Best EA unbiased truth

That's just BS. The fact is that you are illegally selling other people's products.

So, that makes you a petty criminal and not to be trusted at all.

I don't understand why you hate me that much, it's pretty nonsense to argue something not related to the robot (EA) in this thread.

Well, in my point , there is nothing illegal while selling other's stuff, now is information era, one deserve something for their times, not only the robot but also the setting (parameters) of the robot. Let's consider people are buying the setting. You can see that Fapturbo sell the robot, but Rob Casey is selling the settings and people are happy to buy the setting. So please stop picking me anymore because it doesn't help at all. Let's talk about how to extract more from the robot:clap:
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The bottom line is that all these threads about EAs are full of Rookies and Newbies - what does that tell you? It tells me that they don't work and that only beginners fall for the scam. If an EA really worked, the big trading companies would pay big bucks for it. Do you guys really imagine that the multibillion dollar trading companies have an EA from ClickBank?

It tells me that a significant number of newbies are attracted to easy ways to get rich. Beats me why they don't see the logic behind the situation. Greed, I guess.

But that doesn't tell me that EAs can't work. An EA is just an automated strategy right? Of course the big players use automated strategies - they just don't tend to call them EAs. But there's no reason why a profitable automated strategy can't be written as an EA.

What is true is that most or even all of the ones available will lose you money out of the box. The rest, you don't get to hear about, and they're certainly not for sale.
It tells me that a significant number of newbies are attracted to easy ways to get rich. Beats me why they don't see the logic behind the situation. Greed, I guess.

But that doesn't tell me that EAs can't work. An EA is just an automated strategy right? Of course the big players use automated strategies - they just don't tend to call them EAs. But there's no reason why a profitable automated strategy can't be written as an EA.

What is true is that most or even all of the ones available will lose you money out of the box. The rest, you don't get to hear about, and they're certainly not for sale.

You chaps can create your own. But I warn you make it nice and simple. Even with a 4 year backtest constant fiddling with the parameters will only slot it into the data you have and may not make you money once live. This software is free and designed my a chap called Popov (don't laugh) in Bulgaria...yes i know it sounds like a character from Monty Python. Heres the link If you like it drop the poor guy a donation as the software is Freeware and he's spent ages on it. You can get it to run with Metatrader 4 but you also need the add on Forex Strategy Trade (please read the Read me after installation to link it with Metatrader).

Have a go its pretty fun if your fascinated with statistics and don't have a life...mine ceased at the age of 16 I've been wondering around in a vegatative state since then
I found a profitable EA that work on EURUSD and GBPUSD with 6-Year backtest results, last week they have started a forward test on FiboGroup broker.

I put all backtest results and forward test here. you can check this in their website too.
their website is


I found a profitable EA that work on EURUSD and GBPUSD with 6-Year backtest results, last week they have started a forward test on FiboGroup broker.

I put all backtest results and forward test here. you can check this in their website too.
their website is

I also found good EA. It works and it is free. It was made by Rita Lasker. You can get it here
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I also found good EA. It works and it is free. It was made by Rita Lasker. You can get it here

it is a Scam post: it is a way to get your E-mail and promote some fake Ea to earn money from you.
do not go there.😡😡😡😡👎👎👎

TX to zeusFX for putting forward test and it is a real statment .
if those sites are not scammed and worked well why do not pot froward test in their sites.
I think that ZeusFx is real money maker.
I found a Real Statement of ZeusFX

Hi everybody
I found a real statement in a 4shared account, this is for one of the users of ZeusFX.

This EA is really impressive.



it is a Scam post: it is a way to get your E-mail and promote some fake Ea to earn money from you.
do not go there.😡😡😡😡👎👎👎

Ahahahaha!!! Whose talking about the scam??? You R kidding, guy? 😆
Have you YOURSELF tried it before writing such posts???
Ahahahaha!!! Whose talking about the scam??? You R kidding, guy? 😆
Have you YOURSELF tried it before writing such posts???

I had plan to buy it a week later, Is the statement photo copy for the scam?

really appreciate your warning........

Ahahahaha!!! Whose talking about the scam??? You R kidding, guy? 😆
Have you YOURSELF tried it before writing such posts???

And what about you ??? did you test those 8 EA that they try to sell to people?

No I do not buy this one yet but when I see this one has separate back tests and run forward test and also if some of prose advice me I will buy it for tests.
I'm waiting for some advise
And it is obvious that how try to Scan your Join Date: Jun 2010 and I'm here for several years.
Go and play in other room Scam.😡😡😡😡👎👎👎
Hello everybody,
This week i want to buy ZeusFX EA, I will put my forward test here,
I read about payment in this note :
Note: If you pay by WebMoney method, you can use 10% special discount. Then you can just pay 539 $ (USD) to buy our full services.

I want to pay with webmoney is there anybody to has webmoney money ???:idea:

I bought ZeusFX Last week


Last week i bought ZeusFX EA with webmoney method and I ran it on FIGFX , this EA is really profitable and i took backtest and forward test until now , all things are true .
I started with 10.000$ on FIGFX nonestop even for Thursday and Friday but it's really intelligent and took position perfectly .

I put my ForwardTest here.👍


  • FIGFX-ZeusFX.gif
    4.7 KB · Views: 506
  • FIGFX-ZeusFX.htm
    20.5 KB · Views: 511
Nicole, because you think someone hates you because of your post is a copout. That comment really disaplaces what the issue really is.
First of all, I have never seen one EA prove itself over the longhaul. The only thing that proves itself over the long run is a methodlogy that win consistently that has been developed through hard work.
Key words, "hard work". An EA caters to get-rich-easy type of schemes-- just turn the thing on, come back a year later, and you're rich. The problem is we have many newbies that can be lured or induced by such irresponsible claims, then they pay their money for a scam like that, thinking they will never have to work again. This kind of thing caters towards people's laziness.
Also, there is no need to sell it, if it is producing the way you say it is. Just invest your money in it, turn your EA on, and then retire fat and sassy. The reason people look to sell it is that nothing has been proven over the long haul. The people selling those EA's are not confident in the personal production thereof.
After saying all that, I'd love to have to eat my words and see proof of any EA that has worked over at least 12 months.

I don't understand why you hate me that much, it's pretty nonsense to argue something not related to the robot (EA) in this thread.

Well, in my point , there is nothing illegal while selling other's stuff, now is information era, one deserve something for their times, not only the robot but also the setting (parameters) of the robot. Let's consider people are buying the setting. You can see that Fapturbo sell the robot, but Rob Casey is selling the settings and people are happy to buy the setting. So please stop picking me anymore because it doesn't help at all. Let's talk about how to extract more from the robot:clap: