Boiler Room Scams

Advance Media Group just went up 15% 😱

Yes they are going to pump and dump it. They create buying pressure by getting mugs to buy the shares, then they don't give you the shares so you can't trade them. They keep you waiting and then when price rises they sell their shares and the price drops to near zero all the time you can't sell.

Read up on pump and dump scams and read the Spiriton Media Group thread here. Those guys bought shares years ago. Price went up to over 3 euros but they never received their shares, then price dropped to half a cent, still no share certificates.

If you get involved with these people you will lose your money. I have a feeling you are going to do it anyway. You will find out for yourself in due course who was right.
Yes they are going to pump and dump it. They create buying pressure by getting mugs to buy the shares, then they don't give you the shares so you can't trade them. They keep you waiting and then when price rises they sell their shares and the price drops to near zero all the time you can't sell.

Read up on pump and dump scams and read the Spiriton Media Group thread here. Those guys bought shares years ago. Price went up to over 3 euros but they never received their shares, then price dropped to half a cent, still no share certificates.

If you get involved with these people you will lose your money. I have a feeling you are going to do it anyway. You will find out for yourself in due course who was right.

dexterbaxter. Please bear in mind, when pboyles offers his advice to you he has nothing to gain apart from the satisfaction of knowing he has tried to help somone who is at risk. In my book, that fact alone should make his opinion pretty compelling. It's your choice who you believe but it could be pretty expensive to find out for certain !
Pboyles and gang. I really appreciate your inputs and detest my naivety. Rest assured I will not give a cent to these guys. When they called earlier, I questioned them that their company name wasn't even listed in the registered business listings. They tried to divert from my question and the argument got really heated up after that. If not for me knowing they have my personal info, addresses and signature on their documents, I would love to have more questions for them. I'll keep away just in case they use the info they have for something worse.
Pboyles and gang. I really appreciate your inputs and detest my naivety. Rest assured I will not give a cent to these guys. When they called earlier, I questioned them that their company name wasn't even listed in the registered business listings. They tried to divert from my question and the argument got really heated up after that. If not for me knowing they have my personal info, addresses and signature on their documents, I would love to have more questions for them. I'll keep away just in case they use the info they have for something worse.

Yes keep away from them. Remember when you are asking all these questions it just helps them prepare better for their next victim, so dont help educate them.
Pboyles and gang. I really appreciate your inputs and detest my naivety.

Then do something about it and don't post here saying things like the 'shares went up 15%' as if you missed a profit.

You still don't seem to realise that either NO shares would have been bought for you, or if they were you wouldn't have been able to get hold of any profit. These scammers DON'T SEND PROFITS BACK TO THEIR CLIENTS because either there are none (although they've 'told' you there are, or there are profits in which case the firm will keep them and make 101 plausible excuses why you can't have the money back, just yet......

Everything, from the names of the people calling you to the name of the company was fake. And because you've been called by them and nearly fell for it your name/number now goes on a mugs list which is why more scammers are going to call you again and again in the future. Now, understand this because it's important and you need it spelt out like a child - EVERY CALL YOU GET IN THE FUTURE FROM ANYONE AND EVERYONE TRYING TO SELL YOU SHARES, INVESTMENTS, OPTIONS ETC IS FROM A SCAMMER.

Yes, the people speaking to you will be charming, yes they'll be 'on your side' and yes they'll sound very professional and legit but they ARE ALL SCAMMERS.

don't take this personall, I'm being cruel to be kind, trying to make sure you KEEP your money safe.

have you noticed the paradox here? I'm being nasty yet you keep your money, whereas the scammers are charming but they steal it...............
Has anyone heard of a guy named jay gotlieb.

Jay Gotlieb is the boiler room king.
He lives in Nassau Bahamas where he pays rent for protection.
He continues to operate his boiler rooms and heroin financing.
He is wanted in several countries.
He is now laundering money as executive producer of B- films.
He will be doing big time very soon.
Many thanks to all for your response, unfortunately my father in law has remitted funds in respect of the share advice received although initially he thought this was coming from a firm called Wills & Co who at this time were registered with the FSA. Only later did this guy called Peter???? state he was acting for Eliis Capital Management.
The shares purchased were Cosmosis, Gaicor & Viridis (excuse the spelling) and he has received share certificates for all of them and I have checked that he is a registered shareholder.With Viridis the CEO has confirmed the holding of 12000 shares, the amount purchased but the certificate states 39,400 shares.....strange
The whole affair has been reported to the FSA and a detailed report sent by myself to the City of London police by recorded delivery although I have had no acknowledgement in return. Also the matter is in the hands of the local police.
The scam is ran by boiler room king Jay Lance Gotlieb
Hi guys. Really appreciate your effort in instilling sense in me. I still feel worried right now about the information they have of me and what they might do next to get back at me. I really think there should be an avenue for serious complains about this. *done*

