Boiler Room Scams

Good post but too late for many of us. The concern for me is that most people are able to recognise all of the mistakes listed by you and others - in hindsight. Our mission must be to get the information much more widely known and maybe your book will prompt some public debate. When I was first hooked in by Globus Trust, they were not on any FSA listing and I had no idea how else to check them out. I don't yhink I had even heard of boiler rooms and had no idea about their methods. All I saw was an opportunity to invest in something risky but with a great up-side and the possiblity of getting out if the share price dropped. They forgot to mention the shares were restricted until they had me well and truly hooked in. Naive - yes- but common to a lot of people with $$ in their eyes and little experience of share dealing. If we have names of these 'companies' and names of the people involved, it can't be too much of a step to find and publish the individual's personal address and phone numbers on a website such as this and set it up as a reference for all would-be investors. They may be less inclined to swindle people if their details were in the public domain. Incidentally, I notice Globus Trust has now appeared on the FSA Alert list - unfortunately, nearly 2 years after I first invested with them. And you're right - I've not seen a penny of the fantastic 'profits' I made over that time and I no longer expect to. I'd be interested to hear from others who are hooked up in the Globus Trust 'investments'.

Names won't help because they're all made up. If you were a thief/conman would you use your own name? A top salesman at one of these firms most probably uses 10-20 different names.

Likewise with the brokerage companies, they either don't exist or are just bought off the shelf in some tax-haven and legally fronted by lawyers.

This is a multi million $£ business and they are scammers of the highest order and intelligence. There is NO way to warn people beforehand and even if you do many still won't listen and be blinded by the easy money on offer.

Scamming people for money using the psychology of greed (which we all have in us to a certain degree) is most probably as old as prostitution. 500 years from now it will still be going on and I bet the foundations will be basically the same.

Sorry to hear about your problems with Globus but you had all the tools at your disposal to fully check them out - the internet and common sense. If the Globus name didn't come up what about the company you were investing in? You could have done some background checks, you could also have posted to 3-4 message boards like this and seen what the replies would have said. Knowledge is power therefore the internet can give one power so anyone who doesn't know how to use it and work it will likely always be at a disadvantage, certainly over events such as these.

There's sme poor chap who today will have paid one o these scamming firms £10,000, maybe more. But chances are if he'd googled the name something would have popped up and there's a good chance he would have changed his mind. But that guy didn't either because he was too lazy, was blinded by the potential profits or didn't know how to use a computer. In a situation like this we should show some sympathy but not much.

Hopefully you didn't lose too much and will learn from the mistake, ie if you're going to write a cheque to somebody or a business do as much due diligence as you can so as to make sure you're dealing with kosher people.

And of course the often golden rule, if something seems too good to be true then it most probably isn't.
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Hi Droyston,

Sorry to hear you lost out,it will be a good lesson for the future and make you more money in the long run,look to buy low and sell high and do it yourself,because no one cares as much as you do about YOUR money,Globus Trust is not one i,ve heard of much,im sure by now they have changed there name and maybe country location,i can do some checking for you,the main thing to remember is any good company will give you time to make up YOUR mind and give you all the info and contact details of there lawyers,also ask the B room where is the company registerd they are selling you shares in and where is there company registerd in.Find out the directors of the company,if there corporate directors do another search on the director mamangemnet company and if there individuval directors you should be able to do an easy background search on google,just type in the directors name and if there real finance directors alot of info should be found about them,any real large broker or Capital investment company will have very well known directors that are easliy searchable to check there backgrounds,it could be they have ghosted the directors details from a real and legit company and are using them fraudlintly as there company director as well and have posted his CV on there B room web site,also the director could be a down on his luck western **** head who has been buming around the third world for years,they could work a deal with the down and out or old friend to get a very small cut like 1% of all the money raised,paid out weekly in cash or they give him a lump sum of 5000 10000 dollars to go to Hong Kong or where ever there lawyers are and meet the Lawyers and accountants to set up a new boiler room,then they get the accountants or lawyers to be signers on the accounts for add secrecy .

There are loads of varitions they use to set up B rooms and lot´s of diffiffent types of deals they sell,from trading OTC stock thats trading and they and the market maker are playing with the price then there is pink sheet deals,pre IPO´s, and sometimes the clever boiler room owners structure the deal where nothing illegal has been done,start a company using a front man who´s legit and they don´t care whAt happens to him in the future(tax,vat,problems with investors),then offer a privite placement under rule REG S 144 to foreingers and raise loads of cash,its all legal, also some of the boiler room people moved into OFF PLAN proberty awhile back now,you have to be very carful with all types of investments,

Keep posting any new details of boiler room calls on this thread,and warn everyone you know about this menance to your pocket.

When the book comes out,i will put out a fact sheet around 10 pages long for free to promote the book,but it will also have some very useful info on how to spot B rooms.
Cheers anley,i will send you a free copy for your good advice to investors on this subject,it´s true people do get blinded by greed,but the government does nothing to educate investors in the UK,im not going onto that subject again.

Cheers,keep up the fight
jp stuart associates

Arbitrageur said:
i just had a call from some scam shop called JP Stuart & Associates.

Trying to flog forex options with a ten minute speech on why its obvious that the dollar against the euro is going to go down (US trade deficit, war in iraq, cost of energy & oil, blah de blah).

Very slick sounding, and the guy who made the call was very confident and convincing - i can see how someone who knows nothing about trading might have their interest piked by these guys. When I told him I was a full time trader and started asking him about whether they were proposing option buys or writes and asking who they cleared through he passed me onto a guy who did actually know his stuff and was even more slick and convincing (obviously not to me).

Basically, they are based in spain and are not regulated by anyone, not even the Spanish regulator because their clients and investments are not in spain.

Presumably this means they are free to write fictional options and pocket all of your cash, or if you are lucky enough to actually have an option in the real market, you will be charged hundred of euros in commissions for the priveledge. The next question would be how much does the market have to run in your favour for you to actually break even - quite a lot!!

Just another scam to be aware of.

MONEYWEB: Gerry Anderson joins us now. He’s the deputy chief executive for Market Conduct and Consumer Education at the Financial Services Board. Gerry, a big win today for the FSB and for citizens of South Africa generally, when the High Court dismissed an application by a previously FSB-approved investment manager. Now the company’s name is Platinum Asset Management. I see also in the court case against the Financial Services Board was an organisation called Anglo Rand – is that any relation to the stockbroking firm, Anglo Rand?

GERRY ANDERSON: No, not at all, Alec. Good evening.

MONEYWEB: All right, it’s got nothing to do with them.


MONEYWEB: Well that’s pretty important that we make that distinction.

GERRY ANDERSON: They have something to do with them, but it’s nothing to do with the stock or the well-known stockbroking firm.

MONEYWEB: Oh, so what is the relationship?

GERRY ANDERSON: It was a relationship between Platinum and Anglo Rand.

MONEYWEB: All right, that’s the relationship that matters here. Just to start with Platinum Asset Management, how did they become a Financial Services-approved investment manager in the first place?

GERRY ANDERSON: They applied to do asset management business like a normal asset manager, and they passed fit and proper, and they were approved. But they weren’t doing asset management as we understand it – they were actually dormant until they joined up with Anglo Rand.

MONEYWEB: And then we had a boiler-room type operation. Won’t you explain how that works?

GERRY ANDERSON: Well, Alec, we didn’t know that at the time, but we got indications from clients that Anglo Rand was doing certain dealings from the name of, or allied to, a Canadian company where they were simply flogging shares, soliciting investors and selling shares at very high prices with hard-selling techniques.

MONEYWEB: And boiler rooms are quite well known around the world for ripping off the public generally, aren’t they?

GERRY ANDERSON: That’s correct.

MONEYWEB: How did you in fact end up in court with them, because I see they were suing you?

GERRY ANDERSON: Yes, what happened was we found out about this connection, and we kept on getting client complaints. And a foreign regulator or two also approached us in writing saying that their citizens are being targeted in their jurisdictions. We asked them to give us the information, and they didn’t give us the information. We asked them what is their relationship with this boiler-room organisation based in Canada, and they said they’ve got no relationship. So we decided to conduct an inspection into their activities.

MONEYWEB: And you found out that there is a relationship and, as a consequence, you have now no longer approved them as an investment manager. What does that mean?

GERRY ANDERSON: Well, it’s not as simple as that. They are approved under the old Stock Exchange Control Act, and the investment managers actually were transferred on application by them from that regulatory environment to the FAIS regulatory environment, and Platinum was involved with these court cases; they didn’t seek approval.

MONEYWEB: Gerry, just so that we can understand this in basic terms – in other words, if you’re a member of the public and someone from Platinum Asset Management phones you, trying to sell you shares, you should say “No thank you”?

GERRY ANDERSON: Absolutely. I use the word “protracted” in the press release – this has been quite a protracted battle because they challenged our right to inspect their activities.

MONEYWEB: And what about Anglo Rand, the stockbroking operation – can you still deal with them?

GERRY ANDERSON: No, they’ve got no relationship whatsoever.

MONEYWEB: Gerry Anderson, deputy chief executive at the Financial Services Board, giving us some good news there. Another one of the bad guys is out of the game. But really just take a tip from this. If somebody phones you up and tries to sell you shares in any unlisted company, any unlisted company in South Africa, tell them to take a hike, because the chances are the person who is phoning you up might be working for one of these boiler-room operations, which is where they offload worthless shares at a high price on an unsuspecting public, or else they might be working for an unlisted company, taking a huge percentage of the money that you supposedly invested in an unlisted company. David?

DAVID SHAPIRO: Yes, Alec, there’s one at the moment, with an African name, suggesting that they are going to get a share in I think Cell C and list, but Cell C have denied any relationship with them. So just be careful, if anybody phones you about a possible share in Cell C.

MONEYWEB: There’s a whole stock exchange full of listed companies that have information that you can go and test and check. Don’t get swallowed in by these nefarious characters. This has been the Moneyweb Power Hour brought to you by First National Bank.
just to give you an idea how easy it is to set up a global feel to your boiler room.

The copy and paste came through a bit weird,click on there website to see

European City Telephone Numbers
You can have European telephone and fax numbers in any of these cities:-

+31 20 Copenhagen
+45 32 London
+44 207 Rome
+39 06
+34 93 Dublin
+353 1 Madrid
+34 91 Stockholm
+46 8
+49 30 Frankfurt
+49 69 Milan
+39 02 Vienna
+43 268
+32 2 Lisbon
+351 21 Paris
+33 1 Zurich
+41 4

These telephone numbers will divert your calls to your mobile phone or your landline anywhere in the world. Answer your calls yourself as if you were sitting at your desk in these cities.

You may also choose live professional call answering in your company name with messaging and call transfer, during office hours.

Your calls can be diverted to voicemail outside of office hours, or if you cannot answer your phone yourself. Messages are then sent to you automatically via email.

Fax Service
Your European city fax number calls are diverted to your own fax machine or faxes can be sent directly to your e-mail account.

zarif said:
LOL - Just had a call from some fella called Terry Rogers from "Grayson House". Selling Shares etc and 50% return and "Can you do a School boy trade with £1500" to get on this recommendation now.
They are registered in Switzerland Chamber of Commerce,
Anybody any experience of these?


I was contacted by same offering a company called bactrol tbased in UK that was allegedly about to solve the problem of mrsa in hospitals and was being floated in early 2006. I gave my email and was sent a very optimistic presentation allegedly from the company on plans and predictions for market share. Links to a London Univ and Hospital were claimed, I was also given a company website that looked great and had some history and client base. I was sent a contract note for the 1500 but made it clear that despite "money by end of week" i would do due diligence before trading.
I phoned the company and said i was nearby and wanted to call in to see them about their flotation plans. The MD asked to phone me back and contacted me about an hour later to say there was no flotation and he (as 50% owner) did not know what I was talking about.
i sent him grayson house info and he has passed on to DTI and has contacted London Univ to find oout what role the named individuals in the presentation have played (if any).
Terry phoned me to ask if i had paid and I explained that company seemed to know nothing about flotation - he then said that investment was being handled by another company and that may have caused confusion - I asked for name so I could contact company. We have not spoken again. Bactrol are interested in anyone else who has been contacted and you can find their contact details via
Terry was keen to tell me that Grayson were swiss regulated and that their collection agent - Global administration is FSA regulated (i checked and they are) - this makes you feel a bit confident but my gut feeling is that ther will turn out to be a catch/loop hole that makes it impossible to do anything if your money goes missing!
I may be over suspicious - I have been scammed once before by a cold caller (Edward Tate offering a company called Datacept) and fell for it. Once bitten twice shy!!
99% chance that they actually don't use 'Global Administration' as their 'collection agent' whatever that name means. Instead they'll have set up another company called Global Administration Corp or something like that so as to fox everyone and keep them happy in thinking they're dealing with legit firms.

You think this Global Admin (the FSA one) would be dealing with these offshore crooks?
Boiler Room Shares

Here's a list of shares known to have been promoted by Boiler Rooms:

AccuPoll Holding Corp:

Advantage Signature

Allied Energy Corporation:

Alternative Diesel Investments Ltd:

Amerossi Energy Corp:

Apollo Resources International Inc:

Aqua Tech International plc:

Arcadia Property PLC: (“Arcadia Developments/Arcadia Group”)

Atlantic Wines:

ATS Specialists Inc:

Avitech LifeSciences Inc:

Azure Holdings PLC:

Bactrol Plc:

Biocide International:

Biodiesel of America:

Bio-Solutions Manufacturing:

Black Gold Oil and Gas:

Carat Premium:

CardXX Inc:

Chelsea Management Group:

China Wireless Communications Inc:

Claim Tracker:

Cobra Energy Inc:

Communications Research Inc

Creative Technology Holdings

CyGene Laboratories Inc:


Dominion Pacific Plc:

Echo Resources:

Efoora Inc: and

Eldorado Exploration Inc:

Emissions Technology Inc:

Entertainment Is Us, Inc

E-Screen Sensor Solutions, Inc:

Eros Enterprises Inc (now IQ Webquest Inc):

Excelsior Biotechnology Inc (now TargetViewz Inc):

Fletcher-Flora Health Care Systems:

Galaxy Minerals Inc:

General Components Inc:

Golden Dynasty Resources Limited:

Golden Goal International: and

Great Western Gold:

Green Ladder Home Ownership Plan Limited:

Healthcare Holdings PLC

Hydrogain Technologies Inc:

IQ Webquest Inc:

iDate Corporation (“iDate”): and

Immune Tree Inc:

Inflo Interactive, Inc:

Interactive Motorsport:

In Time Group:

International Child Care Corp: &

KeyWorld International Ltd:

Kinross Gold Corp:

Linsure Holdings Inc:

Logistical Support, Inc:

Material Technologies, Inc:

Mobilestream, Inc:

Montenegro Capital PLC:

Mundus Environmental Products Inc.

Nanoforce, Inc:

Nano Science Tech:

Netjet Limited:

Neuropharm Limited:

New Century Energy Corp:

Netgates Inc:

New Millenium Medical:

Newlife Plastics PLC

Organic Recycling Tech Inc:

Pantera Oil & Gas plc:


Pegasus Wirleless Corp:

Pharma Holdings, Inc:

Pike Electric (USA):

Plasma Warehouse Group:

Police5 Group plc:

Prime Time Group, Inc:

Private Trading Systems Inc:

O2 Secure Wireless, Inc:

Quantum Energy:

Quantum Technologies:

Qustar (Europe) Ltd:

Reality Racing Inc:

Regal Technologies:

Regenesis Centers, Inc:

Remington Ventures:

Satellite Newspapers Corp:


Sensitron (UK) PLC:

Simba Mines Inc:

SIM4Travel Holdings plc:

Skynet Telematics Inc:

Slogold Resources:

Smart Technology Inc:

SPDG Technologies:

SpecOps Labs Inc:

St James Capital Holdings, Inc:

Stolt Offshore S.A.:

TajUK plc:

TGC Industries Inc:

TPI International, Inc:

Transdermal Sciences:

TransGlobal Oil and Technology:

Triclean Enterprises Inc:

TTCM China:

Turquoise Development Company:

UK Euro Group plc: and

Universal Delivery Solutions Group: UDS Group, Inc,

Viaspace Inc:

Victoria Oil & Gas plc:

Vivadi plc:


Wellbeing Screening plc (now called Bio-med Incubator Plc)

Western States Auto:

Worldwide Bio Refineries Plc:

XsunX Inc:
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rub1 said:
Here's a list of shares known to have been promoted by Boiler Rooms

AccuPoll Holding Corp

Alternative Diesel Investments Ltd

Apollo Resources International, Inc

Arcadia Property PLC (“Arcadia Developments/Arcadia Group”)

Atlantic Wines


Biocide International

Bio-Solutions Manufacturing

Black Gold Oil and Gas

“Claim Tracker”

Communications Research Inc

Echo Resources

Efoora Inc, and

Eldorado Exploration Inc,

Entertainment Is Us, Inc

E-Screen Sensor Solutions, Inc.

“Galaxy Minerals”

General Components Inc

Golden Dynasty Resources Limited

Golden Goal International and

Great Western Gold

Green Ladder Home Ownership Plan Limited

Healthcare Holdings PLC

iDate Corporation (“iDate”) and

Immune Tree

In Time Group

Logistical Support, Inc

Material Technologies inc,

Mobilestream, Inc.

Nanoforce, Inc

Nano Science Tech

Netjet Limited

Neuropharm Limited

New Century Energy Corp

New Millenium Medical


Prime Time Group, Inc

Private Trading Systems Inc.

Qustar (Europe) Ltd

Regal Technologies

Regenesis Centers, Inc

Remington Ventures



Slogold Resources

Smart Technology Inc

St James Capital Holdings, Inc

TajUK plc

Triclean Enterprises Inc,

UK Euro Group plc and

Universal Delivery Solutions Group, UDS Group, Inc,

Viaspace Inc

“Vivadi plc”


Wellbeing plc

Western States Auto,

World Aqua Tech International plc

Well Done 'rub1', excellent idea. That should help anyone doing some research before being scammed. I've been cold called for 4 of the companies on your list. 'New Millenium Medical' being pushed by Kensington Price Consulting
Escreen being sold by EMC - Equity Management Consulting International,
and Golden Dynasty and Claim Tracker both being pushed by Russell Research Partners.
These dirty low life’s have all been after my money, luckily for me I did a Google search and found T2W first and saved me a packet. I'm hoping they don't get too clever for me and catch me out one day, I'm certainly a lot more wary and untrusting than before they first contacted me and it's taught me to question and check everything I'm told. It's a horrible feeling to find you've been scammed big time, lucky I'm not one of them! 😀
Thanks again for keeping innocent punters like me out of the dooee, keep up the good work!
Argus Global

I am new to this site. Could anyone tell me if they have had dealings with Argus Global Eqiutes from the island of Nevis. I have been approached by them. Any help would be appreciated

Regards firestorm
Hi rub1

Yes one was echo resources and the other is Pharma Holdings Inc. this being the latest one, Could you tell me how you know they are being investigated by nevis regulators please.I have been trying to find out any info on pharma Holings their web site looks good however at
Thanks for your reply
regards firestorm
Firestorm, Argus and all the companies they are involved in are scams, invest and you WILL have your money stolen from you.

If you want to invest then Paypal me 50% of your investment value, it will be a far better deal for you because you'll only lose 50% of your money instead of 100%.

PS. Who cares whether a website looks good or not, some of the most profitable web businesses around have not changed their site in many years. Some of the biggest losers on the web have the best websites, there is NO correlation.
Hi Anley
I do understand what you mean regarding web sites. I am not going to invest any money with them, I was just wanting info as they have approached me and I wondered if they had approached anyone else.Have you had any dealings with them and how do you know the companies they are involved with are scams? I am just trying to learn. Thanks for your reply

regards firestorm
Hi Firestorm,
To make this thread clearer I have copied Konstantin100's post from another discussion board:

Argus and its representatives are evidently fraudsters. Persons associated with its Nutrition Holding Corp.& Glucoswiss Inc. & Advanced Woundcare Technologies Inc. - investment scheme are: Mr. Paul Adams, Mr. Richard Keith, Mr. Jonathan Stone, Mr. Paul Adams, Mr. Alexander Richardson, Mr. Owen Bethel as President of Argus, Mr. Anthony F. Musso jun. as bondholder and vendor of shares of the aforesaid firms. Mr. Michael Scheft, financial analyst, has been instrumentary in abetting this breach of law by conveying the impression that NHC would really exist.

The sole motive for founding Argus seems to have primarily been money-laundering and misusing the invested capital for other purposes. Repayment has never been envisaged at all. The prospective investor is being advised to transfer the investment-amount onto an Argus-owned account with the Credit Lyonnais, New York USA. Having attained a certain amount, the sum is being transferred to another bank, e.g. the Sentinel Bank / Bahamas, where the account will be closed.

None of the firms above are registered within the United States and have therefore no right to issue any shares at all. All of those three unregistered firms are represented by Mr. Anthony F. Musso jun. (aged 57), who issues the said shares himself. He assesses the value of shares by the investment amount; so there are even shares totalling 1/1000 US$ paper securities.

Mr. Musso has sold shares on this pattern within the U.S. As this was contrary to existing U.S.-Law he was charged with fraud and breach of the stock corporation law and consequently sentenced by U.S. District Court of Southern Florida on 6th February 2004. (
Fire, use these 3 rules and you won't have money stolen from you

1) If you're ever cold called offering any investment idea then 99% chance it's a scam
2) If you ever deal with a broker than does not have an office in your own country AND is not regulated by your country's financial regulator (FSA in the UK, SEC in the US) then there is a 99% chance that you're being set up.
3) If you send money offshore when dealing with a brokerage company then there's a 99% chance it will be stolen from you (this is an interesting one because many of the scammers now try and pretend that they are in your country and are regulated, perhaps they use the name of a real firm with just a slight twist, for example ABC Brokers Ltd is a kosher company but they might say they're calling from ABC Brokers Inc. Also NEVER call them back on the telephone number they gave you, always get the main switchboard number from your country's regulator and call them back on that, do not look get it off their website and the website could be a fake.

These fraudsters are very clever in what they do, it is a multi-million $ business. They employ some of the best salesman around so beware....