So, is it good for the UK economy or bad? I think there's a lot of opinion about the social impact of immigration, but facts about immigration's impact on the economy are rare. And that's all I'm going to put faith in because its objective, not dependent on someone's individual "tolerance" or culture or biases.
On the contrary I'm stating precisely that - it has nothing to do with social or political pros/cons wrt migration.
It's simply about the money. If there wasn't any viable reason, we would not have migrant labour. That is as per our interests not migrants.
This is about as simple as it gets.
Anyone who contradicts this is in denial. It is simply about low cost of input and skills.
If governments wanted these foreigners migrants out they would be out. Just issue ID cards and penalise any employer who employs them with a financial penalty.
I don't buy the nonsense about humanity or giving exile to people because we are kind at all. That's one big joke. It's just pure business and about making money.
I usually do a usual acid test and ask the question who are the most successful countries in the world at the moment and what makes them so?
India and China doing well. Why?
Well they have billions of people who could do with what we have. So they have a long way to catch up but they are fast learners. So those who say having a big population is a problem obviously haven't hit the right button. Others have pointed to cities with twice the size of ours doing equally well wrt public services. We arn't unique.
On the other hand happiest countries are norsk nations with very small populations and highest taxes?
That's also cool but take note of "highest tax" and some of the nonsense in approach suggested here doesn't add up. It's all the same rhetoric if only migrants weren't flooding our Island everything will be hunky dory. Fudge and dodge the issue. Let's have small population and pay less tax. Or only import the highest tax paying migrants by giving them high wages. Alternatively, lets boot the low wage migrant out and replace with high wage low skilled but only more lazy endogenous worker.
I'm sure it makes perfect sense in some peoples alternative reality.