Brexit and the Consequences

Oh dear, the intellectuals are getting involved, it appears to be Project Fear aimed at the EU however, rather than aimed at citizens of Brexit.

I think they are wading in after the horse has bolted though, simply because intellectuals have had no clue about the real world that has been happening to ordinary folk for the last 40 years. Maybe they should leave their metropolitan bubbles and find out.

Too late now.

Intellectuals say liberal values face challenge 'not seen since 1930s'
Oh dear, the intellectuals are getting involved, it appears to be Project Fear aimed at the EU however, rather than aimed at citizens of Brexit.

I think they are wading in after the horse has bolted though, simply because intellectuals have had no clue about the real world that has been happening to ordinary folk for the last 40 years. Maybe they should leave their metropolitan bubbles and find out.

Too late now.

Intellectuals say liberal values face challenge 'not seen since 1930s'

The idea of Europe is in peril.

From all sides there are criticisms, insults and desertions from the cause.

'Enough of 'building Europe'!' is the cry. Let's reconnect instead with our 'national soul'! Let's rediscover our 'lost identity'! This is the agenda shared by the populist forces washing over the continent. Never mind that abstractions such as 'soul' and 'identity' often exist only in the imagination of demagogues.

Europe is being attacked by false prophets who are drunk on resentment, and delirious at their opportunity to seize the limelight. It has been abandoned by the two great allies who in the previous century twice saved it from suicide; one across the Channel and the other across the Atlantic. The continent is vulnerable to the increasingly brazen meddling by the occupant of the Kremlin. Europe as an idea is falling apart before our eyes.

This is the noxious climate in which Europe's parliamentary elections will take place in May. Unless something changes; unless something comes along to turn back the rising, swelling, insistent tide; unless a new spirit of resistance emerges, these elections promise to be the most calamitous that we have known. They will give a victory to the wreckers. For those who still believe in the legacy of Erasmus, Dante, Goethe and Comenius there will be only ignominious defeat. A politics of disdain for intelligence and culture will have triumphed. There will be explosions of xenophobia and antisemitism. Disaster will have befallen us.

We, the undersigned, are among those who refuse to resign themselves to this looming catastrophe.

We count ourselves among the European patriots (a group more numerous than is commonly thought, but that is often too quiet and too resigned), who understand what is at stake here. Three-quarters of a century after the defeat of fascism and 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall there is a new battle for civilisation.

Our faith is in the great idea that we inherited, which we believe to have been the one force powerful enough to lift Europe's peoples above themselves and their warring past. We believe it remains the one force today virtuous enough to ward off the new signs of totalitarianism that drag in their wake the old miseries of the dark ages. What is at stake forbids us from giving up.

Hence this invitation to join in a new surge.

Hence this appeal to action on the eve of an election that we refuse to abandon to the gravediggers of the European idea.

Hence this exhortation to carry once more the torch of a Europe that, despite its mistakes, its lapses, and its occasional acts of cowardice, remains a beacon for every free man and woman on the planet.

Our generation got it wrong. Like Garibaldi's followers in the 19th century, who repeated, like a mantra, 'Italia se farà da sè' (Italy will make herself by herself), we believed that the continent would come together on its own, without our needing to fight for it, or to work for it. This, we told ourselves, was 'the direction of history'.

We must make a clean break with that old conviction. We don't have a choice. We must now fight for the idea of Europe or see it perish beneath the waves of populism.

In response to the nationalist and identitarian onslaught, we must rediscover the spirit of activism or accept that resentment and hatred will surround and submerge us. Urgently, we need to sound the alarm against these arsonists of soul and spirit who, from Paris to Rome, with stops along the way in Barcelona, Budapest, Dresden, Vienna and Warsaw, want to make a bonfire of our freedoms.

In this strange defeat of 'Europe' that looms on the horizon; this new crisis of the European conscience that promises to tear down everything that made our societies great, honourable, and prosperous, there is a challenge greater than any since the 1930s: a challenge to liberal democracy and its values.

Well if they are in panic mode, then it really is over for the EU.

So the call to remoaners is this.

Would you now like to get on board the Brexit band waggon, stop running the country down and make the UK great again.
The idea of Europe is in peril.

