Apart from news content, what edge does a Reuters or Bloomberg offer over and above the retail vendors?
Are you a news trader ? Hence your description of being wired in....
Combo, its not about being a "news trader", more about setting yourself up to prepare for as many circumstances as possible. Let me give you an example.
Trader Fred an experienced trader buys oil at $90 based on his studies, he puts in a stop at say $89 and a sell order at $92 to take profits. This seems all sensible and is, but then during the day the US announce they are sending huge military task force to sit on the edge of Iranian waters.
Should Fred be pleased that he has now sold Oil at $92, or kicking himself because he lost a real opportunity here because Oil actually spiked to over $100. At absolutely no further risk Fred gave up the opportunity to take an massive profit on his trade.
I can give you weekly examples of these kind of moves, so being WIRED IN is vitally important to all Serious Traders
He made his profit objective. If he can maintain his objectives, he’s successful. Isn’t this the skill rather than depending on unforeseen events (ala Taleb) or taking a flyer? One option would be close the majority of the position at target and let the rest ride with a trailing stop.
I always assume greater profit potential equals greater risk. What would you consider a good approach here?
Big Bucks can only be made by The Porfessional Attitude: there is no percentage reward in your approach Dante - and as for your previous note that the trader should be more in tune with his own mind than anything else - THATS FOR THE HIPPY TRADER
If Reuters are right about their predictions about the future, the professional traders will be history by 2015
There is actually over a 2,000% reward in my approach - which is what my account is up so far since trading it.
You're entitled to your opinion and I respect that but I think you're very wrong.
Maybe I'm not making the BIG BUCKS you're talking about but my account is getting bigger and bigger every single week and I have no idea what the news is nor do I care for the most part.
When I took a trade like the FTSE long a few months back at a market bottom without knowing I was less than an hour away from a surprise rate cut, why didn't I pull my order when it started to go my way? Because the price was moving UP. I can assure you that entering on price action got me a lead on almost EVERY OTHER SINGLE TRADER THAT WAS "WIRED IN". How do I know that? Because I entered literally AT the market bottom.
The price will always tell you where the market is going - the news won't.
To make "big bucks" the only thing you need to be wired into is your own mind.
Possibly the single worst thing I have ever read on T2W. Get a grip. How on earth is this supposed to work Yoda ? Trading with the Force and only the Force - great tactic !!
meaning connected to the market.
To expand it means having an adequate line to your market, from the point of view of communications, electronics and information flows; news and market specific information, a hotline into a good broker(even if u dont use him for execution), an ability to get price volume information(charts) and probably a few other necessities depending where u might be seeking an edge
Future predictions in all formats are almost always wrong. If trading gets more and more computerised then in the end all you will have is one pc trading against another and any edge will therefore be lost. This is already being seen in certain circumstances and I would expect it to continue. Most of the models used by institutions work on extremely small edges with very large transaction power. If you read some of the posts from the likes of Grey1 then it is clear that individual traders are best off not trying to compete with the large institutions. Instead we should be trading in ways that they are just not able to make a decent enough profit from to consider and in my view there are plenty of ways to do that.
its obvious to any serious trader that the sell at $92 was just an easy buy for every other wired in trader out there! The point is clearly that any trader worth his salt would have pulled the order - if Fred is not wired in he does not have the opportunity to pull his order.
Oh yeah, I forgot fred should be able to work all this out from the Charts and price action alone !!!:
Big Bucks can only be made by The Porfessional Attitude: there is no percentage reward in your approach Dante - and as for your previous note that the trader should be more in tune with his own mind than anything else - THATS FOR THE HIPPY TRADER
I agree, one of my friends is a daytrader through many years - he looks out of the window and see its suddenly snowing ( in Denmark ), and bught immediatly stocks in a Norwegian skee resort. (Last year with no snow.). That you cant program a computer to do 🙂.
I think this idea of "max'ing out" is nonsense and an unachievable dream.