Brexit and the Consequences

I'm not so sure, it's been a stitch-up from the beginning, there is a reason a remainer was made PM in the first place. It's a very weak starting position to negotiate with the EU, who will just want more. The softest of the softest Brexit, there will be no meaningful Brexit with these muppets in charge.

Not a stitch up, just a dawning of the hard facts of reality. The EU was never going to let us enjoy the benefits without taking on their responsibilities and rules. It was always going to be hard Brexit or nothing much changing bar the fact that we will no longer be “formal” members.

You may well cry “bring it on” so far as hard Brexit is concerned, but it’s a very high risk strategy and a huge act of faith since there’s precious little evidence around that it’ll be alright on the night.
TM is playing clever politics.

Brexiteers in the cabinet are being forced into a corner; back me or risk losing government to Jeremy who will for sure exploit their position. Brexiteers losing votes as the public realise more and more the hard choice of what a hard Brexit will mean for their jobs and the country.

On the other hand she is appealing to the EU and giving them the same choice; throw me a bone on this deal to make it fly or you EU risks a hard exit of UK with either a reluctant European Jeremy.C or hard line Brexiteer.

We all lose of course come what may as Brexiteers have opened a can of worms and are unable to deliver on any of their promises but subject the UK to years of uncertainty and poor economic performance trying to establish poor sub-standard deals in desperation.

You all, I expect listen to the news and recognise to strike deal with the yanks we will have to drop our farming and food standards. TALK ABOUT HAVING INDEPENDENCE AND NOT BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO?

I find Brexiteers pushing for American deal on food stuff effed up with hormone growth treatment, GM sh1te and cholorine washed chicked so bacteriea is killed off an absolute betrayal of the British publics health and safety for years to come.

Treachery of the worst kind. Hope you guys sleep well at night. 🙁
Not a stitch up, just a dawning of the hard facts of reality. The EU was never going to let us enjoy the benefits without taking on their responsibilities and rules. It was always going to be hard Brexit or nothing much changing bar the fact that we will no longer be “formal” members.

You may well cry “bring it on” so far as hard Brexit is concerned, but it’s a very high risk strategy and a huge act of faith since there’s precious little evidence around that it’ll be alright on the night.

There is no dawning, it was known from the day TM was elected as leader, a Remainer in charge, it was always obvious as the last 18 months of dawdling has shown.

It was hoped that the Tory Eurosceptics would put up a fight, but it's not to be. As Atilla says, they've been backed into a corner with the potential threat of a Labour government as one potential explanation.

2 party politics is such a waste of time in the UK, it doesn't achieve anything other than looking after big business and career politicians.

The next few weeks are going to be interesting manoeuvring, I'm pretty sure this fight ain't over yet!
I find Brexiteers pushing for American deal on food stuff effed up with hormone growth treatment, GM sh1te and cholorine washed chicked so bacteriea is killed off an absolute betrayal of the British publics health and safety for years to come.

Who's advocating for this?
There's far more to this deal than meets the eye.. May has given this soft brexit approach to appease all the remainers and doubters knowing full well that it will be kicked back from the EU, The real brexit plan might show its face nearer March next year when the EU are starting to sweat, Mark my words this is nothing less than smoke and mirrors. watch this space....
....There is no dawning......!

No? If it’s just a question of a more robust approach what cards do you reckon have failed to be played?

So far as I can see our hand barely contains any court cards let alone any aces.
No? If it’s just a question of a more robust approach what cards do you reckon have failed to be played?

So far as I can see our hand barely contains any court cards let alone any aces.

It's as obvious now as it was from day 1. There will be no deal.

All of this period since the vote was part of the plan to allow the smart money to get their assets in order before we leave. The EU are probably the ones asleep at the wheel. That car crash is coming and lets face it, they are always the last to realise that it's all going wrong. If Trump ramps up the trade war with Europe, then the fallout will make Brexit look like a walk in the park.
No? If it’s just a question of a more robust approach what cards do you reckon have failed to be played?

So far as I can see our hand barely contains any court cards let alone any aces.

My comments are in reference to a 'dawning' by Brexiteers, maybe you were meaning HMG's 'dawning'?
It's as obvious now as it was from day 1. There will be no deal.

