The EU can happily carry on with its current [lack of] direction for all I care. All that will happen is more inflation of the unhappy populace.
What is the future direction of the EU anyway, what is their manifesto, what are their political objectives, have they published any?
Can a single remainer please tell me the the future direction of the EU, just so I do have a comparison to work with, thanks ?
Something handy to read, not just a website link, maybe something written on the side of a blue bus?
That is a big ask SC. EU has strategy on Asia on Climate Change on jobs and growth on harmonisation of rules, regs and standards.
Imo we did well being a member of the EU and half the populace feels the same. You are taking much for granted ignoring the protest vote about war torn countries and the refugee crises as if peeps were disenfranchised from the EU.
Wales now changing their minds about staying in EU as well having realised much of their regional investment came from the EU and will not be matched by parliament.
To cut it short here it is.
I haven't read this stuff but yes EU does indeed have a strategy and opening up Asia with the new silk railway line is a key part along with AI, unmanned vehicles and satellite technologies. How many states are able to build their own passenger aircraft would be one litmus test.
But as you say it's not about the economy it's about the identity. You must be really really flaky in how British you are, if you feel that you are in danger of losing it to turban heads.
As for feeling proud and British and what with all the past wars, you do realise that's when Britain proudly exercised her culture and identity on to the CommonWealth all over the world at the end of big gunships and many barrels.
Once again you Brexiteers are very confused puppies. EU nations pretty much have same faiths, identity and way of life to UK along with history. It is the CommonWealth nations and other war torn countries - ALL - outside of the EU that most peeps in the UK have issues with relating to cultural and identity conflicts, what ever that may be. So for you to mix up the two is an error of judgement imo.
Moreover, migration from EU countries has already slowed down quite a bit whilst from other nations it has increased.
You might want to ask the same question about Brexiteers strategy and what are their tactics to deliver them. So far US, China, India have declined to entertain TM and those few who have are very small countries.
As for US and Trumps policies, the guy has given away $1.2 Trillion dollars away in tax cuts as the global economy was recovering. Their national debt issues haven't gone away and nor has China buckled. Give'm a little more time much like Brexiteers and I'm sure you'll all be enlightened soon enough.