very few things in more contemporary history have maintained a level of stability and substance for >100 years ??
you have to go back to the good old days of Rome etc etc to get a decent run on things 😛
Ooookayyyyy ????? :cheesy:
So see if you all count the number of wars England fought against European countries in the last 1000 years on your fingers and toes (assuming you all have them and you may need a few bodies) and call out the number please???
Now... how long has it been since the last war England fought against any other European country?
100 years you say 😉
Is this a gotcha moment? Probably not. We'll have to wait another 30 years but the odds are good. 👍
I like what you say and I want to agree with what you say but we have one or two common enemies around the world that are more important.....for the next thirty years? I should say that it would be prudent to stick together.
Thieves tend to fall out, though, and we have a surfeit of those across Europe, wouldn't you agree,?😀
Nice colours on the flags but how many millions died in the process???
Tout le monde célèbrent l'Europe.
Vive européen
Nah, that's not important, whereas daring to tell me how big my sausages can be is diabolical so better be off 😆😆
So there we have it...a bunch of economists saying we will be better off out. Obvious really, if we are a net contributor to the crazy EU black hole.
Yes and if you look at their credentials they make up about 4 economists with not much reputation compared to rest of other economists represented by the likes of OECD, Government, IMF, Oxford adn the BoE?
The report's authors include Patrick Minford, a former adviser to Margaret Thatcher, and Gerard Lyons, a former chief economist at Standard Chartered and now an adviser to the London Mayor, Boris Johnson, who is campaigning for Britain to leave the EU.
These sadly desperate four economists make up the first time any economist has come out in defence of a Brexit.
Any reasonable person who would like to make a considered decision should compare their assessment against the rest. Surely? Right?
As for Mrs T's advisor he was a bloody minded fool who decimated and destroyed UK manufacturing industry and we now miss it.
Boris's advisor - could he possibly say anything else and more than likely advised Boris in his foolish U turn.
Standard Chartered economist - does well when emerging markets growing along with Global economy but now not so hot with share price in the doldrums.
Think about what these Brexit snake oil salesmen are trying to sell you? :idea:
Tis you who needs to question the motives of economists already well baked into the system who's self interest is to preserve the status quo. This should tell you something ! Lets see if the penny drops 😆 So far, all we have from the establishment is fear mongering.
It was exactly the same tactic employed in the recent Scottish referendum. In the Scots case it was the right decision. They would have been in crisis by now given the drop in oil revenues.
However, it is entirely the wrong tactic when dealing with the bloody minded Brits, who have just about had it with the elites and bureaucracy.
Tis you who needs to question the motives of economists already well baked into the system who's self interest is to preserve the status quo. This should tell you something ! Lets see if the penny drops 😆 So far, all we have from the establishment is fear mongering.
It was exactly the same tactic employed in the recent Scottish referendum. In the Scots case it was the right decision. They would have been in crisis by now given the drop in oil revenues.
However, it is entirely the wrong tactic when dealing with the bloody minded Brits, who have just about had it with the elites and bureaucracy.
U Brits only care about the money.
What are they teaching U at Uni.
Leicester better off second.😱
Just goes to emphasise how economics is not so much a pure science as a political science.
I go back to my what if we're wrong scenarios?
Remain in -
if that turns out to be right, that's fine, we stay in the EU and are all better off than we would have been
if it turns out to be wrong, we can get out later or re-negotiate terms or use our weight to re-direct the EU's course
Brexit -
if that turns out to be right, that's fine, we stay out of the EU and are all better off than we would have been
but if it turns out to be wrong, the cost of re-entry could be very high, possibly too high to either afford or stomach - and that assumes the EU would even permit us to return
Its hard to judge the actual rewards from Remain or Brexit, and either way it might be that we're not actually better off, we're just less badly off than we (probably) would have been. But the only catastrophic risk comes from an unjustified Brexit. Its just risk:reward, we're supposed to be good at this.
U Brits only care about the money.
What are they teaching U at Uni.
Leicester better off second.😱
Tis you who needs to question the motives of economists already well baked into the system who's self interest is to preserve the status quo. This should tell you something ! Lets see if the penny drops 😆 So far, all we have from the establishment is fear mongering.
It was exactly the same tactic employed in the recent Scottish referendum. In the Scots case it was the right decision. They would have been in crisis by now given the drop in oil revenues.
However, it is entirely the wrong tactic when dealing with the bloody minded Brits, who have just about had it with the elites and bureaucracy.