@ Hudson Jack.
I believe in cryptocurrency.
Not because the wide fluctuations in value are a ticket to get rich quick.
& not because 'bitcoin' is likely to replace major fiat currencies as a reserve of value any time soon.
But because it has the potential to open up huge new markets to vast swathes of investors.
Anyone with a product to sell needs customers to be able to buy it.
Traditionally, you are restricted to a customer base in a fiat currency that you can process into value.
That is no longer the case.
Now you can potentially sell to anyone with access to a smartphone, anywhere on the planet.
Never mind the existing customer base in limited fiat systems.
That's a massive market of potentially nearly 3 Billion new customers that wasn't able to trade with you before.
& if that's not a staggeringly blatant investment oppotunity, then I don't know what is !