Brexit and the Consequences

The UK has a very inhospitable stretch of water to cross, except for the straits. The Brits are not faced with this problem, but they took in thousands in the Nazi era.

I also can mention that, as far as my knowledge of the period goes, the refugees from Nazi persecution in Germany and Austria were not rescued by the Royal Navy from leaky boats which would otherwise have made illicit landings. The escapees from Nazism made their applications through lawful process.

We can all be proud of the efforts to accept and accommodate them.

But its worth noting we were not at war with either country at the time, nor were they in states of war themselves. So the situations are not really very similar and attempts to obfuscate the two just emotionally charge decisions on what to do about what is happening now.
Many are not fleeing from theatres of war as refugees, they are migrants using other people's terrible situations as camouflage so they can enter western countries. Many will have crossed through or past countries which could have offered them safe refuge if they were literally and truly fleeing from warfare. I think its incumbent on a government to understand who they admit across their country's borders, whether they apply through a visa or are picked up by our warships. Difficult maybe, but that's what we pay them for.

Top refugee hosting countries
1. Jordan (2.7 million+)
2. Turkey (2.5 million+)
3. Pakistan (1.6 million)
4. Lebanon (1.5 million+)
5. Iran (979,400)
6. Ethiopia (736,100)
7. Kenya (553,900)
8. Uganda (477,200)
9. Democratic Republic of Congo (383,100)
10. Chad (369,500)
Many are not fleeing from theatres of war as refugees, they are migrants using other people's terrible situations as camouflage so they can enter western countries. Many will have crossed through or past countries which could have offered them safe refuge if they were literally and truly fleeing from warfare. I think its incumbent on a government to understand who they admit across their country's borders, whether they apply through a visa or are picked up by our warships. Difficult maybe, but that's what we pay them for.

That's easy to say, Tom, but the sailors who pick up those people, even the Captain himself, cannot differentiate and, if it was me, and I have a Masters Certificate, would not try, having other priorities to think about. First, is to get them ashore and, in most cases, hospitalised, then the apropriate authorities have to deal with it. Remember, too, that the other country has to be willing to accept them back, as well. I doubt if many, if any, have passports.

This is all legal stuff and even politicians can't, always, get away with what they want.
That's easy to say, Tom, but the sailors who pick up those people, even the Captain himself, cannot differentiate and, if it was me, and I have a Masters Certificate, would not try, having other priorities to think about. First, is to get them ashore and, in most cases, hospitalised, then the apropriate authorities have to deal with it. Remember, too, that the other country has to be willing to accept them back, as well. I doubt if many, if any, have passports.

This is all legal stuff and even politicians can't, always, get away with what they want.

Absolutely any vessel encountering another vessel or a person at risk at sea much stop and assist. Navy and coast guard ships in the area must stop and assist. What I'm saying is the politicians are at fault by ducking the difficult decisions they should be making.
Just as they did in the thirties . . .

Well some did evidently take difficult and unpopular decisions. Apparently British re-armament towards war with Germany began in 1934, though Hitler had only come to power in 1933. It seems WW2 wasn't exactly the surprise out of the blue its sometimes made out to be.
No, no surprise. But a lot of efforts toward appeasement were made, just as we're making now, and having been making for many years.
Well some did evidently take difficult and unpopular decisions. Apparently British re-armament towards war with Germany began in 1934, though Hitler had only come to power in 1933. It seems WW2 wasn't exactly the surprise out of the blue its sometimes made out to be.

I was very young but I read history books.

"Peace in Our Time!" . No one wanted another war and Chamberlain was greeted with relief, on his return from Munich.

Churchill was a voice in the wilderness and, when he took over, it was damned near too late.

But we digress, The problem, today, is

1)diferentiating between economic and political refugees and our humanity towards them and

2) separating the terrorists from them.

This is complicated by the fact that a lot are British born.
I was very young but I read history books.

"Peace in Our Time!" . No one wanted another war and Chamberlain was greeted with relief, on his return from Munich.

Churchill was a voice in the wilderness and, when he took over, it was damned near too late.

