Brexit and the Consequences

England = dreams of lost empire.
Hopefully, this is just a joke dbp - albeit in dubious taste. I've never once heard anyone - or read anything - that so much as hints that this is what they want or that it's the subtext fueling Brexit. Believe what you want of course - but if you genuinely think this is what Brexit is all about - you're very much mistaken. Indeed, nothing could be further from the truth. Brits no more have dreams of a lost empire anymore than Germans have dreams of an empire under the Nazis.
Well, let's see. We beat you in the Revolutionary War and bailed you out of two world wars. Granted you beat the Spanish Armada due to weather. Anything else?

Don't really think many nations are qualified to lecture Britain about empires.
EU going from strength to strength as Merkel & Modi Cite Mutual Values

Trump can Trumpet his Tweets as much as he likes, nobody but TM is paying much heed to him the regular poodle that she has become beside him.

As for Merkel and Modi they get on with business. Unlike the UK they will not be simply setting up a workshop to talk how they may be able to increase trade together.

As for defence spending I also feel US and UK shooting them selves in the foot. EU will just join the competition in building her own weapons and selling elsewhere as and when possible.

TM doesn't half talk a lot tosh about being the only person who can negotiate Brexit. Then there is that difficult woman image which she seems to be so happy to sprout off with glee. Who ever takes to a difficult woman or a man?

Anyhow, fwiw, she's making a right tit of her self already as the polls are showing what they think of her now they've seen and heard from her a little more.

11 days after negotiations will start and she says nobody but her can negotiate. When asked well why did you call the elections, wasting time when you should be preparing she sprouts out more tosh how so she can not be hindered in the negotiations by opposition to get the best deal. WTF is that about.

She refers to EU wanting to punish UK. Silly moo doesn't understand that leaving the EU and not contributing or being party to ECJ means UK can not expect the same equivalent deal as before.

Membership has benefits which is paid for and regulated. Why should the EU bow to the UKs particular wishes because the difficult woman thinks and believes she deserves it or she's walking away. The response is pretty obvious. Sod off then and leave us in peace to get on with our business.

I sincerely, hope electorate will recognise that Parliament needs strong opposition to keep her in check and balance as she's so out of her depth along with Eurosceptics thinking they are fighting WWIII it's going to end very badly imo.

UK negotiation approach, rationale and reasonsing so remarkably stupid it's laughable.

There is ofcourse increasingly that Tories will not get elected. Fingers crossed. Let's hope it's not too late boot her out of office. 🙂
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Seriously, what are the tories doing? Which idiot thought it would be splendid to bribe us with a strong Brexit whilst 'slipping in' a stupid ultra Tory manifesto at this critical juncture. As if we wouldn't notice. They have reverted to underhand tactics and are losing support rapidly, even Corbin is now starting to make sense FFS. I'm afraid there are going to be a lot on non voting or wasted voting from people that were fixed on a set course of action when this snap election was announced. For the first time in a long time we are presented with a quandary where a no vote would not be a wasted vote and is a viable option.

Idiots the lot of them.
Oh my word :-0

It's a hit!

On a side note guys, have you all noticed, she keeps attacking Corbyn but both Corbyn and Fallon, have made no attacks on Tory party but only stating what they'll do to help better British peoples lives, manage the NHS, fund the schools, get rid of lading the young of this country with debt and have a well educated skilled labour force.

All classics - well worth watching... 😎
The Conservative campaign has been inept, right from the decision to focus voter attention on a rather distant and stiff leader with no clearly stated principles. They are losing ground in the polls and in the bookies' odds - odds are now 1.22 for a majority, which is worse than when they first called the election.
The Conservative campaign has been inept, right from the decision to focus voter attention on a rather distant and stiff leader with no clearly stated principles. They are losing ground in the polls and in the bookies' odds - odds are now 1.22 for a majority, which is worse than when they first called the election.

I agree with you dear Tomorton, a refreshing change. Not only that I was pleased when she first took charge and relieved to see backs of hard line brexiters and thought we have a reasonable leader to manage and lead Brexit.

