Brexit and the Consequences

Well I wonder about you! ☺
When did I ever give you the impression that I'm in any way human? I've certainly never claimed any such rubbish. My lizard clan will be deeply offended that you should even hint at such a thing.
60 trade deals under our belt but the one with the EU cant be completed. Who do you think is holding things up?

Brexit Britain has already 60 trade deals! Finnish MEP "envious" of UK as she erupts at EU bosses​

I find myself agreeing with you that debates are for the audience and so you have convinced me that my original suggestion was wrong so I have changed my mind. But this is a paradox because your assertion is that people in debates DON'T change their minds. Your statement fails on logical fallacy.

Leave aside liars (or politicians as you call them) the only way reasonable people can interact is via debate and at the end one reasonable person should (though not always) change their point of view. However due to that wonderful human (dis)ability 'cognitive dissonance' people will logically know they are wrong but still declare they are right.
Aren't human beings wonderful.
I didn’t mean to say that people in debates don’t change their minds. I was trying to say that politicians running for office don’t verbally say in a public debate that they are wrong. I hope that clarifies my post.

I’ve tried to come up with some ideas that would cut down on politicians lying. One of them is to pass laws that can fine them a large amount of money if fact checkers can prove them wrong for each lie or half truth they tell. This would (hopefully) reduce the number of lies they say and maybe even cut down on all their lengthy speeches that they give. With a lot less talking, fewer people would be fooled by their rhetoric as there would be fewer sentences to analyze
Merkel, and Macron, have just received a text message, from BoJo. He advised them that the UK is taking back control of it's borders.


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UK Exports to EU.
21December 0.
22December 0.

UK Imports continue, much reduced.

Balance of Payments: 100% negative.

Good, these Australian Trade Terms !

And the transition period hasn't ended yet.

Brilliant, this oven-ready deal, well done Gov.UK.

Breaking News:

In a statement, Downing Street said: "We have got Brexit done and we can now take full advantage of the fantastic opportunities available to us as an independent trading nation, striking trade deals with other partners around the world."

Spin machine to be cranked up into overdrive.
brexit contract has been delayed for many years. I think it is very difficult to come to a conclusion. just afraid that someone behind you speaks badly
Looking on the bright side of what's been agreed ...

The disastrous deal is a massive 2,000 pages of red tape and bureaucracy.
Big hit to the economy on top of Covid impact.
Loads of things kicked into long grass of 'sort it out later'.

Not as good as a 'no deal', but still a huge opportunity to make money as the wreckage mounts in the New Year.

It's certainly a bonanza for canny traders, however bad it is for Joe Public.

Great Xmas present ☃️ but could have been better.

Wait, what !
We were lied to by anti Brexit scaremongers!

"Tesco: Brexit impact on food prices 'very modest' "

Any changes to food prices after Brexit are likely to be "very modest indeed" under the deal struck between the UK and the EU, the chairman of Tesco has said.

The best part about that story is the BBC propaganda machine in full Blitzkrieg mode just 12 days ago telling us

"We don't yet know what that relationship will be, but the effect will be felt by everyone - in their shopping basket."

Now any fool can tell you if you dont know whats going to happen you cant predict what the effect will be. But clearly the intelligence of BBC staff falls BELOW that of any fool.
This doesn't seem like a vote of confidence in his son. I guess water (the English Channel) is thicker than blood.:D

Boris Johnson's father says he'll seek French citizenship, hours before Brexit​

By Rob Picheta and Benjamin Berteau, CNN

Updated 1:28 PM ET, Thu December 31, 2020

It's been a tumultuous year for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. He was slow to implement a coronavirus lockdown in the UK, slow on PPE and slow on contact tracing. Meanwhile he struck a last-minute Brexit deal with the EU, Scotland's drive for independence is gaining momentum, and Johnson's personal life is adding more drama. CNN's Nic Robertson looks back at it all.;

London (CNN)Stanley Johnson, the father of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, has said that he intends to obtain French citizenship -- his comments coming just hours before the UK's final transition out of the European Union.
Johnson, a former Member of the European Parliament, told French radio station RTL he "will always be European" in an interview aired on Thursday.
Boris Johnson has led Britain into an abyss of overlapping crises at the worst possible time
Boris Johnson has led Britain into an abyss of overlapping crises at the worst possible time

"It's not a question of becoming French. If I understood correctly, I am French," he told RTL in French, highlighting his family's link with the country.
"My mother was born in France, her mother was entirely French as was her grandfather. So for me it's a question of reclaiming what I already have," he said of the decision to become a French citizen. "Therefore, I am very happy."