From all sides there are criticisms, insults and desertions from the cause.

'Enough of 'building Europe'!' is the cry. Let's reconnect instead with our 'national soul'! Let's rediscover our 'lost identity'! This is the agenda shared by the populist forces washing over the continent. Never mind that abstractions such as 'soul' and 'identity' often exist only in the imagination of demagogues.

Europe is being attacked by false prophets who are drunk on resentment, and delirious at their opportunity to seize the limelight. It has been abandoned by the two great allies who in the previous century twice saved it from suicide; one across the Channel and the other across the Atlantic. The continent is vulnerable to the increasingly brazen meddling by the occupant of the Kremlin. Europe as an idea is falling apart before our eyes.

This is the noxious climate in which Europe's parliamentary elections will take place in May. Unless something changes; unless something comes along to turn back the rising, swelling, insistent tide; unless a new spirit of resistance emerges, these elections promise to be the most calamitous that we have known. They will give a victory to the wreckers. For those who still believe in the legacy of Erasmus, Dante, Goethe and Comenius there will be only ignominious defeat. A politics of disdain for intelligence and culture will have triumphed. There will be explosions of xenophobia and antisemitism. Disaster will have befallen us.

We, the undersigned, are among those who refuse to resign themselves to this looming catastrophe.

We count ourselves among the European patriots (a group more numerous than is commonly thought, but that is often too quiet and too resigned), who understand what is at stake here. Three-quarters of a century after the defeat of fascism and 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall there is a new battle for civilisation.

Our faith is in the great idea that we inherited, which we believe to have been the one force powerful enough to lift Europe's peoples above themselves and their warring past. We believe it remains the one force today virtuous enough to ward off the new signs of totalitarianism that drag in their wake the old miseries of the dark ages. What is at stake forbids us from giving up.

Hence this invitation to join in a new surge.

Hence this appeal to action on the eve of an election that we refuse to abandon to the gravediggers of the European idea.

Hence this exhortation to carry once more the torch of a Europe that, despite its mistakes, its lapses, and its occasional acts of cowardice, remains a beacon for every free man and woman on the planet.

Our generation got it wrong. Like Garibaldi's followers in the 19th century, who repeated, like a mantra, 'Italia se farà da sè' (Italy will make herself by herself), we believed that the continent would come together on its own, without our needing to fight for it, or to work for it. This, we told ourselves, was 'the direction of history'.

We must make a clean break with that old conviction. We don't have a choice. We must now fight for the idea of Europe or see it perish beneath the waves of populism.

In response to the nationalist and identitarian onslaught, we must rediscover the spirit of activism or accept that resentment and hatred will surround and submerge us. Urgently, we need to sound the alarm against these arsonists of soul and spirit who, from Paris to Rome, with stops along the way in Barcelona, Budapest, Dresden, Vienna and Warsaw, want to make a bonfire of our freedoms.

In this strange defeat of 'Europe' that looms on the horizon; this new crisis of the European conscience that promises to tear down everything that made our societies great, honourable, and prosperous, there is a challenge greater than any since the 1930s: a challenge to liberal democracy and its values.

Well if they are in panic mode, then it really is over for the EU.

So the call to remoaners is this.

Would you now like to get on board the Brexit band waggon, stop running the country down and make the UK great again.

I find the language fascinating, out of approx 35 references to 'Europe', there are only a couple of references to the 'EU', what would be the reason for that?
Will Britain apply to rejoin Europe if their useless politicians become more competent in the future and make the rules more acceptable ?
Probably not in my view after this debacle.
I am stocking up with food prior to March 29th.
I find the language fascinating, out of approx 35 references to 'Europe', there are only a couple of references to the 'EU', what would be the reason for that?
Well Sig', I suspect your question is a rhetorical one - but I'll offer my answer anyway. . .
The signatories to the letter appear to be doing what so many remainers did before the referendum (and I admit that I was one of them) and, sadly, so many still do 2+ years after it (I'm no longer one of them). And that is to confuse and conflate the countries and peoples that comprise Europe with the political institution that is the EU. That so many people still struggle to distinguish between the two never ceases to amaze and depress me in equal measure.
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Well Sig', I suspect you're question is a rhetorical one - but I'll offer my answer anyway. . .
The signatories to the letter appear to be doing what so many remainers did before the referendum (and I admit that I was one of them) and, sadly, so many still do 2+ years after it (I'm no longer one of them). And that is to confuse and conflate the countries and peoples that comprise Europe with the political institution that is the EU. That so many people still struggle to distinguish between the two never ceases to amaze and depress me in equal measure.
That is a very good point. But UK is the only country that has had the bottle to say enough is enough!
what if a big fat nothing happens when we leave,as I think is 99% likely?
That's what the EU fear most, they only way they can hang on to power is if project fear works and we end up staying in. If we leave then they have lost and everything will change from within.

