Sorry but since when does free trade need to be accompanied by migration policy? Is it not enough that their economy will be able to sell to our economy without restrictions? The issue of global integration is a mess and causes more problems than it does good. Lowers wages, splits communities, increases hate, raises costs of living, increased pollution, increased stress on public services... I can't get my head around this mentality of "if you want to trade with us you must also allow our people into your country"
It's all part and parcel of the EU's socialist agenda, whereby redistribution of wealth occurs from the haves, (middle classes) down to the (have not's) working classes. You might note that it does not include a redistribution from the upper class, landed gentry, capitalist and political elites. At that level, it is unenforceable, because they have sufficient wherewithal, funds, and political clout to ensure that they don't become part of the "we're all in it together" group. Holland tried to over tax the wealthy in France. So they all left
Not only do the EU do this redistribution by country, they also redistribute from richer countries to poorer Ones within the group.
Now if all of this wasn't enough, we then have the free movement issue to contend with, whereby any Tom, Dick or Harry who cannot get a job in a poorer country, can simply up sticks and move to a richer country, where his standard of living goes exponential, compared to staying within his own country. The problem with this is that over time, the standard of living for the majority of citizens of the richer countries goes down.
It also has a severe knock on effect in the countries that suffer the exodus. So much so that they don't have a hope of establishing themselves as equal competitors within the group. All the brains, talent and youth have left.
The EU is a problem and the socialism behind it is an even bigger problem.
That's why we left !