biotec defender


i have been cold call by a company called alliance global to buy shares in biotec defender . does any one know if this is a genuine company
i have been cold call by a company called alliance global to buy shares in biotec defender . does any one know if this is a genuine company

If you were cold called then it is 100% a scam, they are going to steal any money you give them. If you read the boiler room scam thread here on T2W you will see many similar stories.

There is actually a long running scam in shares of Biodefense Corporation who were supposed to have invented something called a mail defender, you may have been approached by a boiler room selling their shares or a related scam.

In any case its a scam and you'll lose your money as the shares will either be non existent or restricted meaning you cant sell them.
thanks for the replies to biodefender and the advice i though it was to good to be true.
ferom rip to wash
about year ago I also received the similar proposal, but googling and checking forums I also found that was just spam
Can you clarify if the company who called you was "Biodefense Corporation?" They push shares for a company that makes a product called the "Mail Defender"