Brexit and the Consequences

Agree with that and that we are over-populated. I don’t, however, think this is down to our membership of the EU, nor do I think it will be solved by our leaving. It was clearly a trump card for the brexiteers to play, albeit a false one.

The hand has been won.

For the next thrilling instalment we'll just have to wait. As the EU gets closer and closer to some real changes (rather than deck-chair rearranging) and the reasons for leaving are addressed one by one, it will be entertaining to see how the politicos in both camps will falsely claim credit or pass blame.
It's all rather depressing at the moment:

  1. Looks more and more like BRINO (BREXIT in name only) which will dissatisfy everybody.
  2. Incompetent and totally useless government whose only hope is to ditch May & get someone with balls but it seems like there is no one with the balls to do that.
  3. She will lose them the next election.
  4. Comrades Corbyn and McDonnell will give us a nasty dose of what we don't need.
  5. Eventually someone competent will step forward.
  6. Not much prospect of anything decent for another 10 years or so?
It's all rather depressing at the moment:

  1. Looks more and more like BRINO (BREXIT in name only) which will dissatisfy everybody.
  2. Incompetent and totally useless government whose only hope is to ditch May & get someone with balls but it seems like there is no one with the balls to do that.
  3. She will lose them the next election.
  4. Comrades Corbyn and McDonnell will give us a nasty dose of what we don't need.
  5. Eventually someone competent will step forward.
  6. Not much prospect of anything decent for another 10 years or so?

Let me get this straight:

1. We're leaving but not changing anything in our favour and everybody's unhappy.

2. May has no balls (not completely inexcusable given her gender) but no other balls are extant - so despite being all balls, there are none.

3. The result of the next election is a foregone conclusion...but isn't that what we all said before the Brexit referendum? At least we'll get someone different to moan about, no matter how genitally challenged.

4. The villains in the wings ( who presumably might be possessed of the necessary appendages) are waiting to give us even less of what we originally wanted.

5. Eventually someone competent will step forward - a ray of light at last! though I feel I should point out for those interested in history that there was a gap of 40+ years between the Marquess of Salisbury and Winston Churchill's tenure during the war, representing the pause between one competent and the following one.

6. Nothing decent for only 10 years - I'm feeling better already🙂

It's definitely time for a song:

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Let me get this straight:

1. We're leaving but not changing anything in our favour and everybody's unhappy.

2. May has no balls (not completely inexcusable given her gender) but no other balls are extant - so despite being all balls, there are none.

3. The result of the next election is a foregone conclusion...but isn't that what we all said before the Brexit referendum? At least we'll get someone different to moan about, no matter how genitally challenged.

4. The villains in the wings ( who presumably might be possessed of the necessary appendages) are waiting to give us even less of what we originally wanted.

5. Eventually someone competent will step forward - a ray of light at last! though I feel I should point out for those interested in history that there was a gap of 40+ years between the Marquess of Salisbury and Winston Churchill's tenure during the war, representing the pause between one competent and the following one.

6. Nothing decent for only 10 years - I'm feeling better already🙂

It's definitely time for a song:

I'm very sorry. The British deserve better than that. The ringleaders of this ie.
Lafarge and Johnson are not saying very much. TM let her ambitions rule her commonsense. She is not up to the job and should never have taken it on. Looking at her latest photos, she has aged a lot in these last two years.
The EU is a political movement, not an economic co-op. It does indeed not have a secret agenda - its agenda is public, and the aim is political unification of Europe into one state. This is what the founders always intended and repeatedly clearly said so. Their successors have reiterated this ever since. But national politicians and media have conveniently put this in the background. If anyone has a secret agenda, it is the national governments in Europe who play down the political union and emphasise the economic benefits.

But, even assuming there's no political objective behind an open-doors immigration policy, the economic advantages look good. So why would we fight it when if we win the closed borders game, we sacrifice our own economic well-being?

Whilst I agree with most but this highlighted bit is clearly not the case and it puts a wrong slant on the EU.

- Primarily ESCC was formed to prevent Germany from building war machinary
- Common market with reduced tariffs and harmonisation taxes was an objective
- To enable food independence and prevent starvation was key and led to CAP
- Reduce the likelihood of war braking out again, maintain the peace

These were the starting objectives.

Founders never said to unite Europe in a political union. Not that I have heard or read.

What has transpired is political union as that is what is required. Key criticism of the EU was that it had a common market with some sketchy taxation and trading rules ie fiscal policy BUT no supply side monetary control.

For example EMS system required and set rules for currency parity and budget deficits! Did all members adhere to those rules? No! Because local politicians like to have their say and way in gaining power promising the people the World. PIGS can go in this basket for obvious reasons. Not only that Greece even jailed a whistle blower for highlighting cooked up books. Italy and Spain much the same.