She is no leader. Just another politician hell bent with her strong and stable leadership forever demanding more power.

It will be dream come true for the Tories to get two fingers from the British people and we have a coalition of Labour and LibDems to steer us through these troubled waters and rectify mistake of the century re: Brexit and sort out NHS, Schools and our Railways and bring some industry back to the UK instead of losing jobs and running down our services giving more money to the well off and wealthy and screwing the poor and needy.

The difference in policy and direction is crystalising before the people. Hope everyone can see better now. 👍
Strong and stable but shy lady does not want to appear in a seven-way BBC general election debate and is sending Home Secretary Amber Rudd instead.

"Refusing to join me in Cambridge tonight would be another sign of Theresa May's weakness, not strength," he added.

Following Mr Corbyn's surprise announcement, the Conservatives said there would be "no changes" to Mrs May's plans, and that she would be meeting voters rather than "swapping sound bites with six other politicians".

Not only weak but also very nasty party.

So you decide. Strong and Stable or Weak and Nasty party leader.

Choice is clear matey's! Make your vote count and do the right thing. 👍
She's beginning to sound more and more like Trump. No wonder they're such buds (the only friend he has, apparently. Besides Putin.)
Can you possibly imagine anything worse than corbyn and his muppets sat opposite the EU wolves negotiating our future, it doesn't bear thinking about. You may get your chance Atilla to say " I told you brexit would ruin the country ". Everyone must vote conservative to stop this clown before it goes to far.
Can you possibly imagine anything worse than corbyn and his muppets sat opposite the EU wolves negotiating our future, it doesn't bear thinking about. You may get your chance Atilla to say " I told you brexit would ruin the country ". Everyone must vote conservative to stop this clown before it goes to far.

I'm not sure that's the case though is it.

Corbyn has shown him self to be much tougher sticking out the descent where I thought he should go too. He has been very consistent and is now coming across as the underdog with tenacity to not let go.

He certainly is a man of principal and never been hot on Europe much like the Labour party for best part of the late 20th century, it was always Tories in favour and Labour against the EEC.

So no I don't believe he would be a push over. He would be reasonable and champion the hard working man and social democratic policies which Europe is all about.

It is precisely the Tories and Brexiters who haven't made the case other than give us a bit of hope and glory how they'd be so brilliant. I think in the last couple of months it's been quite obvious with the motor, farming, R&D and finance industry it would be a big fiasco.

Migrant numbers already down 80K and Tory targets reached which is something TM never quite managed with intention.

So it's pretty clear they don't know what they are doing. All talk and no walk.

Really nasty rubbish party the Tories. Becareful what you wish for. I think their treatment of Schools, NHS and railways and reduction in corporation tax, inheritance tax and running down services says it all.

People can now see their real intentions. 👎

Out with the posh tosh and in with the new for the grafters. 👍
Out with the posh tosh and in with the new for the grafters. 👍

The thing is, what you refer as "posh tosh" are highly educated individuals from Cambridge, oxford etc...would you rather have wannabe politicians running the country like Diane Abbot for example ? I meet many people on my travels, some totally deluded, others borderline psychotic, I try to imagine them hovering their pen over the ballot paper trying to decide between labour and the Monster Raving Loony party, then wonder what small thing made them decide 😆
The thing is, what you refer as "posh tosh" are highly educated individuals from Cambridge, oxford etc...would you rather have wannabe politicians running the country like Diane Abbot for example ? I meet many people on my travels, some totally deluded, others borderline psychotic, I try to imagine them hovering their pen over the ballot paper trying to decide between labour and the Monster Raving Loony party, then wonder what small thing made them decide 😆

Getting screwed once too often by the "highly educated"? That is what is largely behind the so-called "populist" impulse the world over, but electing the ignorant is no answer.

