Bigger is not better.
If the mass public weren't so idle in their actions and thoughts then they would discover they do have choices. eg, they don't have to buy into crony corporate capitalism. Do I ever buy a corporate coffee from Starbucks ! No do I fek...can get a perfectly adequate cuppa from the roadside canteen for 90p as opposed to 4 quid. I go out of my way to avoid handing money over to big corp. My money is better spent (value) and appreciated more by direct dealing with small businesses.
I recon you will never be able to figure me out. 😆
It's not about size of Europe it's about trading pacts and agreements. However, bigger the market place and population greater is the combined creativity, producivity and GDP etc etc.
As for Brexit, don't know if you watched the Howard Shore video on the link but he has complacency shining out of his ar5e. You've probably heard of the argument "well they said the same thing about London losing it's position in finance if we don't join the Euro". People keep repeating this but it is precisely this sort of sentiment that saw the destruction of all our industries such as Ship-Building, Textiles along with others, we were or are the best and the competition will not materialise, carry on and do nothing.
We can not trade on past performance. What kind of argument is that? Hasnt' happened before so it will not happen now.
Think about it!
Each day and any change is new and should be analysed and considered as such. SWOT it out.
To pay off massive debts by applying a small transaction levy on finance (who caused all this bleeding mess in the first place any how) ONLY makes sense. UK seems to think by not paying it - somehow is going to make London the greatest place to conduct transactions. Perhaps it can but in another 10-20 years time Europe will continue to be in a better place with a strong well managed economy under the good stewardship of the Germans whilst the UK will continue with a skewed industry and economy with negative BoP and failing a pound.
There is obviously still the risk that Europe will apply sanctions and laws on transactions conducted with London and may introduce protection for it's own financial institutions and companies to insulate it self against London's grab for market share.
We have the BSI. If anybody wishes to export sofas to UK they need to ensure it is made of fire retardant material. It's simply good regulation. So if you are a Chinese manufacturer you will need to comply or you don't get to sell your cheap sofa in the UK.
Same with EU. If you want to trade with EU financial institution or corporation lets say trading bonds one will pay a levy. So what will EU bodies requiring finance do? Come to London to seek finance and if London wishes to do business servicing EU needs, they will pay one way or another. If EU does a deal with Asia Pac there is nothing to stop EU institutions going to HK, Tokyo or US to seek finance.
Lloyds' of London faced similar competition with Asian tigers stealing business few decades ago.
Also, the stupid idiot replies to a question on migration with well you are Danish (the presenter) and you are here. What's that got to do anything with the price of cheese?
Free movement of Labour is an ESSENTIAL ingredient to efficient and productive use of all factors of production including capital. Some people simply do not understand this with what a common standard market stands for.
Land is fixed, capital can move but Labour can't??? This would be a silly arrangement. In the long run it will ultimately lead to inefficient use of resources and pricing mismatch. It's a fact. :!:
Just as capital moves to where it can gain best returns so must Labour. This is obvious right?
UK farms would not be able to operate without labour from the Balkans because no one else is willing to do the work. On the other hand there is idle labour sitting doing nothing in let's say Bulgaria. No brainer to UK farmers. UKIP should get out more and talk to productive people who like farmers likely to be in the minority.
The hope that if we stop Bulgarians, somehow British workers will take their place is simply not true.