Thus political union and necessary controls were a requirement and for the right reasons. Left to their own devices where do you think the PIGS will end up.

There own citizens know it too. Just that a hand full of irrational national nits think they are GREAT coz their politicians tell them they are so. UK not much different. Should ave, could ave, would ave stuff. Hope and Glory. We can do this if we close our eyes and really wish hard. Are Italy in the World Cup this year? Maybe if they left the union they may qualify again in four years time. I'm sure it's all the foreign players in the league taking standards down. :cheesy:

Having said all that, there are many tiers of membership as posted before so if political union is not required then a Norway model may well be suitable. However, that makes a bit of a mockery of sovereignty. Apparently this was the model touted by Farage. Who can believe it? 😆😆😆

Let those who want to detach from EU do so. Should be an interesting watch. There is no coercion in the union as some writers claim there are. Just simple democracy to achieving the good life. 👍

I wouldn't be surprised if Sterling sinks and UK ends up not only re-joining EU and adopting the Euro.

It’s good to see David Davis show some backbone, Standing up to TM . I really hope he gets his way and not forced to resign..I have a bad feeling that TM is secretly trying to impose a soft Brexit to keep her party remainers happy...It won’t end well.

His a weasel, braking rank and collective cabinet responsibility.

He should do the honourable thing and simply resign instead of sniping. Remember Robin Cook and Clare Short. If you disagree with cabinet get out.

Poor breed. Not PM material. 👎
His a weasel, braking rank and collective cabinet responsibility.

He should do the honourable thing and simply resign instead of sniping. Remember Robin Cook and Clare Short. If you disagree with cabinet get out.

Poor breed. Not PM material. 👎

Wrong, Top man and has made TM put a date on the backstop all within two meetings today, Big thumbs up for DD I’m afraid...👍

Obviously this lady is for turning....
He is not as quiet as I thought. Not a buffoon? Who are you comparing him with? It's all relative and TM is his boss.

Both Hitler (until his trial in 1920 something) and Trump were dismissed as buffoons. Seems like it's not quite the handicap one might think🙂
The narrative that we need migrants to either fill the jobs that indigenous populations won't do, or work to pay taxes that pay the pensions of our ageing population or to support our NHS (or all three), just doesn't stack up when you read headlines such as this:

It will be interesting to see if anyone can provide some stats about the migrants that arrive in the UK so that we can have a clear idea of the effect of AI, because I am sure that a large number of the positions that will be replaced by AI will have a large effect not only on indigenous working classes, but also on immigrant working classes, if indeed immigrants are working as is claimed.

When the robots do take over to create a tipping point for real human workers, what immigration policies will politicians be forced to implement then? Or will they just tax more on those still working (presumably not working class, but higher educated, skilled workers) to pay for the increased benefit/housing/health costs of those that cannot find work due to the effect of AI and increased population?

My guess is that Political Correctness will have to be thrown out to avoid chaos and the borders will need to be closed, regardless of Brexit, BrexNOT or BRINO or any other type of fudge that is currently being cooked up to keep us in the EU.

A lose/lose all round, all hail the robots!
I hope we leave without deal now, The current situation has gone all softly softly...Come on conservative brexiteers Jacob IDS & co now’s the time to make a name for yourselves... step up and deliver or force her out.
Wrong, Top man and has made TM put a date on the backstop all within two meetings today, Big thumbs up for DD I’m afraid...👍

Obviously this lady is for turning....

Tell me Mikey do you believe Boris speel was a genuine leak or just another weazel hiding behind political manouvers? 🙄
Tell me Mikey do you believe Boris speel was a genuine leak or just another weazel hiding behind political manouvers? 🙄

I agree with Minicoop, total set up, craftily done, accidental leak 😆...Boris is a difficult one, He's obviously very intelligent man and I do share his brexit views, His problem is that he has this buffoon stigma attached and people struggle to take him seriously. Something I doubt he will never shake off. He's right about trump though, He would make a fantastic negotiator with his aggressive approach to business and deal making, Unfortunately something the UK lacks is a strong leader, there is nobody in politics I could even suggest, JRM is closest but not what i would exactly call strong leadership material..

Whats your thoughts on this half baked half in/out deal ? Its got to be worse than full membership hasn't it ???
Hard Brexit, it's the only way forward from here, all the chances have been blown, the Maybot AI cannot compute any longer (she's reverted to prattling on about SJW causes, feminism and virtue signalling).

Time to power on Colossus, it may be out of date, clunky, slow and needs a good dusting but it will get the job done.