IPO cold-call: help with lulz


Legendary member
Just got a cold-call about a brilliant company about to go IPO, and their shares are a dead-cert to open on IPO at $4, but I can buy them for $2.

But wait, they recommend holding onto them and only exiting when the share price hits $14.

Company is called truebioelectric.com.

I want lulz. Help me with good fun to have with them.
Just got a cold-call about a brilliant company about to go IPO, and their shares are a dead-cert to open on IPO at $4, but I can buy them for $2.

But wait, they recommend holding onto them and only exiting when the share price hits $14.

Company is called truebioelectric.com.

I want lulz. Help me with good fun to have with them.

they reckon a 700% return, thats all the fun you need surely...
just how many shares can you take, tell them you are willing to remortgage, get your grans pension to put into it. Your children's school fund..heck sell your children. You just absolutely MUST have as much as you can get.
Now, with that in front of them, will they back down or will they really encourage you to do all that? that I would love to see!
I will, of course, enquire as to how they can afford to give up a 7-fold return to a random like me.
I mean, if it were me, I would borrow the money to get such a most excellent return, and keep it secret.

I could ask for the past 5 years worth of company accounts?

I could ask which regulatory body they belong to? (at the appropriate juncture, not too soon)

I could ask for validation of their broker bank, etc.

I know from previous experience, I can find all manner of loop-holes in the legal Ts and Cs! 🙂
Very often these outfits tell you they are from Lombard street or some fancy London location so I always like to say - Oh yes I worked there, Which tube station do you use? do you ever go to the nag's head (make up any pub name you like) - they invariably say yes and I then inform them it's a gay bar with male strippers.

It's nice to hear them squirm.
the best lulz will be made up of three things:

i) Pretending you have some familirarity with the industry ("someone at the golf club mentioned something similar" etc), or you consider yourself something of a shrewd investor (reads investors chronicle every now and then, engages in a bit of FX trading by technical analysis, etc). Basically paint them a picture of their dream client - with assets and stupid.

ii) waste their time.

iii) Copy and paste the whole thing to the FSA.

much love

Dash x