I don't know where you are going with this. The judges are enforcing the law of the land. I've heard, so often,that the judges are there to see that the law is observed. If the people do not like that law then it is up to their representatives ie. MPs, to change it.
Part of the Brexit decision was based on the wish to return decision making to Parliament, instead of having to obey Brussels.
It surprises me that the first test of Parliament is objected to in this way and, not omly that, but the judiciary system is being ostracised, with the judges names and photos on the front pages.
Probably, the best thing is to have new elections but, if that is not wanted, then Parliament must have that vote, otherwise, referendum, or not, the whole thing is illegal.
This was never going to be easy and I repeat, 52% is too narrow a majority.. 48% is a lot of disgruntled people.