate it are labelled extremists and nut cases, yet we say we are democratic and believe in freedom of speech, do we? There are still a lot of people who believe in the policies he pursues and we choose not to embrace so many of these modern day beliefs that have no place in decent societies.

That is so true LION...I don't get on here and make fun of the liberal points of views. I don't agree with them, but they are allowed to voice there opinion. I am not going to with they all died and call Kerry ignorant and make fun of Kerry. I could say kerry is a waffle head since his position changes with what is popular for him to gain ground. Many of you question the murder thing in the 10 commandments. Yes it is though shall not murder. Bush is not dropping bombs hoping to kill the innocent. The innocent die unfortunately like in any war. That doesnt mean the person causing it is a murder. His intentions are good so I question that point of view.
Noahedwinbeach2 said:
That is so true LION...I don't get on here and make fun of the liberal points of views. I don't agree with them, but they are allowed to voice there opinion. I am not going to with they all died and call Kerry ignorant and make fun of Kerry. I could say kerry is a waffle head since his position changes with what is popular for him to gain ground. Many of you question the murder thing in the 10 commandments. Yes it is though shall not murder. Bush is not dropping bombs hoping to kill the innocent. The innocent die unfortunately like in any war. That doesnt mean the person causing it is a murder. His intentions are good so I question that point of view.

but thats the point. bush DOESNT HAVE ANY INTENTIONS hes gone into iraq with no game plan. that is why 380 tons of explosives were stolen from us soldiers yesterday and why iraq is currently 100 times more dangerous than it was with saddam in charge.

does this remind anyone of vietnam?

the guy is a complete joke. he cant even eat without half killing himself.
Noahedwinbeach2 said:
.... Many of you question the murder thing in the 10 commandments. Yes it is though shall not murder. Bush is not dropping bombs hoping to kill the innocent. The innocent die unfortunately like in any war. That doesnt mean the person causing it is a murder. His intentions are good so I question that point of view.

When Timothy McVeigh ( an AMERICAN )targeted the Oklahoma FEDERAL building, he was making a point against the US government.

By his reasoning, he was making a point against the US government.

Unfortunately, innocent people got killed.

Does that mean he was RIGHT to do what he did ??

His intentions were "right" according to his twisted logic.

Did these american citizens deserve to die ??
usa - the land of freedom

the land that locks up little brown people for 3 years with no chance of a trial, and tortures them regularly until they confess to having a different point of view in a different country.

i woz going to boycott all american goods - but i realised that would mean id have to stop trading - but hey - the more money i extract from this corrupt, evil and violent dictatorship, the less there is for them 😉
Thirteen said:
usa - the land of freedom

the land that locks up little brown people for 3 years with no chance of a trial, and tortures them regularly until they confess to having a different point of view in a different country.

i woz going to boycott all american goods - but i realised that would mean id have to stop trading - but hey - the more money i extract from this corrupt, evil and violent dictatorship, the less there is for them 😉

now THATS true liberation !!
spend "their"money on Chinese goods 😉
What a democratic choice citizens of the USA really have, Vote kerry or Vote Bush.... atleast we have the Green party over here !! Dude the ten commanments apply to you and the "common person" anyone with an illuminati bloodline, zionist jewish connection or has enough money to maintain an election campaign in the USA is immune from the 10 commandments.
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