boiler room scams


Hi Every one

i'm new to this but would like some advice on boiler room scams.

mostly know as us stock transfer bureau

i would be greatful for some urgent advice as they are saying that i need to pay the tax on my shares 0f 61.000 dollars and that i will then have my money transfered into my account the sum of 887.469 dollars within 48 hours.

so advice would be welcome

Sounds remarkably like a scam - ie you send them your 'tax' and then you don't ever hear from them again! Taxes tend to be paid to whatever government pretends to be in charge of the country at the time, via a revenue system, not by people just dropping you a note saying 'please put $X in this bag and post it to....'

Could I suggest that you presently don't understand the tax system of your country (whichever it might be) and you really ought to start checking on what you are supposed to pay on profitable share dealing etc? In the UK, for example, you don't pay tax until you've banked the profit and are at the end of your tax year.
Okay, looks like you are UK resident? In which case PROFITS from share dealing (not a tax on owning them - ie until you sell them and realise a profit they're don't get taxed). At the end of the tax year you tot up all the profits and losses you've made, and any overall profit is a 'Capital Gain'. Beyond a certain limit that gain is taxed by HMG via the Inland Revenue when you send in your tax return and tell them about your profit. Nobody else is entitled to ask you for a wad of cash, it's a scam.
Hi Every one

i'm new to this but would like some advice on boiler room scams.

mostly know as us stock transfer bureau

i would be greatful for some urgent advice as they are saying that i need to pay the tax on my shares 0f 61.000 dollars and that i will then have my money transfered into my account the sum of 887.469 dollars within 48 hours.

so advice would be welcome


You certainly want to make some enquiries about this company here :
Contact the SEC
Make sure you fax them a copy any documents you have and
explain clearly you are a non-US citizen, based in the UK and
doing business with their US based branch.
sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick a bit, that 'send me $61,000 and we'll send you $887k in 2 days time' made me think scam, whereas I think maybe you left out something about your having made a nice profit on US shares held in a US broking account?

IF you have a US trading account (ie you trade via a broker in the USA) then they should have advised you, or at least made available via their website, information on how to avoid paying US tax as you are a foreigner.... you pay tax to the UK, not USA. It's a few years since I traded stocks on the US market via the US version of Etrade but all I had to do was fill a form in each year that ETrade provided as a matter of course. All profits were declared to the UK inland revenue - no tax to pay US side.

us stock transfer bureau

sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick a bit, that 'send me $61,000 and we'll send you $887k in 2 days time' made me think scam, whereas I think maybe you left out something about your having made a nice profit on US shares held in a US broking account?

IF you have a US trading account (ie you trade via a broker in the USA) then they should have advised you, or at least made available via their website, information on how to avoid paying US tax as you are a foreigner.... you pay tax to the UK, not USA. It's a few years since I traded stocks on the US market via the US version of Etrade but all I had to do was fill a form in each year that ETrade provided as a matter of course. All profits were declared to the UK inland revenue - no tax to pay US side.



have you ever come across the us stock transfer bureau they are telling me that if i pay the $61000 dollars my money will be returned to me within 4-6 weeks

as the way things are for me at prescent this amount of money would be very useful 887000 dollars is a lot of money

I'm going to be cruel to be kind here.

You are a complete fool with little or no brains/common sense. How you can you ask whether it's a scam when it's as plain as black/white that it is.

You're already been ripped off once by the scammers and obviously they think you're an idiot ripe for the taking again, and so are telling you what your greedy mind wants to hear so they can aain steal your cash.

Like I said sorry to sound so harsh but really, you should think things through a little bit more and apply a touch of common sense.

Anyway, I have to complement you on one thing, at least you asked and hence we've all saved you a lot of cash and heartache. So it's not all bad is it.
And in case any of you numbskulls hadn't realised the -

U.S. Stock Transfers Bureau

(sometimes written as)

US Stock Transfers Bureau

U.S. Stock Transfers

Is a SCAM website owned and operated by the same thieves that are calling you, spinning a bunch of lies so as to steal your cash.

You've all been warned.
A boiler room, as we know it in the UK, is a collection of scammers who pretend they're working for a broker, usually called a flashy name like 'Consolidated Global Brokers Inc.

They will then cold call people saying they have a hot stock to invest in, and if they invest say £5,000 they can easily make £20k - £25k in a matter of months.

Their sales pitch is well designed to attract the greed part of human nature, wanting something for nothing etc. But the people who pay then find out that their cash has been stolen and all they've bought is worthless stock.

The scammers will then 'close' down their present company and reopen as another one.

Also, the people sho got duped will be called again in 6-18 months time with another proposition, to buy their worthless stock for a bumper profit but first they'll have to pay money to the scammers in ordert to release restrictions on the stock. But of course it's jut another con, and if they poor punters are really stupid they'll fall for the con again.

The way that 100% of people fall for them is because they never bother to check out who they're really doing business with, basically they're blinded by all the easy money they've been told they can make. But people MUST learn that it's a bad world out there, full of scammers (even the banks do it legally with many of the products they sell). So my advice is simple - research is the way to not get ripped off in this world and with the internet there's now NO EXCUSE.
I had a nigerian banker transfer 10,000,000 into my bank account yesterday, but he needs my pin code, social security number, and 50,000 dollars. He found me through reliable sources on the internet. Do you think it's a scam?
I had a nigerian banker transfer 10,000,000 into my bank account yesterday, but he needs my pin code, social security number, and 50,000 dollars. He found me through reliable sources on the internet. Do you think it's a scam?

No, looks like your luck is in there's a lot of money out there that they need to get into Europe/US. Give it a try, just wish he'd contacted me.