The omens for the EU do not look good, the cracks are appearing by the day.
the massive upside would be when we ditch the Human Rights nonsense that Europe ignores, but we would get to sling out the thousands who hate us- not from Eu mostly but from countries ruled by a dogma of evil and hatred that represses and crushes humanity. They are hellbent on spreading their sickness, and as this creeps ever onward we need to put up the first true resistance. We would not be having this problem if there was no oil in 'certain places'. Nobody dares say this of course
The Brexit case is not even being made, which is the tragedy of it all. When we leave the protectionist EU, our food production needs a complete overhaul, which in turn would help with environmental transportation issues and also the fact that we could import exotics and any shortfall from less well developed economies. The losers would be the EU in so many areas including agriculture, fishing, exporting of unskilled labour which will become an even bigger drain within Europe.

As to the skewed distribution of income and wealth, wages in the UK will rise as the free for all unskilled pool of cheap labour dries up. Companies and Govt will need to ensure that UK nationals are trained up to match the skills shortage.

I agree with what you say here CV but do not believe companies or Government will invest in training. Point in case Nursing Burseries being a disaster. Ministers must look again at student funding, the RCN says, as nursing degree applications fall further.

Neil and few others expressed similar suggestions and I do agree with your pov about training but sadly Government (Tory government that is) action is quite the opposite.

Similarly, companies have training budgets yes but are they sufficient? Moreover, training a body who is then qualified often ends up going to work for other companies at a higher salary. UK biz will face double whoppers of training costs and paying higher wages. Once again I do agree with you on these points. It would be great. The downside however, will be reflected in higher costs and lower productivity in the short run. I'm all for it if it transpires. Fingers crossed. 👍

And finally, the way to deal with all businesses that operate in the UK is to introduce a turnover tax, so a percentage of all business activity carried out in the UK is paid to the exchequer and helps to fund services. This measure alone would go a long way towards solving the biggest issue of the corporate's enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else.

This Turnover Tax is interesting and first time I'm hearing it. Initial thoughts are turnover is not necessarily a good indicator of profits or the bottom line. How is this any different to taxing corporate profits? Personally, as per bringing Trade Unions inline, I would like to bring in line exec and management pay. I feel some ratios need to be established and execs earning 300+ higher ratios to the lower percentiles of salaries is just simply wrong. Markets do have their imperfections and exect salary pays now are much like cartels price fixing, numerations behind closed doors and on golf courses that don't reflect reality.

If we have flat rate taxation then we should have flat rate bonus and salary numerations. If we as a society choose to have agressive bonus numeration ie., highest income earners get higher bonus rates, then we need to have aggressive taxation rates.
Similary, if regressive etc. The whole pay reward adn numeration scales, ratios and approach is wrong imo.

Having said all that, once again, these are all domestic and national policies that other than migrants keeping wage inflation surpressed do not add to our low productivity debate or brexit.
Oh dear, the intellectuals are getting involved, it appears to be Project Fear aimed at the EU however, rather than aimed at citizens of Brexit.

I think they are wading in after the horse has bolted though, simply because intellectuals have had no clue about the real world that has been happening to ordinary folk for the last 40 years. Maybe they should leave their metropolitan bubbles and find out.

Too late now.

Intellectuals say liberal values face challenge 'not seen since 1930s'

Hi SC, you are typical Brexiteer mind bending the debate if I may say so. Your blog is full of references to words which are predominantly subjective.

