How to get a Trainee Stockbroker role?

All, I have just been offered a job as a trainee stockbroker, and the job seems very much like the details above - 400 calls to be made per day . . . I am not deterred by this, and the company have said I will be put through the Derivs and Secs exams in 6 months - 1 year. I will be starting on 18,000 does anyone have an idea of what this should go up to when qualified?
The best way is to get the exams yourself and go in as a junior broker and not a trainee as all you will be doing is opening for senior dealers forever or until you leave - too many faulse promises.

I have good brokers taking on junior brokers you can contact my company on [email protected] we a recruiters to the investment banking, hedge fund and brokerage world.
All, I have just been offered a job as a trainee stockbroker, and the job seems very much like the details above - 400 calls to be made per day . . . I am not deterred by this, and the company have said I will be put through the Derivs and Secs exams in 6 months - 1 year. I will be starting on 18,000 does anyone have an idea of what this should go up to when qualified?

It won't go up at all - you'll probably earn most of your money by trashing old people's portfolios selling them worthless shares at inflated prices.

Stay away - these people are mostly complete scum - two of these sorts of firms have been shut down already by the FSA.
I wasn't recommending a way in the first place I was merely criticsising that particular type of firm. Try applying for a more established outfit (one that doesn't spank their clients.)

Some of the smaller firms might be receptive to you phoning them directly for others you might be better off going via a recruiter.
the best thing about cold calling is that you can be any one you want - micheal jackson, brad pitt, Batman etc.
And most people are nice and always willing to listen, if you ask them nicely.

Hi, I was wondering if one would comment on JN FINANCIAL. I have an inteview with them as a junior broker.

Would someone be so kind to suggest what I should be listening out for, asking and any ideas for prep. one that will display uniqueness?

Many thanks

the best thing about cold calling is that you can be any one you want - micheal jackson, brad pitt, Batman etc.
And most people are nice and always willing to listen, if you ask them nicely.

really? In the UK as we're regulated by the FSA i am sure you can't ring up anyone, and then pretend to be anyone. If you misled someone, how could they trace you back if you made your name up?😱
sorry but i use to be a telesalesman and sometimes for fun i would pretend to be someone famous for laugh, people really liked the idea and it helped break the ice.
why would someone want to be a trainee stockbroker or a full time employee stock broking for a company?

Isnt it better to just do your own private trading at home and make your fortune that way?

Who wants a job with an evil corporate company? Only sounds good in the sense that you can learn from others and network etc. initially....
all this cold calling......sounds like stock broking is part salesman....i would hate a job cold calling. I hate cold callers who try to sell me stuff on the phone.
Re: newbie

Hi kkpc2410

I know this is quite an old thread but was wondering how did you get along with JN financial. I have an interview with them and was hoping you could provide some insight.


Sounds pretty dubious... advisory CFDs would tend to = scummy spank shop