But we digress, The problem, today, is

1)diferentiating between economic and political refugees and our humanity towards them and

2) separating the terrorists from them.

This is complicated by the fact that a lot are British born.

Churchill was not a lone voice in the wilderness, this is basically his own term, rather than independent historical analysis and comment.

The 1930's government was re-arming for 6 years before Churchill was returned to a Cabinet post. He became a heroic leader but policy was already with him before that, the establishment was not blind to the German/Austrian threat.
Well, there had to be some who were not blind, just the same as 48% of the referenndum wanted to stay in Europe.

Something made us nearly lose the war, though, and, if it had not been for the Americans, we would have, or become completely impoverished.

But, that's been dealt with in other posts.

About those refugees and terrorists.....
Just to recap - Tories not only cutting public services such as NHS and Education but as we are now hearing and seeing the strains on the Police and Community Policing.

London Mayor states this is likely to continue into the next 3-5 years too.

In contrast we have a growing economy and tax cut promises along with aging population.

No worries - we have Strong and Stable Leadership to continue with past policies.

Theresa May is the only person to lead us through Brexit; because her record on increasing migrant numbers and cutting back on Police and Community officers have served us well - NOT! 🙁

Time for change. Time for hope.

I've also heard Green party targeting Isle of Wight. This is a brilliant idea. With the location and opportunities that abound around green energy and technologies, the Green party can revolutionise the Island making it an iconic location in the World.

I can see annual green conferences and global leaders meeting there. Go Greens :clap::clap::clap:
So the alternative is a coalition of chaos 😆

Yeah right.

Yep heard her mention that too. Wouldn't be surprised if she has all these written on her inside sleeve or arm. Can she hold an honest open conversation with anyone.

fwiw - at the door step people are turning back to LibDems, Labour and UKIP. Believe me I know from first hand experience talking to them.

Right now Tories are hemorrhaging. That goes for squadies, biddies and the middle class with kids to send to university. Families are calculating what tax hit his going to take compared to benefit his children's going to receive from getting their university fee / maintenance grants.

Dumb and dumber Tories get.

Have you heard - there idea of increasing nursing numbers is to do away with burseries and make nurses pay for uni fees as part of their training.

They think this will increase their numbers who sign up for training. Barmy nit twits.

Question for you Tories... do you think or do you vote Tory because you thikn it's kind of a status symbol like the car you drive?

National interest is at peril in the hands of these fruit cakes toffee nosed nit twits. I'm at a loss to explain just what a wreck they'll leave the UK in???

I urge you to think about the consequences of their policies on everyone. 😍😍😍
Moreover, Labour, LibDems and Greens pretty much in sync about how to approach UK's many issues.

I thought Tory and LibDem coalition worked well, just that LibDem's got shafted by the despicable tories.

All change as TM loses 16 seat majority. Haha!!!

On Friday morning I'm going to be...

:clap: Nurses :clap: Teachers :clap: Police Officers :clap: Families with clever Teenagers :clap:

No you will be crying and distraught like you were after brexit.....😆

What happened to your Savior anyhow ? the great Gina Miller ? 😆 😆
No you will be crying and distraught like you were after brexit.....😆

What happened to your Savior anyhow ? the great Gina Miller ? 😆 😆

What have you Brexiters, Tory Party and UKIP achieved other than vent your dissatisfaction, stop investment, create uncertainty and p1ss on our European interests and allies?

China and India have given us nothing. Even with Trump we are behind EU negotiations. Hope and Glory boys deliver hype and wind. 👎

No plans, no assessments, no nothing. Zip. Leadership of an empty vessel. Boris looking increasingly sh1te on Telly. Bumbling along. He was asked why he opposed Police cuts when he was London Mayor and why his supporting TM decision now.

No answer. Bumbling baffoon talked about how he reached agreement with TM.

Like TM will tell him what to do and if he does it he can be Foreign Secretary. So he says. Yes please, wham bham done deal mam. People can see through that B****ter too.

Where is Gove?
Where is Leadsom?
Other than TM and Fuddy is there anyone else supporting her?
Where have all the Tories gone?

About time toffee noses paid their way.