'Big Traders' = Irrelevant ?

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because I have got nothing to prove to the likes of you .

It is your problem if you get offended by truth ie) that DEUTCHE MORGAN's Peter Young was jailed for his iilegal trading and that he had sexual psycho problems.
mma said:
because I have got nothing to prove to the likes of you .

It is your problem if you get offended by truth ie) that DEUTCHE MORGAN's Peter Young was jailed for his iilegal trading and that he had sexual psycho problems.

Talking of conspiracies, I think you're getting a little confused? this thread has become "IF you can be bothered to post your trading/trading results"....I think your aversion to transexuals was clearly documented in another post? maybe it's those radio waves the little green men from mars are flooding your area with that is confusing everything? or just the knowledge of knowing who actually killed Kennedy is proving too much.....
CityTrader said:

Talking of conspiracies, I think you're getting a little confused? this thread has become "IF you can be bothered to post your trading/trading results"....I think your aversion to transexuals was clearly documented in another post? maybe it's those radio waves the little green men from mars are flooding your area with that is confusing everything? or just the knowledge of knowing who actually killed Kennedy is proving too much.....


As revealed by Car Key Boy:

MMA is bitter, confused and aggressive because he has never been laid :cheesy:
i think the best rule is to look at return on equity to gauge the performance of people who trade thats a TRUE meseaure of an individuals performance leave aside start up capital look at it in ratio form like the accountants do. but i would also add into the measurement of success with the draw down factor. of course everyone has his or hers own psychological comfort regarding drawdowns.
a trader who as made 2k in a year with a start cap of 1k is superior in performance over a trader who has made 500k on a start up of 1 million. (thats leaving aside draw downs) . so of course there is much to learn from small speculators. whats the problem ?
Thankyou Paul.

CKB seems to have touched a raw nerve there and it was remiss of me to resurrect the matter.
i think were a lot of these questions originate from is in the fact that it is only relatively recently that people are able to take positions / make trades on markets with very small sums of money ie 50 quid account openings... some may argue that wel its hardly worth the bother if you turn 50 into 100, 200, 500 etc etc. but i would disagree, its the best opportunity the normal guy has to try and make it trading, i would advise anyone who is starting to start at minimal stakes relative to account opening, ideally 1/2 to 1 percent of capital on any one trade thats after they have understood or have been exposed to the fact that trading psychology is the biggest task to learn/master, followed by risk control, and finally the method. I know that to make consitent monetary gains you need to learn how to become a trader, THATS THE MAIN POINT. forget the money that will be a by product of being a successful trader, but most people start off by internalising how much they can make etc..... we've all done that probably, im still learning about myself after years off and on and am only now at a point were the losses are minimal, expected , accepted etc even to the point were the wrong trades at times leave me with a positive on the cash side. however people may think right its a bit different if you have 1000k risk per trade as opposed to 5 quid per trade etc, but it all comes down to your psychology and RISK philosophy if both trades are say 1% of trading equity then your mindset should be the same, if it isn't then you are focused on the money and not being a trader. but thats my opinion of it, thats whats comfortable with my personality. But its good to see emotions running even in forum discussions forcing opinions and beliefs because i see them in the price action greed and fear, opportunity for the calm objective mindset.

jsd.. I'm not sure that's strictly true. If you have 100k and lose 10% - if HAS to hurt a lot more than if you have 1k and lose 10%, and accordingly the psychological stresses will be very different. Having said that, I don;t think there's any other way for a small trader to learn other than get out there and trade. Just remember to learn to walk before you can run.. good luck fellow punters..
city trader...... i note your point but thats what i meant by a 1% rik is a 1 % risk no matter if thats 5 quid or 1000. a trader with a 500 account size should have the same (non feeling emotion?) emotion as a trader with a 100k account size risking 1% (1 grand) per trade. if people feel feel more emotion at risking 1k on 100k account its because of their psychology, they probably just have to know that 1% is 1% and forget the monetary side of things, forget that 1k is probably a monthly wage for someone somewhere, its more like you have determined that you can risk 1% per tade and thats a level you are comfortable with, stick to price action per trade.

Peter Young has been jailed for illegal trading = FACT and that in the eyes of a * city trader * is a * conspriracy *

I rest my case.

* MMA is bitter, confused and aggressive because he has never been laid *

stating a fact is bitter in your perverted sense of logic ? yes , now who's hasn't been laid ?


yes , that is the point .

Albeit the trader prepares by acquiring knowledge, even paper trading, the real learning process only begins by going into the arena and risking real money thereby learning a lot about himself.

Now , how much should his starting pot be?

Possibly governed by the instrument he trades. Too small a pot and he is limited to , say, spread betting as opposed to direct access. Maybe part of the discipline of the successful trader is in patiently building up a fighting fund rather than rushing in with a small pot and additionally handicapping himself with a poor trading instrument.

Just a thought imho.
* Maybe part of the discipline of the successful trader is in patiently building up a fighting fund rather than rushing in with a small pot and additionally handicapping himself with a poor trading instrument. *

Irelevant statement . most here have no real choice but to use SB's , to wait for a * fighting fund * will mean waiting for years - why should they do that - who are you to dictate to them .

if you are saying using SB's is a useless task then you are taking the p*ss out of most here.

I am a laid back non-confrontational kind of person, but I am getting truly fed up of your aggressive and, often, insulting replies.

You have many valid points but the way in which you put them over is, to me, unacceptable, including the use of asterisks.

I know I can elect to ignore you but reading replies to you without knowing the 'question' can be very frustrating.

Yes, I am a small, well minute, trader, but find the information on these boards from more experienced and larger traders invaluable. Why should size matter - surely all, or most, traders started off small, just because they've grown through their own efforts does not make their contributions invalid.

Can you not rein in your agression and post in a polite manner to make your points, after all, if you are sure in your point of view then reasoned argument is a much better way to get it over, besides, no-one agrees with everyone all the time.
since when is the use of asterisks offensive ? they are used as quotation marks .

if you think I have been agressive then I feel you have led a sheltered life.

size MATTERS because it is an issue of RETURNS . why learn the tactics of 20% return for a guy with 200k when you can learn from a 500% return from a 1500 quid guy ? ( when you are a small trader )

It's my firm view but you don't have to agree.
mma said:
since when is the use of asterisks offensive ? they are used as quotation marks .

Probably since most people on here are capable of using the "quote" button. Oh and even when they aren't , most people are capable of distinguishing between asterisks and quotation marks but hey, guess that's just me being pedantic.

As Orchard says you are constantly rude & aggressive. Telling other members that they've had sheltered lives if they point this out does not change or excuse that.

I, personally, am past caring whether you've got any valid points now - the way you make them & the way you respond to anyone who dares disagree with you is laughable. If you really do believe you can offer a valid contribution to peoples trading, then please try to discuss your points rationally. If, as it seems, you are happy to play the 'village idiot' & are posting for our entertainment only, then carry on, you will continue to have lots of readers who have a spare 5 mins & decide to amuse themselves at your unwitting expense.

Bravo, TT.
May I have the pleasure of being the first to give you a positive rating.
pedantic ? huhuhuh . multiply that by 10 more likely . No law against using asterisks , I will continue to do so .


very easy to use the label * rude * and so on when someone's posts irks you for some self imagined reason. I have not been intentionally offensive nor used foul language , and I do not have to apologise for my honest opinions.