All of this period since the vote was part of the plan to allow the smart money to get their assets in order before we leave. The EU are probably the ones asleep at the wheel. That car crash is coming and lets face it, they are always the last to realise that it's all going wrong. If Trump ramps up the trade war with Europe, then the fallout will make Brexit look like a walk in the park.

Who's calling who's bluff 😆
Are you suggesting that the US government didn't bring down the twin towers ether ? 😆😆

Don't forget Building 7 which wasn't hit by a plane because it crashed on route but building still got pulled down or that aeroplane disintegrating after hitting the pentagon. I mean disappearing into a hole in the pentagon. The one that didn't have any passengers on or relatives trying to identify relatives who were all conveniently forgotten. :whistling

Three buildings, model demolition jobs, dropping at the speed of gravity. Who can believe that?

Mikey me amigo - something tells me you are not taking this Brexit fiasco seriously. 🙄🙄🙄
Mikey me amigo - something tells me you are not taking this Brexit fiasco seriously. 🙄🙄🙄

Taking it very seriously my old mucker, The very fact that the Brexit heavyweights had a meeting before chequers and nobody resigned afterwards not ring any warning bells for you ? do you think Borris,Gove,Davis just rolled over easily as that ? :whistling

May has turned out to be a weak leader, easily influenced, There wont be a deal, well not yet anyway..But as long as she keeps the likes of landrover, airbus and the remainers onside for a bit longer with this soft approach ...keep kicking that can..:cheesy:

WTO is looking favourable atm...don't forget, the referendum was a vote for in or out !
Taking it very seriously my old mucker, The very fact that the Brexit heavyweights had a meeting before chequers and nobody resigned afterwards not ring any warning bells for you ? do you think Borris,Gove,Davis just rolled over easily as that ? :whistling

May has turned out to be a weak leader, easily influenced, There wont be a deal, well not yet anyway..But as long as she keeps the likes of landrover, airbus and the remainers onside for a bit longer with this soft approach ...keep kicking that can..:cheesy:

WTO is looking favourable atm...don't forget, the referendum was a vote for in or out !

The referendum was advisory. That's all.

Just coz Cameron talked it up and put loadsa whaffle around it bigging it up doesn't make it anything more so.

Delays, non-productive investment and complexity coupled with reduced standards and decades of lost investment is what you are looking at. WTO least of your troubles. Beware of what you are promised. Politicians all the same.

Splitlink makes a good point. Look at Catalonia's experience on how fast companies moved to maintain profit levels and operational capability.
its called hedging, what company wouldn't have a satellite office in France until things get underway/settle down, easy to set up and easy to wind down...Once were released from the shackles just watch us go .

The referendum was advisory. That's all.

Just coz Cameron talked it up and put loadsa whaffle around it bigging it up doesn't make it anything more so.

Nahh, not legally binding is the words your looking for, nevertheless must be implemented as the democratic will of the people voted for it, same as if remain had won, which it didnt, just incase you forgot..😆
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There are mutterings that May's leadership is to be challenged as early as next week.

Tactically this would be wrong. Instead, they should keep their powder dry until such time as the EU reject the latest proposals and continue on with their demands for more concessions. In the mean time, May will continue with her one woman tour of European countries trying to convince them to put pressure on the EU to do a deal, making a complete tit of herself in the process.

You know what they say about giving someone enough rope. She's well on the way!
its called hedging, what company wouldn't have a satellite office in France until things get underway/settle down, easy to set up and easy to wind down...Once were released from the shackles just watch us go .

Nahh, not legally binding is the words your looking for, nevertheless must be implemented as the democratic will of the people voted for it, same as if remain had won, which it didnt, just incase you forgot..😆

FYI Farage also blurted that he'd continue the fight for leaving the EU thinking they'd lost the referendum.

Onwards and forwards.

Advisory referendum / non-legally binding - is the - same difference.

Splitting hairs.

Tories trying to maintain power by eliminating UKIP so they didn't bleed votes and let Labour/LibDems in.

Each day this fiasco goes on, greater the damage to UK. I think that's becoming clear to most people. 🙁