Yes, both pairs generally move in the same direction. However, EURJPY seems to move further and faster.
If you have enough room on your computer, you could watch EURJPY, EURUSD and USDJPY. This will give you a triad correlation. Monitoring a triad correlation like this makes it easier to spot specific currency strengths or weaknesses. For example, if EURJPY and EURUSD are moving higher but USDJPY is relatively static, EUR is obvioulsy very strong. Alternatively, if EURJPY and USDJPY are moving lower but EURUSD is relatively static, JPY is obviously strong.
It might not help you that much when scalping with Bob's method. It's not particularly hard to spot when the market is moving strongly anyway. However, it's an interesting correlation and is worth looking at if you're considering trading both EURUSD and EURJPY.
They obviously don't move together all the time but the best trades occur when they do. One can often stifle the movement of the other i.e. a trade sets up on EJ but the EU is hitting support or resistance (a Big Round Number or Daily Pivot). Similarly one can sometimes give me a clue to exit i.e. a fake move and close in one can be a good indciation to close out or move stops in the other.
Generally, therefore,I am only looking to trade when the pairs (in the shortterm) look like they are moving in the same direction and both have no obstacles in the way. Another filter but you only need 10 good trades out of 20 in a month to make a living out of this game.
I use FXOpen (since the beginning of the month) purely because there spread and commission is the best I have seen for EJ. They have been okay so far...