Well At', let's hope you never think or say anything that contravenes the mainstream narrative and the powers that be decide to shut you up. Hold on a minute, you already have, e.g. our views on 9/11 and the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine!
If you think this is all a joke that doesn't apply to the ordinary wo/man in the street - think again. Look what Trudeau did to the truckers in Canada. I know of a silver stacker/collector who's having a devil of a time getting a mortgage at the moment simply because he buys and sells physical gold and silver. The banks don't want us plebs doing that - oh no! The days of you having your own money and spending it whenever you want on whatever you want are fading fast. And when CBDCs and a Chinese style credit score system come in - which they inevitably will - the window of what you can and can't spend your money will get smaller and smaller. Don't make the mistake of thinking that all of this only applies to (supposedly) nasty, far right racist extremists like Nigel Farage. He's just the tip of the iceberg. Mark my words, the likes of you and me will be subjected to these sorts of shenanigans eventually.