Won what exactly?
Vote for 2nd referendum will be resounding.
Current 68% votes' fragmented between parties. That's all. None of them want Brexit really. Local and national issues far more important to them.
And therein lies the problem, if they'd just concentrated on Brexit, ie getting us out of the EU, then all this would be done and dusted by now. Instead the unintended consequences of remain have already changed everything and will get a lot worse if they don't pull their fingers out, which aint gonna happen, so it's gonna get a whole lot worse until we leave, then it will all be better.
When it boils down to single referendum issue on whether we are looking at leave or stay, then you are looking at 32 v 68 %.
It amazes me how the remain camp are spinning themselves into oblivion, yet they don't see the hole they are digging. When reality hits, don't go looking for sympathy, Brexiteers sympathy has run out, we just laugh at remainers pathetic attempts to claim a none existent victory.
All the lies deceit and false promises clear to see by most.
How can that be? To use your own words, "nothing has happened yet" 😂 😂 😂
I'd like to see Farage talk more. Be in the limelight. More he says, more people will see what a useless wind bag he is. 👍
Yeah sure, all those plebs that have been listening for 26 years finally got to vote, not once, not twice, but 3 times now, each time growing in number, the 4th time will be crunch time.
Even as 31Oct passes and we are leaving you'll still be denying it and claiming a victory, like some crazed death row murderer in denial of his sentence about to get that sentence injected into his arm, bye bye EU, bye bye 2-party system.
All you can do now is shake your head and say "if only", if only we had listened to what the majority want, if only parliament had played a better hand, if only.
To late for 'if only's', that time has passed, the tolling bell is ringing, there is little time, little choice, Tories are about to waste some of that time selecting a leader, if it's Boris it'll be high probability of WTO on 31 Oct, remainers are shit scared of that option cos its no option for them. If it's a remainer PM, well that will be the end of days to end the Tories for good, taking Labour and the rest of parliament with them in a general election.
Remember that big broom I used to say needs to sweep parliament clean and get some fresh air into the place, well the bristles are being cut and sharpened ready, not long to wait now.