Brexit and the Consequences

Out of curiosity you you appear to think that "extolling the virtues of living abroad" is somewhat ridiculous - 2 questions:

1) How long have you yourself lived abroad?

2) Do you consider " extolling the virtues of living" in the UK in a completely different way?

Worked abroad plenty....always nice to get home.

Yes it used to be a great place to live but ever since we signed up to mass immigration, it's gone downhill fast.
Worked abroad plenty....always nice to get home.

Yes it used to be a great place to live but ever since we signed up to mass immigration, it's gone downhill fast.

Working abroad is not the same as living abroad :whistling

It's always nice to get home and put the kettle on, no matter where 🙂 used to be a great place to live but ever since we signed up to mass immigration, it's gone downhill fast.

So all in all, crap abroad, crap here...which doesn't leave much room for living anywhere to extol the virtues about.

Personally speaking, I prefer some stuff here and some stuff elsewhere....with elsewhere coming out on top by a length...or two🙂
I worked briefly in Paris but no it's not on my shortlist.

I also worked with quite a few French peeps in London but never quite got along with them. Must be me I guess. 🙁

No no! It's them. It's always them😛

As with languages, cultures often get mangled in translation.
The daily fake news report is not to be believed in it’s content. But the concept is true. They have probably progressed further in Germany than in the UK when it comes to a sizeable far right presence opposed by a sizeable far left presence. When the ordinary people have been marching and protesting peacefully for a couple of years against their governments immigration policies and their government do not listen and take no action. And all the while the extreme support has been building to the point where they are ready to get engaged then it just needs the spark.

Similar is happening in the UK, all be it at a slower rate. Peaceful protests on both sides can be seen on the streets of Britain, but the longer UKGov chooses to ignore and take no action then.....

Ugly racist mobs aren't on the march in Brexit Britain but in Germany
I was interested to listen to Dateline which had as one of its guests the German editor of Die Welt.
He stated that in his opinion the Germans had more in common with the Brits than their EU allies - the French. He thought they were always complaining !

Perhaps we should have talks to see what common ground there is ?
I was interested to listen to Dateline which had as one of its guests the German editor of Die Welt.
He stated that in his opinion the Germans had more in common with the Brits than their EU allies - the French. He thought they were always complaining !

Perhaps we should have talks to see what common ground there is ?

That's a slippery slope Pat! Today: Common Ground - Tomorrow: Anschluß 😛
I wonder what May has: given away/promised/already agreed to ? I don't trust her - this is the woman that only yesterday refused to say if she would back Brexit now.

The show rolls on .....................

who knows. she knows she doesn't have much wiggle room either way. I think what it has come down to is the EU realising this is going to fall apart and in fact inflict pain on them to some extent. They have played bluff but with the stupidity of our incompetent government in these negotiations they probably have to fold to an extent to prevent that inevitable pain. Everyone talks about the UK suffering badly but forget it is a 2 way street with the other side having a fragile economy that would fall apart without Germany. They still sitting at negative rates and pumping QE.
I also worked with quite a few French peeps in London but never quite got along with them. Must be me I guess. 🙁

No no! It's them. It's always them😛

As with languages, cultures often get mangled in translation.

Not fair ref.

I did say "Must be me I guess". :idea:


You did indeed and my remark wasn't meant to be snide. We all view the world from our cultural standpoints and there is nothing untoward in the idea that people wishing to reside in a new country should adapt their behaviour and adjust their norms to better integrate with the locals to avoid causing offence. If the visitor/migrant/expatriate chooses not to then it's not surprising that they find their experiences "less than optimal" as our man Elon would say.

I would argue that discontent with migrants and migration has a great deal more to do with culture and less to do with jobs than it would appear.

So, Mr A, it probably isn't you... it's definitely not me and probably isn't the rest of us too.... alas, when "we" become "they" in our turn, it also goes a fair way to explain why Brits are not welcomed with open arms wherever they/we go.😀

Edit: I have just been apprised of the fact that I have misquoted Señor Elon and he did not say "less than optimal" but "sub-optimal"...subs being a theme of his, of late, apparently.....
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You and they are right and most acknoledge migration into EU is causing some major tremors.

However,once again distinction needs to be made between free movement of Labour within EU and that coming from outside.

The vast number of external migrants have arisen due to ME wars and Spring uprising etc etc.

Thick planks spring to mind.

UK could have played a major role taking leadership in EU from Germany n France but hasn't really played hand well at all.

Instead people have used refugee migration crises to skew debate.

That has been a hand well played by eurosceptics since 1975 post 2nd referendum true moaners to say the least.

So the tripe and misdirection continues.
You and they are right and most acknoledge migration into EU is causing some major tremors.

However,once again distinction needs to be made between free movement of Labour within EU and that coming from outside.

The vast number of external migrants have arisen due to ME wars and Spring uprising etc etc.

Thick planks spring to mind.

UK could have played a major role taking leadership in EU from Germany n France but hasn't really played hand well at all.

Yes instead of trashing the middle east, we could be running the EU instead? P1ss up and brewery spring to mind :whistling

Instead people have used refugee migration crises to skew debate.

that's right and how did they manage that, I wonder!