Bush or Kerry?

Who would you vote for on November 2?

  • Bush

    Votes: 48 27.9%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 94 54.7%
  • Nader

    Votes: 8 4.7%
  • None of the above!

    Votes: 22 12.8%

  • Total voters
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to be fair twalker, Bush may just have done it this time !! ( hate to say that )

bear in mind, what people say in exit polls may differ from what they actually voted.
people like to be perceived as kind and compassionate, and they may have said they voted Kerry.
But, in the privacy of the polling booth, they actually voted Bush, cos it suited them, vis-a-vis tax cuts etc.

remember; whenever there is a poll on sexual activities, men over-state their sexual abilities, to seem more macho than they are. women, want to appear to be demure, and under-state their sexual habits.
so, depending on the poll people say what they think others want to hear, rather than what is the truth.

just a different view on the apparent discrepancy !!

EDIT: have just read the linkpage. the above comments are rendered obsolete.
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Couldnt keep away could I 🙂

I feel an excellent quote arose that requires some analysis.

"If you dislike US so much don't go on hols there. No doubt like all clueless Brits who go to Disneyland for 2 weeks you'll come back an expert on US culture. (I am a Brit BTW). "

You see, this is exactly what the media conditioning does to a person (yes here in the uk too). Whenever we read the paper regarding terrorism or watch any american news (just listen to some of the articulate statements Bush makes) They always say "These terrorists want to destroy the USA" "These people hate the USA and our culture" This is infact incorrect, just because I think republican policy is incorrect does not mean I hate the USA or its people. What I do not agree with is the current strategy that is underway against this war on terror, as trendie said, Would you prefer to be sexually abused by an Iragi-trained soldier, or an american one ? Would you like to be dragged around on a leash by an iraqi or an american ? Because of this, we are now indistinguishable from the so called terrorists, yet the patriotic brainwashed media jibby's somehow manage to separate the two scenario's into one being justifiable and the other an act of terrorism.

So people who are programmed via the media, whenever they hear people say they dont agree with the war on terror, the programmed person associates this with hatred of the USA and its people. Quote from Bush "Your either with us or against us" These various comments and statements are all locked away safely within your subconscious and can be triggered at any time via the mechanism of association, until they have the grand illusion complete. The fact is, unless you are a real thinker, and truly allocate some time away for thinking, your never likely to be able to see through the illusion, because it takes quite a lengthy process to filter through all the garbage until you get to the "truth". The majority of people dont allocate this time because they are too busy watching TV, out for a pint, doing the garden, at work, or trying to make up with their girlfriend..... and the powers that be know this, its very well thought through.
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Salty Gibbon,

You are a very sore loser and cannot accept that you were wrong about the American electorate. Now you have to result to conspiracy theories, claims of election rigging and worse still, a view that more than 50 million people were dummies.

Do you really think that you are one of the few sane people on the planet? Do you believe that your ideas, morals and political leanings are to be adopted by everyone else? Stop dreaming and come back to reality.

The people that you have referred to as "dummies" made a choice based on their moral and political convictions and did so by exercising their democratic rights. You can put any label you choose to them but, who has won? You are in a minority of those that would try and turn the world upside down wherever and whenever you are afforded the chance but the tide is turning and those who lack conviction, morals and leadership will no longer dictate to the rest.

You are a very sore loser

1. I am not a loser because I did not take part in the election or any other popularity competition.

Do you really think that you are one of the few sane people on the planet?

2. I have already admitted that I am crazy. However, being crazy does not preclude me from being exceedingly intelligent.

Do you believe that your ideas, morals and political leanings are to be adopted by everyone else?

3. Frankly I do not care but my dog thinks I'm pretty ok

Other Comments

I am very conservative and probably more right wing than most in my political views.

Whilst I do believe that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with having an American President who harbours extreme right wing tendencies, it would be a little more comforting if the incumbent possessed a modicum of intelligence.

Frankly the man behaves like an ape and even resembles an ape in appearance.

Can I get back to my beer now please ?
The Hindu patriots should be praised for helping to exterminate the cancer of Islamic Terrorism.

Hindus, Jews and Christians are united in the war against terrorism. Ever since the end of the Cold War, I am heartened by the ever closer military relationship between India, USA and Israel; three great countries who are facing the shared threat of evil.

Unlike our democracies, the Islamic fanatics only have their insidious and evil terror networks to gain support from.

The odds are therefore stacked against Evil, so Good will inevitably be victorious.

Salty Gibbon said:
As for the great democracy of India, it might be better for them to concern themselves with Hindu fundamentalist terrorists and bride burners before switching their attention to the world stage.
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Hey Trader Pattern, you forgot the Bhuddists, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.

Are they lining up with your mob too, lol ?

And since when were India and Israel great countries ???????????????

Woof woof woof woof.....................
"The odds are therefore stacked against Evil, so Good will inevitably be victorious"...

Glug 0
Glug 0
Glug 0

that's me going under for the third time..will someone please save me from
this moronic , mindless ,cr..p

"Hindus, Christians, Jews united"
why do you interpret everything in religious terms? I am an agnostic, I also believe terrorism is evil.

"close relationship between USA, India and Israel".
The USA has a close military relationship with Islamic Pakistan.

