Seeing as wee jimmy Krankie is off to Brussels next week to try and secure a deal for Scotland to get back in, Here is a map of UK areas that voted to remain, As you can see theirs plenty of potential for referendums for independent counties.
There's room on the battle bus heading to brussels should anyone want to represent these area's giving some great savings on travel costs. Atilla, i think your nearest remain area was Brighton and hove, which i believe hasn't announced a referendum as yet..:whistling
Well Brighton with it's young and well educated green population who could have imagined otherwise.
The EU will not collapse and all this futile talk is pants and wishful thinking.
EU and especially Germany will get much stronger. Core countries will come together with greater commitment. The weak laggards can have their referendums and step off the train.
I would much prefer to go into battle with 10 die hards than a 100 doubters. Germans are hard working smart people. They united with East Germany and made it a success. They will unite Europe. Germany, Holland, Austria and France and Benelux states and then it will continue.
They will finish the last part of the puzzle with harmonization of currency, bank and fiscal taxation policies in full.
Same thing playing out in Spain. Splitlink may have a view. No central government for the last several months but regions able to manage services. Some may even jump at transferring corrupt Spanish politicians with those hard working smart German ones in the EU. Same goes for Greece. Bureaucrats probably better at managing order than politicians managing their greed.
People just want to live free without disunity. Adhere to some simple and common laws.
Sovereignty is much ado about nothing as we can see how important it is to Nigel Lawson
Another thing that does my head in is seeing muslims dressed in their robes go to Friday prayers and then Zionist celebrate the Sabath in their way and both tell us how wonderfully different and great they are but happen to be living and getting along really well in the UK.
😆 How freaky crazy is that. Put them next door to each other in their homelands and they'll start hating and killing each other.
All this divisive nonsense by god brained or nationalistic or patriotic people is just a load of utter stupidity imo.
If you want to see different come to Brighton and Hove the house of Bohemian Rhapsody. Like weeds bursting through concrete one can't stifle freedom.