FTSE 100 loses £100bn in four days as Brexit paralyses markets and pound crumbles
Doing Sparkies job for him now...
Note it's not the Evening Standard :idea:
Wouldn't like you to accuse me of bias.
Ermm that's at the prospect of it occurring. It could be worse?
Market really doesn't give a flying hoot about what you and I think or say.
UK GDP 2.8 Trillion.
Last years growth was approx 0.6%
Now calculate what the growth, stalling of growth or decline maybe if Brexit materialises, markets in the UK take fright the pound falls and all UK assets depreciate and get sold off.
Imagine how much people retiring in the next 2-3 years may lose from their pension pot.
Forget imagine. Just do the sums what if? Humour me.
Then take your 10bn per annum to see how far it takes you?
Scare mongering indeed.
A friend at work thinks this is all great. He can't wait for the out vote. He talks much like you guys. He says it's going to be a 'blast'. He has the vote and his going to use it.
It's going to be a blast. He is all hyper. Go figure!