Hey guys,
Here are some profound thoughts that came to me around Europe and our last 100 years of history...
WW1 - When war declared on Germany, there were street parties in the UK. Men celebrated. Those who didn't go to fight were called cowards. Those who did adn were shell shocked were tortured by the medical profession supported by the army. Those who changed their mind and ran were executed for desertion. When the war was over 5 years later people partied in the streets again.
Within one life time WW2 erupted and after much death, destruction and starvation peace was obtained and EEC was formed with the European Steel and Coal Community ESCC where France was appointed to keep a close eye on German manufacturing and war machine or rather to ensure it did not build another one. UK with Churchill thought this was all below us and had no desire to join, with our own steel industry well and trully in tact and full flow.
10 years later, UK lagging behind wanted to join back in but the French with de Gaule thought better of it (having helped them defeat Germany) objected and UK was left waiting until the early 70s to become a member. Won't go into the 2nd referendum in 1975 but after another 10 year wait (20 years in total which we are very good at) you'd think UK would be well determined to join.
Another interesting thought was the cold war and how even Berlin was divided right through the middle. More of a down-town black spot with low growth and ugly place to exist. Back then spies were sent in risking life and limb to help people on the other side out. Can you believe that.
Communist block setup a wall to keep its residents in. Anyone trying to cross it would be shot or blown up in a land mine. In contrast the West would spend vast amounts of money to get these people out. Now days it seems the old Eastern block countries are the ones objecting to UK not warming to the free movement of labour idea and want to punish us over the Brexit. WHAT's the freaking WORLD COMING TO???? 😱:-0😱:-0😡😡😡😈 Either they have seen the light or we've had ours dimmed.
Back in the old days in the 70s and 80s, a custom union was a superior arrangement over WTO trading agreements. Numerous bilateral agreements would be costly and confusing for industry to navigate. Now I'm told WTO is a far superior solution where we can make our own deals. We can be member of the World Trading Club and not just Europe's. You know like why have a partnership with one block with 27 countries when there are 160 out there? I dunno maybe they are right???
Then we come to 9/11, where Saudis known group called Al-Qaida after Osama bin Ladin (family name), trained and financed by the CIA to fight Russia in Afghanistan supposedly blow up three perfectly demolished buildings (one not even hit by a flying brick), and then the US allows all Saudies to fly out of the US of A whilst stopping every other airline from flying. Not only does it stop there. Instead of attacking investigating the Saudies, it decides to go and destroy Afghanistan whilst trying to capture one man, a Saudie.
Wait there is more. Axis of evil is all over the place so decides to launch a war on Iraq with Saddam who has absolute naff all to do with anything, being a pure evil dastardly and no interest in Islam.
Let's not forget Syria whilst we make peace with Iran. So we now have 3m refugees in Jordan and Turkey with a good few 100s and thousands on Europe's door trying to get in.
When Bush said they don't like our way of life, freedoms and democracy he was clearly lying. They are like lemmings literally sacrificing them selves and families to get into our way of life.
So war bubble builds up trillions of debt. Banks swing into action packaging up useless subprime junk bonds and sell them off as tripple A+ rated safe as houses instruments. In the self regulated super dooper finance system built by the US of A and supported and joined in the hip by the UK for almost 25 years everything is rosy until when it goes poohey and the real big BANG! takes place.
First the banks take back the inflated homes the Ninjas can't afford to keep and the Fed, instead of helping the little man pay his mortgage, gives 800 bn to the banks who literally effed up the little guy on the street. That's not enough, and now they are going around fining the banks who nobody thought to regulate because they missed behaved in some way chasing profits.
So after all this UK has a Eureka moment, where Cameron plays a clever political game to pull the thorn in the Conservative party out of his right buttock cheek but it goes horribly wrong as now having risked spies and wars delivering freedom and democracy to people all over the World as well as having invaded and kicked ass the last 250 years, Nigel Farage and the blond bimbo BJ decide enough is enough we want to take back CONTROL of our BORDERS having fecked up the rest of the Worlds for centuries.
Ever since we joined back in 1973 we went from being 8th in the GDP league table to 5th and we are doing really really well at the moment but somehow it's envisaged we could be be 4th or even 1st and the EU is about to implode. Even if it doesn't imlode it is impeding our ability to trade successfully in the World. Let's save our selves and now those pesky Europeans as they really haven't a clue about the state of the union or the World is in that we live in.
In the words of the yanks, get the feck outta there she's gonna blow!!!
PS. We no longer have a steel industry but that's ok.
PS2. It took 20 years to join and some say it'll take 2 years to leave. No bother we are good at waiting. Roll on article 50.
Can someone pinch me please in case I'm dreaming. :cheesy: