Boiler Room Scams

N.Flatable said:
Thanks for the worldly advice guys reading back through other comments in 'Boiler House Brokers' I realised I sounded just like so many green victims/suckers before me. Luckily for me I got out unscathed. I was thinking along the lines of what you guys told me, but your advice helped to cement things in my mind.

EMC International phoned me back again today although this time I spoke to a different guy. He tried to play down the importance of being registered with a government regulatory body, but I stuck to my guns & told him that I was only prepared to invest with people who are registered with the FSA or SEC and he gave up. I doubt if I will hear from them again, I expect they're chasing down their next victim as we speak?

Been looking for info on EMC as they phoned me a while back. They even got the number of my PARENTS 😈 !! SO that really annoyed me. Luckily I have changed jobs and mobile numbers so should not get any more call again!
Of course you don't have to pay these scammers.

A) What did you sign, if anything, and
B) What are they going to do sue you? They're not even based in your country of origin and certainly would struggle to get lawyers to represent them.

Don't worry about it, just tell them to or send a writ, ie put up or shut up.
Hi Wainy
I entirely agree with anley. I was offered GCPO shares at $2.70.....and the sales pitch was aggressive. I just emailed them the above info. I also told them that I am ready to pay $0.20, which is what they have paid for per share. Believe me, I have sent them 7 reminders but they are mum about this.

Even if you did the folly of saying yes, you do not have to worry until you have given your bank details. Any UK court would throw their case out, but you can also tell them that they will have to foot your legal bill if they lost. THEY WILL LOSE.

So , next time you have a cold call........laugh at them. If at all he steers you into a conversation( you should not allow this. If you have....then he has won the first round), tell him that you would like to be paid to listen to him. Ask his credit card details. If does not give it to you, put the phone down.

R Gupta
Laurus Capital

[anyone Heard Of Above, Are They A Boiler Operation? Not On Fsa Lists But Called ,pushing World Aqua Tech Inernational Which Are Allegedly Joining Aim Next Year At Fourfold Increase Over Current Price Of £1.25
ericardlussa said:
[anyone Heard Of Above, Are They A Boiler Operation? Not On Fsa Lists But Called ,pushing World Aqua Tech Inernational Which Are Allegedly Joining Aim Next Year At Fourfold Increase Over Current Price Of £1.25

No I haven't heard of them but there's a 99.99% chance they are a scam.

On this thead the rule of thumb is, if you need to ask the company in question is a scam.

If you invest with this firm then say goodbye to your money...............

Or better yet give your money to me and I'll rebate you 50% :cheesy: Not a good deal for you sure, but then far better than if you deal with Laurus Capital..........
Call the company thats issuing the shares and ask for the prospectus or ppm if they cant provide either dont touch it.

assuming this is the company
World Aqua Tech Inernational
Phone: + 32 3 232.04.09
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: + 32 3 232.86.78

get the web address or phone number of the company thats pushing the shares you can tell a lot from that.

ericardlussa said:
[anyone Heard Of Above, Are They A Boiler Operation? Not On Fsa Lists But Called ,pushing World Aqua Tech Inernational Which Are Allegedly Joining Aim Next Year At Fourfold Increase Over Current Price Of £1.25
Haven't heard of them either, but if it is too good to be true, THEN IT IS!!!
If you have been cold called or emailed......ask them how did they get your details?
I was cold called yesterday....and even against my previous advice, I allowed myself to be dragged into a discussion. The caller was a very polite female voice( cambs/oxford) and stupid me thought it was impolite to shut her up. She asked for an email address to send some details, which again I stupidly handed over.( PLease note , boiler rooms will even go to the lenght of employing somebody sounding like T Blair promising to sell you westminister inc) However, at the end of the discussion I did tell her that she had a sexy voice and also asked if a boiler room lady would come for a drink with an asian( well actually I did say Pa*i), I am distressed to note that she was racial as she has not written back.

Well done eric, keep adding these companies on the list. If any body does a google search...this name will turn up.

Hi everybody
I have to add that if you mention two magic words to cold callers, chances are you will not be disturbed again by that particular group of individuals. Tell them that you know:

1. You have been cold called and you do not like it.
2. Mention boiler rooms. For some reason this particular word does not go down well at all with them.

R Gupta
laurus capital TIM WAINWRIGHT

Thank you did not intend to invest but trust this will flag up to any unwary speculators that fsa do NOT always have a comprehensive list of these scammers.PS ABOVEMENTIONED "tim wainwright" (frankfurter made from scots beef) will tell you his dad has invested in world aquatech international! will they stop at nothing?
Surprise, Surprise

You mentioned tim wainwright from frankfurt..... This seems to be the same preston wainwright which tried to push GCPO shares to me. Beaware , the sales pitch will be so aggressive that just to get rid of them you would concede to the minimum amount of shares they would want to sell you. If you send the money.....kiss it goodbye.

However, if you are a member of will know better.
This company was only incorporated on 19/07/2005 i would suggest a very risky investment by the way it is illegal to cold call in the UK offering private equity. Ask Laurus what mark up they are making per share 50 to 80% is a good possibility

ericardlussa said:
Has anyone been approached by Omega Securities re an pre IPO ofer for shares in Arcadia Developements which are to be floated in London soon, They are going to develope holiday centres in Bulgaria, they phoned Thursday and again Friday and said they had to hav ethe money wired Friday to make the deal or I would miss it.
Bulgaria does seem to be a buzz word for property as it may join EU in 2007.

However, if I wanted to invest I would fly down to Varna and have a look around.

Ebay is selling property info for under a pound if you are interested in Bulgaria.

If you were cold called then Omega is likely to be a fraud
City Continental Securities

We have started getting calls from City Continental Securities, who are they? has anyone heard of them?

When they call we just put the phone down
Add another one on the watch list.
Medview Trading.
They even have an impressive website www.medviewtrading
However methodology remains the same. They want to sell you something so that you can make fast buck.

Curiously, I mentioned the term FSA and the guy shut the phone down on me.
I have had a number of cold calls from Tana Corum Holdings offering what seems to be a good deal on Prime Time shares, I am pleased that i have been able to access helpful comment before parting with nay money!
Hi Solana
Treat cold calls with great suspicion. No matter what these vermin call themselves, they only want your money. They can sound v daunting and will not take no for an answer, but just tell them that you would deal only if there is FSA regulation. This will shut them off.
Mobile Stream Inc


I was phoned by some chap from Aston Rowe ( trying to sell me these shares directly from the company at $1.08 each.

They are being qouted at $1.50 on NASDAQ ( MBSM) on wafer thin volume.

The deal is that you have to hold onto the shares for a year before you can sell them. They reckon that they are going to $10.

Anybody else been rung up by these guys?