World Views of people will vary tremendously among the population and who are you setting up as an intellectual or ordinary folk and what is Project Fear?
That's what the EU fear most, they only way they can hang on to power is if project fear works and we end up staying in. If we leave then they have lost and everything will change from within.

The omens for the EU do not look good, the cracks are appearing by the day.

Initially this is what will happen as UK companies clamour to address new mode of operation. It's already happening.

EU has already increased custom officer numbers and preparations. I don't think they really care that much.

Issue is subsequent decision going forward.

UK Brexiteers expressed similar sentiment. They will simply issue instructions for border custom controls to let vehicles in as before with no checks. However, over time, those processes will start being abused.

It is not a simply a matter of WTO and parties paying the new tariffs. It is one of operational and ongoing challenges with direction of future investments and cooperation that is at stake.

Do not underestimate that UK Corp., will be moving from collaboration to competitive footing.

This talk of EU demise and untangling is egged by Brexiteers who really haven't done any impact analysis or what our new world view will look like other than promising us soundbites about trading with the rest of the World ladi ladi daaaa...
This Turnover Tax is interesting and first time I'm hearing it. Initial thoughts are turnover is not necessarily a good indicator of profits or the bottom line. How is this any different to taxing corporate profits? Personally, as per bringing Trade Unions inline, I would like to bring in line exec and management pay. I feel some ratios need to be established and execs earning 300+ higher ratios to the lower percentiles of salaries is just simply wrong. Markets do have their imperfections and exect salary pays now are much like cartels price fixing, numerations behind closed doors and on golf courses that don't reflect reality.

If we have flat rate taxation then we should have flat rate bonus and salary numerations. If we as a society choose to have agressive bonus numeration ie., highest income earners get higher bonus rates, then we need to have aggressive taxation rates.
Similary, if regressive etc. The whole pay reward adn numeration scales, ratios and approach is wrong imo.

Having said all that, once again, these are all domestic and national policies that other than migrants keeping wage inflation surpressed do not add to our low productivity debate or brexit.

I'm pleased you think it's an interesting idea. Currently, the largest companies can employ accountants, tax professionals, auditors etc alongside company registered jurisdiction, in other words they can choose where and how much tax to pay. Whereas, if there was a flat rate tax paid on turnover done in each country, then avoidance becomes a non issue. The other benefit would be that consumers of said services would indirectly pay according to their level of consumption. This gives control to consumers and Govt's and away from the corporate's. It would work in a similar way to VAT except there would be no clawback deductions for the company. I expect we would only need a very small levy, perhaps 1% or even less.
I'm pleased you think it's an interesting idea. Currently, the largest companies can employ accountants, tax professionals, auditors etc alongside company registered jurisdiction, in other words they can choose where and how much tax to pay. Whereas, if there was a flat rate tax paid on turnover done in each country, then avoidance becomes a non issue. The other benefit would be that consumers of said services would indirectly pay according to their level of consumption. This gives control to consumers and Govt's and away from the corporate's. It would work in a similar way to VAT except there would be no clawback deductions for the company. I expect we would only need a very small levy, perhaps 1% or even less.

Thanks CV now I see what you mean, with respect to big corp earning profits elsewehre and paying NI peanut corporation tax rates.

I'll look out for and google later. 👍
CEO pay should only be in the form of shares-they should have skin in the game-I'll bet 90% of them are instantly replaceable, they have just created this distorted market place-same as chief execs of councils most of whom are totally inept.The downside of EU membership is the train crash economies,high unemployment massive unrest,and rampant immigration that nobody wants. The elephant in the room is of course the islamicisation of Europe-that ended last time with the Spanish inquisition- who saw that coming? The world is comprised of disparate nations who want to preserve their identities not be invaded by a hostile and rather nasty ideology,as has happened to so many benighted former buddhist countries. Evil flourishes where women are excluded,and to import ideology that is in no way compatible with our way of life is something we have to deal with. It will get ugly, but the people who want a council house and cannot because an immigrant family gets priority under EU law is just wrong. come here by all means, but subsidies are for our own less fortunate folk.That, in my experience, is a common perception,not necessarily my own.