Pboyles and gang... you've done a great job advising others but let's take the next step possible and nail down these guys. Do you think that's possible?
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Hi guys. Really appreciate your effort in instilling sense in me. I still feel worried right now about the information they have of me and what they might do next to get back at me. I really think there should be an avenue for serious complains about this. Can't we use this info to nail him down?

Pboyles and gang... you've done a great job advising others but let's take the next step possible and nail down these guys. Do you think that's possible?

Depends on where you are, if you were in the UK, US or Australia I'd say they'd make a good effort to catch them especially with the information you have. I will send you a private message about this. The criminals monitor these forums sometimes so best not to show your hand in public.
Hi guys. Really appreciate your effort in instilling sense in me. I still feel worried right now about the information they have of me and what they might do next to get back at me.

Like I said stop worrying and try to grow some balls.

They are hardly likely to send a Columbian hit sqaud after you because there are other people to scam rather than waste time on people like you who've sussed them.

Just keep telling them you know they're scammers and if they want to try their luck in court then you'll look forward to meeting them there.

Again, start growing a pair of balls and stop crying about things that are not going to happen.
I had a very lenghty conversation with the an officer from operation archway, he explained to me how hard it is to track these people down, they use false names, these names are often the names of law inforcement officers who are after them, they use false passports and the such like to open bank accounts, these accouts will be emptied the moment money arrives on it, often the bank becomes aware that its an ilegal thing and shuts the account itself. Interstingly these three I mentioned, IMS, mathisen and british escrow all have IP addresses in the states, the phone numbers are all re routed and often the end number is an un registered mobile, these guys are very cute, however this stuff should all be reported to the police, the info will be passed through interpol and to the fbi, if you do not report it then it cannot be delt with.
Anyone had any dealings with a company say they are trading as Mathisen Finacial and want to buy useless shares sold to you by ISM who were supposidly trading out of Zurich few yrs back selling shares in wildwood and paco oil and gas????? currently someone calling himself Daniel Baxter is acting with the phone number 00 41 435006579 for ISM, using Dodgy Escrow web site known as British Escrow Services Cyprus, any info would be great, they have ripped my mother off in 2008 for 7500, and now they have done her again for 11000.

This is hard to believe especially in view of ALL the warnings but as I have said before only a very limited number of people actually access this website : i was going to suggest that Regulated/Licenced Bankers and LICENCED Stockbrokers should be in the VANGUARD of highlighting and exposing those gangster scammer boiler room outfits. But in recent news some in these categories (bankers/stockbrokers) have let the client / customer/investor down badly with their wreckless activities seriously putting the client at risk so where do we go next or who can be trusted ?
This is hard to believe especially in view of ALL the warnings but as I have said before only a very limited number of people actually access this website : i was going to suggest that Regulated/Licenced Bankers and LICENCED Stockbrokers should be in the VANGUARD of highlighting and exposing those gangster scammer boiler room outfits. But in recent news some in these categories (bankers/stockbrokers) have let the client / customer/investor down badly with their wreckless activities seriously putting the client at risk so where do we go next or who can be trusted ?

Plenty of companies that are FSA regulated have been ripping people off, they're the last lot that want this whole subject to receive more scrutiny. Scams like Montague Pitmann and AVS Carter are just two examples. Even the ones that are not necessarily breaking the law are still ripping people off, none of them are to be trusted. Its not hard to see why they are constantly fighting more regulation.
I keep getting called by a company called First Geneva has anyone ever heard of them?

Its a scam, they are out to steal your money if youre stupid enough to send it to them, Its a boiler room scam and First Geneva are already on the FSA warning list so it would appear they have been around for a while.

Anyone that calls you about shares or investments is a criminal intent on stealing your money. The names might change but its always the same scam. Dont fall for it and report them to the FSA and Operation Archway.
thanks for your advice I will not be doing any trading with First Genava.