What's needed are adults, and the pickings therein are slim. How many world leaders are truly adult, and how many are simply old children?
The thing is, what you refer as "posh tosh" are highly educated individuals from Cambridge, oxford etc...would you rather have wannabe politicians running the country like Diane Abbot for example ? I meet many people on my travels, some totally deluded, others borderline psychotic, I try to imagine them hovering their pen over the ballot paper trying to decide between labour and the Monster Raving Loony party, then wonder what small thing made them decide 😆

No but those who graduate from Cambridge and Oxford are well bred and over confident bodies who do not have experience of hardship and cruelty of life many others have to endure so they are often lacking empathy and social skills and more absorbed in enjoying the fruits of life maintaining their balances. Nigel Lawson is one very good example. Tosh is in France sipping wine telling nation sovereignty is most important aspect and would like Parliament to determine destiny of the Isle. His a fecking idiot and disgrace. Lord Heseltine and Clarke are patriots and where are they now for speaking up?

Rejecting ECJ or Treaty of Rome is also absolute b0ll0cks if as TM says she wants full free access to EU market yet not be subject to its rules. Not happening.

She thinks she's being difficult. Everybody else who knows she's just plain stupid.

Mike matey you really need to wake up and I say this with sincerity you've been sold a pack of lies.

There is no way the Northern Power house project can be delivered without government help and subsidies. Tories aren't the party to deliver that. In fact that was Vince Cables, LibDem idea tories stole from us.

I think public are beginning to hear the alarm bells with this TM silly approach of hogging all votes and shutting parliament down.

She won't even debate thinking she's above it all. She knows what she's doing and she can't be asked or bothered to answer peoples questions. Most people are already sick and tired of Strong and Stable leadership tripe. Are you prepared to put up with that crap for another 4 years.

Is it not obvious what ever Brexit brings there will be no accountability on the deal that is delivered. According to her people have voted and that's it. Such a complex matter left to people who don't understand or have the time to bother trying to learn.

Think hard matey, make your vote count. Your country needs you more than ever. Why relinquish your vote to a bloody difficult weak and nasty woman? Vote tactically so she's held to account and Parliament has scrutiny over the deal. You be judge.

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No but those who graduate from Cambridge and Oxford are well bred and over confident bodies who do not have experience of hardship and cruelty of life many others have to endure so they are often lacking empathy and social skills and more absorbed in enjoying the fruits of life maintaining their balances. Nigel Lawson is one very good example. Tosh is in France sipping wine telling nation sovereignty is most important aspect and would like Parliament to determine destiny of the Isle.

Rejecting ECJ or Treaty of Rome is also absolute b0ll0cks if as TM says she wants full free access to EU market yet not be subject to its rules. Not happening.

She thinks she's being difficult. Everybody else who knows she's just plain stupid.

Mike matey you really need to wake up and I say this with sincerity you've been sold a pack of lies.

There is no way the Northern Power house project can be delivered without government help and subsidies. Tories aren't the party to deliver that. In fact that was Vince Cables, LibDem idea tories stole from us.

I think public are beginning to hear the alarm bells with this TM silly approach of hogging all votes and shutting parliament down.

She won't even debate thinking she's above it all. She knows what she's doing and she can't be asked or bothered to answer peoples questions. Most people are already sick and tired of Strong and Stable leadership tripe. Are you prepared to put up with that crap for another 4 years.

Isn't not obvious what ever Brexit brings there will be no accountability on the deal that is delivered. According to her people have voted and that's it. Such a complex matter left to people who don't understand or have the time to bother trying to learn.

Think hard matey, make your vote count. Your country needs you more than ever. Why relinquish your vote to a bloody difficult weak and nasty woman? Vote tactically so she's held to account and Parliament has scrutiny over the deal. You be judge.


Northern powerhouse is well underway.

It's clear to me you ain't tried driving up the M6, M62 or around the M60 lately (if ever) 😆
No but those who graduate from Cambridge and Oxford are well bred and over confident bodies who do not have experience of hardship and cruelty of life many others have to endure so they are often lacking empathy and social skills and more absorbed in enjoying the fruits of life maintaining their balances.

Ditto the US. Congress and the White House are filled with people who have no idea whatsoever what it means to live paycheck to paycheck, usually without health insurance, much less what it's like to be homeless. Yet they are expected to govern those with whose lives they are completely unfamiliar. Is it any wonder we're in such a pickle?