I am a laid back non-confrontational kind of person, but I am getting truly fed up of your aggressive and, often, insulting replies.
You have many valid points but the way in which you put them over is, to me, unacceptable, including the use of asterisks.
I know I can elect to ignore you but reading replies to you without knowing the 'question' can be very frustrating.
Yes, I am a small, well minute, trader, but find the information on these boards from more experienced and larger traders invaluable. Why should size matter - surely all, or most, traders started off small, just because they've grown through their own efforts does not make their contributions invalid.
Can you not rein in your agression and post in a polite manner to make your points, after all, if you are sure in your point of view then reasoned argument is a much better way to get it over, besides, no-one agrees with everyone all the time.