J.S.Knight and Olympia Law Firm

Bob Steer

Bought 10000 shares in Totaltrak Global through J.S.Knight @$5 per share. Now discover FSA warning on them. Being asked to sell them by a Mr Garett Williams of Olympia Law firm. Offering$15.25 a share. Requires $15250 Indemnity Escrow Fund underwritten by Alliance International Bank of North America. Does anyone have any information about these people and companies as I am loathe to risk more money but if genuine would like to proceed. Mail [email protected]
You're being setup for the double con scam.

The people who are calling you to 'offer' to buy the shares from you, for an advanced fee of course, are the same scammers that sold you the worthless shares in the first place.

You're right to check before hand I'll give you credit for that but in future please stop and think before you part with money to strangers that cold call you with tales of easy riches.
It will be a triple con once he hands over the 15 large. Olympia will vanish, but he'll be contacted by a recovery firm, promising to get his money back from Olympia. Only a small deposit needed of 3 or 4 grand.
The best marks never know they've been scammed in the first place, which is why the keep coming back for more.

Think the movie The Sting.

Remember right at the end when they get the cash and Robert Shaw's character was bundled out of the murder scene happy to get the crap out of there. So he's lost his money but doesn't have the plod on his tail, a sort of result.

But he doesn't know he's been stung so they can come back to him again in a year's time and try it on again.

OK, you wouldn't be able to do this to Shaw's character because he's a little bit too street smart but you would for the average man on the street.

So the orginal OP is still not convinced he's been stung which is why he's ripe for the taking again and if he didn't post here (or elsewhere) then he'd be taken to the cleaners again.

Bob - Please don't take any of this personally I'm not having a go at you to be mean, rather to drum it into your head to be very careful indeed going forward. Use the internet like you've done today and you should be ok. Good luck as well and in future please come back here if you need anymore help. We might be rude but we'll save your bacon 🙂