Brexit and the Consequences

You mean burying Brexit right! 😍

Wasted effort, how about digging a tunnel to give yourself some freedom from the Brighton & Hove bubble, take a look at the rest of the country, get a feel and understanding of why we are where we are. Just be careful not to dig too far in the wrong direction, you might end up in Brussels (or London) 😂
Wasted effort, how about digging a tunnel to give yourself some freedom from the Brighton & Hove bubble, take a look at the rest of the country, get a feel and understanding of why we are where we are. Just be careful not to dig too far in the wrong direction, you might end up in Brussels (or London) 😂

What part of the country are you in me hombre?
Is anyone crowdfunding a private prosecution to take TM to court for misconduct in public office? Looks like she would get a life sentence! Pursuing Boris is small potatoes for a bit of BS on a bus 🙃

I'm guessing remainers won't do that though will they, she was working for them. It'll need to be a Brexiteer to take up that mantle, next question is, which lie would you take her to court on, there's so many to choose from?
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Is anyone crowdfunding a private prosecution to take TM to court for misconduct in public office? Looks like she would get a life sentence! Pursuing Boris is small potatoes for a bit of BS on a bus . . .
Indeed Sig', it's really rather pathetic. I suspect there will be few MPs - neither remainers nor Tory detractors who will be tempted to stick the knife into Boris over this. At the back of their minds will be the thought, 'there, but for the grace of God go I'. Jeeez, if Boris is prosecuted successfully for what - over egging the pudding, then the majority of MPs will be faced with having to resign or being made to for the half truths they've told, being economical with the truth or for outright fibs. And that's at the bottom end of the spectrum. At t'other end there's Blair et al who could be charged with war crimes. This is just hot air - a minor distraction - which will amount to nothing. In spite of MSM reports, it could even work to Boris' advantage rather than sabotage his leadership bid.
Anyone who thinks that the referendum vote result is questionable, or the Leave vote was cast by thickies, or Brexit supporters are deluded ......... etc etc, ought to view this two-minute video:

It helps in understanding the loss of credibility by the people's/confirmatory/2nd referendum vote, the Establishment, the experts, the BBC, the Conservative party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrat party AND the phenomenal rise of the Brexit party.
Barnier rhetoric, clueless or deliberate or both.

Barnier says UK voted Brexit because of 'typical British nostalgia'

You shouldn't rule out how others perceive us off hand.

I've lost count number of times peeps have referred to world wars and some how they will need us again to lead the way.

Simply a case of world changing n k resisting change and losing influence. Fear always pulls. Brave new world out their to embrace 😊
I think Brexiteers are becoming deranged in their self confirming bias tosh.

Here is another headline and a true story.

Leave campaign's £350m claim was too low, says Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has ratcheted-up his defence of Vote Leave’s infamous assertion on the side of their bus that Britain sends £350m a week to the EU by saying the group could have used a much higher figure.

The foreign secretary said the UK’s weekly gross contribution would rise to £438m by the end of a post-Brexit transition period and insisted leave campaigners were right to pledge extra cash to the NHS.

“There was an error on the side of the bus. We grossly underestimated the sum over which we would be able to take back control,” said Johnson, in an exclusive interview with the Guardian.

Despite being called out as wholly inaccurate Boris amplified claims and lies. Leading politiicans telling Trumpy style lies and digging in is taking politicians lies deceits and claims to new levels.

Yes Brexiteers would love to ignore it and sweep it under the carpet, much like the Farage poster.

Brexiteers now expert on democracy and integrity. No need for our law courts. Let the mob rule.
I think Brexiteers are becoming deranged in their self confirming bias tosh.

Here is another headline and a true story.

Leave campaign's £350m claim was too low, says Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has ratcheted-up his defence of Vote Leave’s infamous assertion on the side of their bus that Britain sends £350m a week to the EU by saying the group could have used a much higher figure.

The foreign secretary said the UK’s weekly gross contribution would rise to £438m by the end of a post-Brexit transition period and insisted leave campaigners were right to pledge extra cash to the NHS.

“There was an error on the side of the bus. We grossly underestimated the sum over which we would be able to take back control,” said Johnson, in an exclusive interview with the Guardian.

Despite being called out as wholly inaccurate Boris amplified claims and lies. Leading politiicans telling Trumpy style lies and digging in is taking politicians lies deceits and claims to new levels.

Yes Brexiteers would love to ignore it and sweep it under the carpet, much like the Farage poster.

Brexiteers now expert on democracy and integrity. No need for our law courts. Let the mob rule.

Not sure where you’re getting your mob rule from. All I see is some legalistic process with some facts to be unearthed, after all, truth is what the courts decide is it not?
I think Brexiteers are becoming deranged in their self confirming bias tosh.

Here is another headline and a true story.

Leave campaign's £350m claim was too low, says Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has ratcheted-up his defence of Vote Leave’s infamous assertion on the side of their bus that Britain sends £350m a week to the EU by saying the group could have used a much higher figure.

The foreign secretary said the UK’s weekly gross contribution would rise to £438m by the end of a post-Brexit transition period and insisted leave campaigners were right to pledge extra cash to the NHS.

“There was an error on the side of the bus. We grossly underestimated the sum over which we would be able to take back control,” said Johnson, in an exclusive interview with the Guardian.

Despite being called out as wholly inaccurate Boris amplified claims and lies. Leading politiicans telling Trumpy style lies and digging in is taking politicians lies deceits and claims to new levels.

Yes Brexiteers would love to ignore it and sweep it under the carpet, much like the Farage poster.

Brexiteers now expert on democracy and integrity. No need for our law courts. Let the mob rule.

Speaking of mob rule.

It would appear Remainers are running out of arguments .

Speaking of mob rule.

It would appear Remainers are running out of arguments .

On one hand we have a potential PM brandishing diabolical lies defaming organisations such as the Institute of Fiscal Studies and lying to the nation and on the other some numptie yob shouting abuse at Moggy boy. Shame you didn't show the same empathy when Anna Soubry was abused directly by Brexiteer yobs.

Your perspective and sense of balance leave much to be desired.

On one hand we have a potential PM brandishing diabolical lies defaming organisations such as the Institute of Fiscal Studies and lying to the nation and on the other some numptie yob shouting abuse at Moggy boy. Shame you didn't show the same empathy when Anna Soubry was abused directly by Brexiteer yobs.

Your perspective and sense of balance leave much to be desired.


And yet you seem unable to make a distinction between hurty words and violence, rather telling.
Leaving aside the flexible arithmetic of who said what and who will spend what before/during/after Brexit, it is now starting to look like the "old two-party system" is being replaced by the "new two-party system" with Lib Dems representing Remain and Brexit representing Leave. It will be interesting to see how long this lasts and whether it is effectively the end of Labour & Conservative. Come a general election (and I'm betting on it by the end of this year) how will these two shape up?

Atilla will be pleased that he has kept faith with the Lib Dems but how much of their present support is just Leaver's refuge? And what will the Brexit have to say when they reveal their plans other than Brexit? Interesting times for us political wonks!