Brexit and the Consequences



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Are you pointing to the fairly strong second quarter, or the sting in the tail of "the sharp fall off in economic activity following the referendum"?

Was just looking at the GDP chart, seems stable in the run up to Brexit. So now we have something to compare to going forwards.
TUC report in the news.

I'm not interested in anyone else's spin on the numbers.
But you can have mine.

The simple fact is that since the 2007 credit crunch, only mediocre jobs with crap pay have been created in the UK. Fine to get everyone back to some sort of work. Not fine to have done so much better economically than the rest of the EU and also the lowest paid job workers having to put up with uncontrolled unskilled mass immigration competing only to keep wages down.

This is why we voted out of the EU. The masses finally woke up from their collective stupor.

So, if this Govt has any sense, it will not sign up to any deal with the EU over trade, which involves free movement.
TUC report in the news.

I'm not interested in anyone else's spin on the numbers.
But you can have mine.

The simple fact is that since the 2007 credit crunch, only mediocre jobs with crap pay have been created in the UK. Fine to get everyone back to some sort of work. Not fine to have done so much better economically than the rest of the EU and also the lowest paid job workers having to put up with uncontrolled unskilled mass immigration competing only to keep wages down.

This is why we voted out of the EU. The masses finally woke up from their collective stupor.

So, if this Govt has any sense, it will not sign up to any deal with the EU over trade, which involves free movement.

Difficult to see who might blink first since the opposing positions are each claimed to be inviolable lines in the sand.
Difficult to see who might blink first since the opposing positions are each claimed to be inviolable lines in the sand.

fwiw, it has all the makings of an internal power struggle between individual countries leaders and business (the Ones that matter) v the EU machine.

Aren't you pleased we will leave all this nonsense behind !

Another deceitful distortion of facts. Headline is nonsense.

No stopping booming Britain: Rush to invest in UK as Brexit economy soars

1. GDP figures accounts for 2nd Qtr taking us to end of June.
Considering referendum was on the 23rd to any half thinking man this has nothing to do with Brexit economy but one before it.

2. Brexit boom fuelled by a series of major investment announcements??? GlaxoSmithKline announced that they want to invest a further £275million in Britain following the decision to Leave the EU.
£275 million of new investments at three of its manufacturing sites in the UK to boost production and support delivery of its latest innovative respiratory and large molecule biological medicines. They already have significant presence employing 6000 people.

Yes this is welcome news. Not knocking it but more than likely BAU not something new as a consequence of Brexit.

The company said it "views the UK as an attractive location for investment in advanced manufacturing due to a number of factors including the skilled workforce, technological and scientific capabilities & infrastructure and a competitive corporate tax system".

This includes the Patent Box, which encourages investment in R&D and related manufacturing in the UK by delivering a lower rate of corporation tax on profits generated from UK-owned intellectual property.

3. City Airport in London has been announced bringing in 1,600 new jobs.
Planning application was made back in 2013. Absolutely nothing to do with Brexit.

4. US to start buying British meat again despite a ban on meat from the EU.
Becareful about this one it's a little off. More to do with tit-for-tat responses due to TTIP where Europe banned shiite hormone infested US beef.

They are playing silly buggers.

However, on the other foot purely due to Brexit we have.

U.K. Property Funds Freeze $12 Billion to Halt Brexit Retreat

Lies, deceit and distortions of the truth.

Sooner or later those chickens will come home to roost. 🙄
Outcome of this fiasco will start becoming clear in the next two decades should it proceed. I sincerely hope it sinks in the Channel. 👎
She is digging other people's graves.
She will be safe personally.
Especially when she is living on a planet far, far away.
Sometimes you do the most decent things for the very best of motives, but you just get kicked for it or it doesn't pan out. Some things are, however, very predictable and as a politician with huge responsibilities you have to weigh morality and expediency. She does seem to be coming round to the Cameroonian approach of helping refugees locally to their country of origin.
Sometimes we in the liberal West are exploited and taken advantage of and even attacked. It comes with the territory of doing the decent thing. You have to learn fast, adapt and change to new realities.
Sometimes you do the most decent things for the very best of motives, but you just get kicked for it or it doesn't pan out. Some things are, however, very predictable and as a politician with huge responsibilities you have to weigh morality and expediency. She does seem to be coming round to the Cameroonian approach of helping refugees locally to their country of origin.
Sometimes we in the liberal West are exploited and taken advantage of and even attacked. It comes with the territory of doing the decent thing. You have to learn fast, adapt and change to new realities.

There is far more outrage than support for a handful of nutters including from their own kind.

There will always be people like Trump who'll try and exploit the odd incident.

I think she's great standing up for what is right and truth as opposed to pandering to votes and fringe groups.

True leader imho. 🙂
I know, but sometimes a touch of realpolitik is needed if you are going to stay in government and continue to imbue political power with some morality.

You do, however, need to fulfill the first responsibility of leadership which is to keep your country and people as safe as possible.