"The odds are stacked against Evil". Yes. I only hope that the "Good" can be distinguished from the Evil.
( otherwise, Good is defined as who is prepared to kill the most people, which is not a good idea )

One thing I have learned on my trading journey, is that my own opinions are relatively unimportant. That my views must be based on external and objective facts. And to make tentative assumptions. But to be able to change my mind as soon as evidence becomes available that my assessment was wrong.
( I foolishly thought the Dow was going to drop heavily, and thought shorting would be good. However, once the evidence proved wrong, I bought the Dow. I only managed to get 400 points out of 700. ( from 9700 to 10,400 ) I would not have achieved this if I did not have the ability to accept I am wrong and change my opinion, and take decisions coincident with the prevailing trend )

TraderPattern: my perception is that you trade your opinions.
That you HAVE to be right.
The market is wrong, unless it goes your way.
You fail to see signals that might indicate you are wrong.
I suspect you lose a lot of money.
Please let me know which company you trade for, so I can SHORT it. 😉
Did you hear about the female Kerry supporter who, having completely shaved herself in her rather intimate regions came up with the election slogan :-

"Read my lips, no Bush "

I don't trade for a company. So go ahead and short me 😉

trendie said:
TraderPattern: my perception is that you trade your opinions.
That you HAVE to be right.
The market is wrong, unless it goes your way.
You fail to see signals that might indicate you are wrong.
I suspect you lose a lot of money.
Please let me know which company you trade for, so I can SHORT it. 😉
trendie said:
I foolishly thought the Dow was going to drop heavily, and thought shorting would be good. However, once the evidence proved wrong, I bought the Dow. I only managed to get 400 points out of 700. ( from 9700 to 10,400 ) I would not have achieved this if I did not have the ability to accept I am wrong and change my opinion, and take decisions coincident with the prevailing trend
And that, folks, is what successful trading is all about. People whose behaviour (on this board, or at their desk) is motivated by the desire to Be Right will never be able to trade profitably.
TraderPattern said:
I don't trade for a company. So go ahead and short me 😉


Oops: thought you said "go ahead and shoot me".
Must get some new specs.
Since American policies have an effect far exceeding its borders, I propose that everyone on earth gets to vote for the American president.
zigglewigler said:
Since American policies have an effect far exceeding its borders, I propose that everyone on earth gets to vote for the American president.

Interesting concept.
Just seen a trailer for the first of a three part series on Ch4, Sunday at 8pm. ..Thre Crazy Rulers Of The World . Guess who they are! :cheesy:

A new series in which award-winning writer and documentary filmmaker Jon Ronson explores some of the curious activities and ideas at the heart of US military and intelligence. High-ranking officials reveal some of the secrets that remain fundamental to George W Bush's War on Terror, including the existence of a special forces outfit called the First Earth Battalion. Ronson traces the evolution of such forces and their activities today.

"Lion", do you intentionally go out of your way to antagonise people? If not, what would you put it down to? I've been browsing the posts on this site for only a few days now and antagonise is all you seem to do. I didn't feel you were worth responding to in the past, but now you're backing nothing but murder poorly disguised as peace making. I suggest you study the real truth behind the (foreign) policies of the western world, and perhaps start to think for yourself for a change. Sorry folks, I think this discussion has gone way beyond it's original scope and we need to remember that America is not the only culprit, albeit that America is most certainly the ringleader.


May I suggest that you read my posts again before saying that I have a "US centric viewpoint". I cannot imagine how you would come to that conclusion unless you had predetermined that anyone that does not share your view is ignorant. At no time have I talked about wars, world domination or the US as the World's Policeman, I have left that to the rest of you. Before and after the election I stuck to why Bush should win, I leave the rest to you and the other intellects who have the time, ability and knowledge to find articles, documents and theses that allege fraud, conspiracy, mass destruction etc.

What I continue to stress is conservatism which some of you attach other labels to (your choice and right). You mention that I can only express my views in a country that has a free press, do not mistake a conservative for a fool as they are two different things. Why do you find it hard to accept that there is and always will be a divergence of opinion? Some use the gun to impose their will, others use a book (religion) and another group use the pen; they are all the same and there is no difference in what they seek to achieve.

Pardon me if I say that that is one of the most hypocritical notes, posts (whatever) that I have read in a few days. You have the cheek to ask me if I "intentionally go out of my way to antagonise people"? You claim to have been reading the posts and did not feel I was worth responding to in the past; what on Earth made you change your mind? Were you so bored that you thought you might as well come up with an ill thought statement or is that you were left at home alone with nobody else to upset?

You will have to do much better than that, try something less sutle next time. But since you "bothered" replying to my post(s), you are at least showing some progress and there is still some hope for you, maybe if you stop reading comic books and watching those cartoons, I will endeavour to take you more seriously.
The liberals on this board would probably prefer the world to be overrun by Islamic terrorists. Personally, I would prefer great countries such as UK, India, USA & Israel to stand shoulder to shoulder and kill off the terrorists before they have had the chance to do their evil deeds.
Trader Pattern

Why on earth do you insist on referring to India and Israel as great countries ?

India is certainly great in the sense that it is a rather large country in area but this obviously does not apply to Israel. I am somewhat confused as to your terminology dear boy.

Please elaborate on your use of the word "great".
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