Here are a couple of quotes from Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (pages 233-235) that anyone thinking about signing up for one of Darren Winter’s or Vince Stanzione’s so called “trading seminars” ought to take a good hard look at:
“On the other hand there is profit in studying the human factors – the ease with which human beings believe what it pleases them to believe; and how they allow themselves – indeed, urge themselves – to be influenced by their cupidity or by the dollar cost of the average man’s carelessness.”
“The principles of successful stock speculation are based on the supposition that people will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past.”
Here’s another quotation, allegedly made by the head of a firm of Management Consultants: “Our clients are fools and it’s our job to relieve them of it as quickly as possible”. Perhaps, he was thinking of a mission statement that would be suitable for a company who’s main line of business was the marketing and selling of “trading seminars”?
“On the other hand there is profit in studying the human factors – the ease with which human beings believe what it pleases them to believe; and how they allow themselves – indeed, urge themselves – to be influenced by their cupidity or by the dollar cost of the average man’s carelessness.”
“The principles of successful stock speculation are based on the supposition that people will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past.”
Here’s another quotation, allegedly made by the head of a firm of Management Consultants: “Our clients are fools and it’s our job to relieve them of it as quickly as possible”. Perhaps, he was thinking of a mission statement that would be suitable for a company who’s main line of business was the marketing and selling of “trading seminars”?