See, this is what's wrong with so many people caught up in boiler room scams (Andrew, I know you know they're scammers).
People will get these documents via courier and then won't think that's it strange they came from a scammers paradise.
Everyone - the clues are ALL around you that you're being setup by scammers so please use COMMON SENSE - that's all it takes 🙂
My number one common sense tip? USE THE INTERNET TO PROPERLY RESEARCH WHO YOU'RE ACTUALLY DEALING WITH. But then if you AUTOMATICALLY tell cold callers who call trying to sell you investments where to go then you will nip the problem in the bud.
Had some freak call me up the other day trying to sell me 'land' so I told the scamming prick where to go, he got annoyed, I laughed and then slammed the phone down. He then called back, I told him I don't deal with scammers and then he slammed the phone down 🙂
Of course I know.
I have had repeated phone calls to my office and mobile. They target me realising I am an expat, thinking I will have a large disposable income. Their act is good, but just too rushed and sugary to be genuine. The brochures give you no information. During the hard sell, you can't get a word in edgeways - I just put the phone down and finally they realise they are talking to the wall.
This 'Fisher' needs to be put on the FSA list.