Bitcoin - online fad or the future?

The CEO of bitinstant got arrested yesterday in New York.
The whole bitcoin thingy is giving The Fed the heebyjeebies. A rival world currency ? Only over their dead bodies.

Looks like a sell, sell , SELL to me.

Breaking: Russian Authorities File Criminal Case Against BTC-e and Metabank

Yet the price hasnt moved, how strange. My modest holdings still looking good.
Ok, now that's the real problem. Bitcoit was a good idea. But it's not its time. We need more secure electronic devices to get the timing right. I guess it's just like with everything else - idea won't be the new, you just need to get the timing and execution right.
BTC is under serious pressure of awakening state authorities. It is difficult to find development for smth if it is getting prohibited by law. Investors are ripped off for about 75% after recent drop, it was significiant aposeme for future investments in BTC. Just explain my personal feelings if I were investor.
BTC is under serious pressure of awakening state authorities. It is difficult to find development for smth if it is getting prohibited by law. Investors are ripped off for about 75% after recent drop, it was significiant aposeme for future investments in BTC. Just explain my personal feelings if I were investor.

The recent hacking problems at Mt. Gox have definitely raised new questions. What recourse do people have if their Bitcoins were stolen from the exchange?

Hackers are already working 24/7 to steal coins from individuals and exchanges , it happens all the time , just an example :

I thought this was a known risk as previously pointed out.

Never like being told - told you so BUT! but but butt indeed.

Still can't be as bad as throwing out your old hard disk worth millions 😢

PS. I'd blame NSA or MSS 50/50 😉
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bitcoins are for children at Christmas, or am i getting confused with those chocolate coins people hang on the tree......... 😆
Just another penny stock ...
Transactions processing pain in the xx and not practical ...

I think that we are still a long way to go before we see something like Bitcoin really taking hold. For now I will just stay on the sidelines and see what happens with the electronic currency.
Bitcoin etc. offer great opportunities for the cyber criminals to print their own imho
Surely the great weakness of the bitcoins is that they have no tangible collateral/backup in tangible goods like property ? Currencies through the millennia always up until recently were backed up by gold and silver.

Would you make over your house to someone offering virtual currency ? Well I wouldn't !!

Fantasy land stuff imho
Surely the great weakness of the bitcoins is that they have no tangible collateral/backup in tangible goods like property ? Currencies through the millennia always up until recently were backed up by gold and silver.

Would you make over your house to someone offering virtual currency ? Well I wouldn't !!

Fantasy land stuff imho

as you say it yourself today's currencies aren't backed by anything and, shall i add can be created out of thin air
crypto curencies address this issue since there is a finite amount of them and each transaction is verified within the peer network.
In that sense, crypto-currencies might be more reliable than fiat money.
Just smoke and mirrors again from the conmen imho. Now you see it and then its gone ! And into, guess who's pocket it neatly drops into !! Or am I imagining it ?

Much the same as all those billions of QE !