I think I have already been scammed by a company called PCA I invested in a company called Tri-Hub International LTD, I have a share certificate which is good to the best of my knowledge but is it worth anything? Does any one know how I can sell these shares or have I just lost my money?
thanks for your advice I will not be doing any trading with First Genava.

I think I have already been scammed by a company called PCA I invested in a company called Tri-Hub International LTD, I have a share certificate which is good to the best of my knowledge but is it worth anything? Does any one know how I can sell these shares or have I just lost my money?

You have lost your money, I've never heard of anyone getting their money back from one of these scams. The problem you have now is that you are on the mugs list. They are going to keep calling you.

Remember every single call about shares is a scam, there are no honest people calling you to sell you shares. Your next call is probably coming from a recovery room.

Tri Hub and PCA have been mentioned here about a year ago. Both are without doubt scams.
Its a scam, they are out to steal your money if youre stupid enough to send it to them, Its a boiler room scam and First Geneva are already on the FSA warning list so it would appear they have been around for a while.

Anyone that calls you about shares or investments is a criminal intent on stealing your money. The names might change but its always the same scam. Dont fall for it and report them to the FSA and Operation Archway.

Completely agree with your advice but when will Operation Archway become active in helping people who have been scammed in this way. Time goes by but I've seen nothing from them which has given any indication they can or want to get to these thieves. If I reported a robbery of the amount I lost to the Linsure scam, they would have been all over it. Somehow they seem to think we've just been stupid and can therefore afford to lose our money. Wrong - we've certainly been stupid but that doesn't mean we can afford to lose the money, neither does it make it OK for these thieves to get away with it. By the way, if anybody knows where Paul Taylor and Richard Moore are these days, I'd be glad to hear. Hopefully somebody has dealt with them by now. It was good to see Philip Offil went away for a few years recently but that was because the SEC did their job. With any luck he'll rot in jail. I'm sure a lot of us would help Operation Archway in any way we could if we thought it would put a few more of these scum away.
Completely agree with your advice but when will Operation Archway become active in helping people who have been scammed in this way. Time goes by but I've seen nothing from them which has given any indication they can or want to get to these thieves. If I reported a robbery of the amount I lost to the Linsure scam, they would have been all over it. Somehow they seem to think we've just been stupid and can therefore afford to lose our money. Wrong - we've certainly been stupid but that doesn't mean we can afford to lose the money, neither does it make it OK for these thieves to get away with it. By the way, if anybody knows where Paul Taylor and Richard Moore are these days, I'd be glad to hear. Hopefully somebody has dealt with them by now. It was good to see Philip Offil went away for a few years recently but that was because the SEC did their job. With any luck he'll rot in jail. I'm sure a lot of us would help Operation Archway in any way we could if we thought it would put a few more of these scum away.

Personally I think a lot more would be done if compensation for this type of crime was being claimed off insurance policies or if government was liable to compensate victims. If you were robbed you would be making an insurance claim, robbery costs insurance companies hundreds of millions a year. As a result they lobby government and fund prevention measures. Likewise they lobby police forces for adequate prevention and investigation resources.

Boiler room scam victims bear the full cost of the crime (approx £200 million a year) themselves, they are not motivated or capable of lobbying government in the way insurance companies can. Therefore resources to combat this type of fraud are not sufficient and we do not even have publicity campaigns to warn against this type of crime. Everyone knows to lock up their house to prevent burglaries but how many people have heard about boiler room scams (apart from the victims themselves).

I believe Op Archway is doing the best with limited resources. City of London police officers has 813 police officers, I imagine very few are working on Op Archway. Even so they are getting some results but its never enough as these scams spring up all over the place.

Like I said before if this was costing insurance companies £200 million a year then you can be sure we'd all be hearing a lot more about it.

Its not all bad news though, it seems much more is being done in the US to hit these type of scams.
The scam is ran by boiler room king Jay Lance Gotlieb

Further to my father in law's loss, like others the full facts were given to the FSA, City of London Police and Action Fraud. All these bodies tell you to contact your local police also which we did and they have been the only body to start any sort of investigation. However when they approached their local HQ for some advice they were told to cease the investigation as police protocol laid it down that the victim should report it to Action Fraud. Neither they , the FSA or City of London Police conduct any individual investigation, in other words there is no help. Twice I have emailed my father in law's MP for his response.
Fraudsters must be laughing all the way to the bank, even though it's likely based abroad. Currently I am trying to get one of the National Newspapers interested,at least to spread public awareness.