Britain officially leaves the EU's single market and customs union when the transition period ends at 11 p.m. GMT (6 p.m. ET) on New Year's Eve.
The post-Brexit trade deal between the EU and the UK comes into force at that time, after the two sides agreed to a last-minute agreement. But most Britons will start 2021 by losing their ability to freely work and travel around the 27-nation bloc.
Stanley Johnson, UK Prime Minister's father, criticized for comments on female pilots wearing burkas
Stanley Johnson, UK Prime Minister's father, criticized for comments on female pilots wearing burkas

Stanley Johnson insisted that Brexit will not mark the end of European identity for him or the English people. "I will always be European, that's for sure. One cannot tell the English people: 'You're not European'," Johnson told RTL.
"Europe is always more than the common market, it is more than the European Union," he added. "But that being said, yes, having such a link with the European Union is important."
The Prime Minister's father has frequently found himself in the headlines since his son began his period in office. In July, he was criticized for traveling to Greece while the UK was in lockdown. And last December -- on the night his son won a landslide election -- Stanley Johnson was accused of making an Islamophobic remark on television.
This doesn't seem like a vote of confidence in his son. I guess water (the English Channel) is thicker than blood.:D
one less traitor. It's a start.
Le Exit.


Has the world ended yet. Did the sky fall in.
Whole pile of fuss about nothing.
Umm, unless I've completely misunderstood, this whole Brexit thing is about a new relationship with the EU that should hopefully remain in place for at least as long as the previous, it being January 1st, that would make this Day 1. What were you expecting? To my mind "nothing" would be about right and will continue to be for at least another few weeks/months. At least allow us a breather - we can then get back to to not having much of a job and those nasty Europeans can finish celebrating Frogmanay and perhaps after that "nothing" might slowly turn into "something" after all.
Has the world ended yet. Did the sky fall in.

Whole pile of fuss about nothing.

Thank goodness a deal was made that is free of tariffs and checks. Compromises made by both sides.

At the outset the EU said there were 13 different types of trade arrangements available and the UK should pick one. So we now have Canada style with some variants.

This map will now need to be re-drawn with the UK in some new corner.

The whole episode could have been much better handled without all the shenanigans of big swinging Tory dicks.

Anyhow, it's too soon to say and I doubt anyone has read the full agreement. Outcomes will transpire in years ahead.
Umm, unless I've completely misunderstood, this whole Brexit thing is about a new relationship with the EU that should hopefully remain in place for at least as long as the previous, it being January 1st, that would make this Day 1. What were you expecting? To my mind "nothing" would be about right and will continue to be for at least another few weeks/months. At least allow us a breather - we can then get back to to not having much of a job and those nasty Europeans can finish celebrating Frogmanay and perhaps after that "nothing" might slowly turn into "something" after all.

Thank goodness a deal was made that is free of tariffs and checks. Compromises made by both sides.

At the outset the EU said there were 13 different types of trade arrangements available and the UK should pick one. So we now have Canada style with some variants.

This map will now need to be re-drawn with the UK in some new corner.
View attachment 293650

The whole episode could have been much better handled without all the shenanigans of big swinging Tory dicks.

Anyhow, it's too soon to say and I doubt anyone has read the full agreement. Outcomes will transpire in years ahead.

In other words, we cherry picked the deal in the UK's interests without all the obligatory nonsense that goes alongside EU membership. Which is exactly what we set out to do. The reason why it was achieved is simple. Because EU trade with the UK is far more important to them than it is to us. That's the bottom line !